
悯农的意思2023-05-07  34

A: "Hey wassup What are you guys drinking" 你们好,在喝什么呢?

B: "We're having pitchers" 我们在喝罐装酒呢(这里我不确定是说这个还是pitchers(帝亚吉欧Pitchers预调酒))

C: "Dude, you're going to need a glass"兄弟,你也该来一杯。/你得要个杯子了。

A: "Excuse me" 什么?

S: "Yeah" 对,你没听错。

A: "Can I get a glass" 能给我个杯子吗?

S: "Sure" 当然

A: "Have you guys been drinking long" 你们已经(在这儿)喝了很久了?

C: "Not really This is only our second pitcher" 不,这只是我们的第二罐。

B: "You better start catching up" 你最好快点啦。

A: "When I get my glass, I will" 等我一拿到杯子我就会这样做的

B: "You ok with shots right" 你能喝酒的对吧?/你能一口闷的喝酒对吧?(根据咒文哥,多谢)

A: "Yeah" 没错

B: "What do you usually have" 你一般喝什么?

C: "He always has the same thing Crowne" 他只喝一种酒,皇冠。

A: "Exactly" 完全正确

B: "That's good stuff" 那(皇冠酒)可是好东西

C: "You finally got your glass Hey Cheers To good friends" 你终于拿到杯子了。来吧,为了好朋友,干杯!

可追问,望采纳:) 英语牛人团



入住皇冠假日贵宾楼层,酒店为您提供配有先进音响系统的房间以及各项专属服务,如:免费使用专设于行政酒廊的商务中心、会议室(每天不超过两小时)、免费早餐、全天候茶点及晚间鸡尾酒等,还可在本楼层快速办理入店和离店手续。 凝香咖啡厅




皇冠假日贵宾酒廊 位于酒店二层,专为皇冠假日贵宾楼层的客人而设。在温馨宁静的氛围中,享受精致的免费早餐或惬意的闲暇时光,这里是专属您的尊贵私密空间。 酒店第一期拥有一个大宴会厅和四个多功能厅,总面积约636平方米,可容纳10-470人不同规模的各类会议和活动。所有会议室均配备先进的视听系统、多媒体投影仪及网络连接。

酒店皇冠假日会务经理将亲自跟进每一个细节,确保您的会务活动成功顺利。即刻征询会务方案,以及两小时咨询反馈服务定会令您满意。 酒店的娱乐休闲设施先进完善、服务专业周到。拥有天然养生温泉是一大亮点。养生泉分为5个区域,52个温泉池,泉水源自地下3000米处。浸泡在温热的泉水中,感受天地之灵气,舒缓疲惫、焕发精神。温泉独设男、女宾康体区、生物能桑拿区,温馨舒适 的温泉SPA理疗房,超低温冷冻理疗室,所有先进的设施设备均由欧洲引进。在这里,您可静享私人空间,暂且挥别急促的都市节奏,以畅快的感官之旅唤醒生命能量,尽情放松身心。

此外设备齐全的健身中心是您强身健体、放松心情的最好选择。 Crowne Plaza Chongqing Riverside is atwo-phase hotel venue, with its first phase fully complete Phase one offers129 stylishly designed guest rooms, including Deluxe Rooms and Crowne PlazaClub Rooms and Suites Each spacious room includes a pillow menu, LCD flatscreen television, broadband internet access and bathroom with separate showerand bathtub Each Club Room and Suite comes with in-roominnovated sound systems and premium guest service, highlighted by our express,private check-in and check-out Additional benefits include access to the ClubLounge, complimentary breakfast, evening cocktails with happy hour and free useof a meeting room up to 2 hours per day

More than just great accommodations, youcan earn Priority Club Rewards points, redeemable for free nights or air miles Aroma cafe

It is an all-day-dinning restaurant set onthe ground floor of the hotel It features both Asian and Western cuisinesoptions, including some truly tasty chef recommendations

La Vieille Lounge

Ideally for getting together with businessassociates or sharing a good time with friends, this cozy venue is perfect forenjoying a wide-range of refreshing drinks and great tasting snacks on “Meet& Eat” menu

Crowne Plaza ClubLounge

Located on the 2 floor of thehotel, it offers a warm and fragrant atmosphere for Club floor guests, whetherstarting the day with a complimentary breakfast or simply taking advantage of aprivate place to relax and enjoy their stay In phase one it offers a total 636 squaremeters meeting facility, including one ballroom and four function roomsDesigned to accommodate from 10-470 persons, all meeting rooms are equippedwith state-of-the-art audio-video system

Meetings large or small, Crowne Plaza Chongqing Riverside is ready tohandle your event efficiently Working with Crowne Meetings Manager as yoursingle point of contact will make your planning experience smooth andsuccessful, right down to the smallest detail Ask for a proposal today, and Crowne Meetings Manager will give a detailed response within 2 hours Crowne Plaza Chongqing Riverside is thefirst 5 star hotel in the city to feather a natural hot springfacility The hot spring parkincludes 5 zones with 52 individual pools whose water comes from a natural hotspring located some 3,000 meters below ground

The hotel also offers the state-of-the-art fitnesscenter for a more physical form of personal invigoration and stress release


