译自孔家旧事谈:孔子的远祖 及 家族的直系远祖,宪章编撰。
(Proper nouns such as name of a person, titles, name of a book, feudal state, and places will be included as Chinese in order to keep the correct reference A brief note to explain may be followed immediately Since I do not have the reference book on standardized Pinyin, I have no choice but to use the phonetic either from the computer or from other sources)
孔子的父母亲 Parents of Confucius
The name of the father of Confucius was Suk Liang Nat ( 叔梁纥 ), a worrier or a military man His given name was Nat; he could be the third child of the family, therefore called Suk; at the time when he was known, it could be form the place as Liang (To nowadays wording he should be called Nat, the third son,coming from Liang It is just like John III of Manhattan, as an example, but not exact It is relative hard for us to understand, particularly under the modern Western civilization Nowadays we are legally allowed to have one set of names for our whole life, mostly having three words eg John David Kong But in the ancient Chinese culture one could have five to six sets of names; one set of name at birth, one at the time going to school, one official identification for the rest of your life, one to identify your birth sequence in the immediate family, one alias and sometimes one as you preferred to be known For example, at birth one may be called Cafe (小牛), then known as Gok Keung (国强) to your classmates, officially is known as John David Kong (孔祥龤 ) ,then the birth sequence Jung Lok (仲乐) ,also alias Sui Yam (瑞音) ,but preferred to be called Doh On (道安) If one were a dignitary, a high-ranking official or having great contribute to the country, the emperor would also confer a name as a title too eg Man Jung (文忠) 。The system to identify the birth sequence is mostly as baak, jung, suk, gwai (伯仲叔季) with baak as the first son and gwai as the fourth son All mentioned above were acceptable with the addition of your pen name, just like nowadays, and that could be the name used most frequently in the literature world ) However, someone suggested that Suk Liang Nat was his respectful title Anyway, Nat was raised in Kap Town, therefore he was also known as Gam Suk Nat (瞰叔纥)
Suk Liang Nat was a strong, full of strength person, with a well-built body and a huge strong waist He was a military attache’ of the ranking official Meng Hin Ji of Lo (大夫孟献子), and was known for his bravery Per the record in the chapter about the 10th year of Lord Shang, Duke of Lo in Joh book (《左传》鲁襄公十年), in 563 BC, Suk Liang Nat was in the allied army of lords to invade the subordinate state Baak-Yang (伯阳 ), good in playing tricks When the allied army arrived, people of Baak-Yang opened the city gate declaring to surrender The army of allies did not know it was a trick and rushed to occupy the city When half of the armed forces were passed, people of Baak-Yang lowered down the city-gate and killed some invading soldiers who were facing extermination Seeing under such bad situation, Suk held the lowering gate up by both hands and let the soldiers to retreat By this, the allied army avoided a disaster Seven years later, he was guarding the Fong Township (防邑) with the ranking official Jong Sun Gei (大夫臧孙纪) They were surrounded by layers of army of Chaai (齐国) One night after scouting, and with three hundred well-trained selected soldiers, Suk broke through the circling and protected Jong to safety and returned as passing through a ‘no man zone’ They continued their guarding duty( per record in the chapter of the 17th year of Lord Shang in Joh book《左传》襄公十七年)Due to his bravery as well as his intelligence, he was known among the lords He was advanced to the rank as Officer-in-charge of Kap Town Finally, the family reclaimed the well-known fame, as a dignitary
Suk Liang Nat married See si ( 施氏) at the beginning They had nine daughters He got a concubine and had a son named Baak Nei (伯尼), alias Meng Pi ( 孟皮) Unfortunately Baak Nei was a limping person At that time the society would not allow a limping handicap to be named to the position as a family inheritor, particularly in a dignitary family In order to retain the dignity of the family, even at the age of sixty, Suk Liang Nat asked for the hand of the daughter of Yan si ( 颜氏) Yan si was a member of an influential and wealthy family and had three daughters The eldest and the second daughter did not want to marry this aged hero, also as a concubine But the youngest daughter Jing Joi ( 徵在 ) agreed to this marriage She was pregnant very soon and gave birth to a son, later known as Confucius
叔梁纥(音he)是我国古代伟大的思想家,教育家,儒家学说创始人孔子的生身父。叔梁纥曾是公元前11世纪周代诸侯国——宋国(今河南商邱一带)君主的后代。后来,流亡到鲁国的昌平陬(音zou )邑(今山东曲阜市邹城)。他人品出众,博学多才,兼会武功,且又是陬邑的大夫(古代高级官职)。 孔子的父亲叫叔梁纥(叔梁为字,纥为名),母亲叫颜征在。叔梁纥是当时鲁国有名的武士,建立过两次战功,曾任陬邑大夫。 叔梁纥原配施氏夫人,连生九女,妾生一男,取名孟皮(字伯尼),但孟皮自幼患足疾,纥忧心后继无嗣,于是将同宗侄儿邹曼父承祧为嗣子,接到邹邑官宅与孟皮同居,叔梁纥64岁时告老还乡,续娶颜氏而生仲尼,即孔子。曼父亦为邹姓。 孟皮脚有毛病,叔梁纥很不满意,于是又娶颜征在。当时叔梁纥已66岁,颜征在还不到20岁。据《史记》记载,孔子并非婚生子。他母亲生他时只有18岁,而父亲已经70岁了。孔父在孔子三岁时去世,从此他跟随母亲过上了贫穷的生活。孔子曾作过各种各样的工作:牧牛羊、记账的以及图书管理员。22岁时,孔子的母亲去世,他服了三年丧。
你看看这个就会知道了,我这是我从百度百科上复制的: 孔子的父亲叫叔梁纥(叔梁为字,纥为名),母亲叫颜征在。叔梁纥是当时鲁国有名的武士,建立过两次战功,曾任陬邑大夫。叔梁纥先娶妻施氏,生女,无子。又娶妾,生一子,取名伯尼,又称孟皮。孟皮脚有毛病,叔梁纥很不满意,于是又娶颜征在。当时叔梁纥已66岁,颜征在还不到20岁。据《史记》记载,孔子并非婚生子。他母亲生他时只有18岁,而父亲已经70岁了。孔父在孔子三岁时去世,从此他跟随妈妈过上了贫穷的生活。孔子曾作过各种各样的工作:牧牛羊、记账的以及图书管理员。22岁时,孔子的母亲去世,他服了三年丧。