THE O.C.里的安娜叫什么名字

蚕宝宝吃什么2023-04-28  22

act1,befriend maximillian moore(与max友好度30)

在医院找到maximillian moore医生,和他谈话增加友好到30

act2,give the artemisia plant to max(把蒿属植物给max)

artemisia这棵植物就在club xizzle门口,好像一堆烂木柴,club xizzle通过世界地图可以看到它在small brownstone的后面关键是要在采摘该植物后一个小时内把它带给maximillian moore采摘后,如果进度条走完,也要给maximillian moore,要不然会占用背包空间,重来就是了

act3,write a doctoral thesis(写一篇博士论文)

写论文要用电脑,使用minipolis chronicle(迷你都市纪事馆)里的电脑,如果写得不好给maximillian moore时他会骂,只要利用电脑进行do research(研究)即可do research是增加逻辑(logic)的逻辑水平够了就能通过max医生的关,增加逻辑能力还可以去商店买国际象棋,加满进度会给一个点的逻辑,以后大学开课后也可以付费上逻辑课加同时,berkeley可能会问你要不要买个论文,根本是敲诈,不用理

完成后,minipolis hospital(迷你都市医院)中的小游戏doctor max stat!(max医生统计)将开放

cha2,goal 1完成同时,按照minipolis university(迷你都市大学)的开门时间去上课,就可以增加4项能力大学里中间在一个小墙面上有个class schedule(课程表),写着current time(当前时间),4种课程分别是,cooking(烹饪),creativity(创造力),logic(逻辑思维),mechanical(机械),左边是上课时间如何通过上课增加各项能力,请见后附

cha2,goal 2,gotta finish the riff(完成歌曲反复段),(和phoebe twiddle对话发生)

act1 befriend "cannonball" coleman(与cannonball友好度30)


act2 give a saxophone reed to "cannonball" coleman(把萨克斯的簧片给cannonball)

bamboo saxophone reed(竹制萨克斯簧片)在second looks thrift emporium(二手样式节俭商店)有卖,$50,之后给cannonball coleman

act3,earn creativity 1(得一点创造力)

创造力可以去大学付费学习课程,也可以用买来的电器吉他练习,或者按照cannonball的建议看看local graffiti(本地墙上的涂鸦),涂鸦在club xizzle门口左上的画着一个小鬼脸的垃圾箱,调查后加满进度就得到一点

act4,finish "cannonball''s" song(完成cannonball的歌曲)


第一个,歌词:strolling urbania,the moon on the bricks,adults on the scene,kids



1eaten by ticks被虱蝇吃了

2play with ice picks玩着冰针

3up to old tricks满足于那些老把戏

第二个,still of the night,chill of the night,fillin'' groovy,fillin''



1so uptight这么神经过敏

2so right如此美好啊

3so impolite这么不礼貌

第三个,my heart''s hurtin'',got a mean ache,heavy like stone



1and red like a steak和牛排一样红

2and chill as a lake像湖水一样冷

3and hungry for cake和饿得想吃蛋糕

第四个,look through my pockets,to find what i need,but what i ain''t got,is a



1saxophone reed萨克斯簧片

2jacket of tweed粗花呢夹克

3avocado seed鳄梨树果子

完成后,cannon决定帮你加入club(俱乐部),之后在slice o'' life pizza的舞台工作=小游戏,comic explosion(搞笑爆发)就开放了

cha2,goal 3,race for glory(为荣誉比赛),和dusty hogg对话发生

act1,give dusty $500 for renovations(给dusty hogg 500块让他去整修)


act2,talk to ewan watahmee(和ewan聊)

act3,bring ewan lunch for 3 days(12 - 1pm,3天给ewan带午饭)

在slice o'' life pizza(生命片断比撒饼屋)买3个slice o'' heaven pizza(天堂片断比撒)$30就行,之后在每天中午12点-1点,作为礼物一次给ewan一个就可以在一点之前给出就可ewan在dusty hogg的chopper garage(摩托车库)等你chopper garage的位置,在世界地图的最下边从second looks thrift emporium(二手样式节俭商店),往下走,过铁丝网和那个破烂校车,一直往左下下坡到头,有个不起眼的小门,里面就是车库送ewan三次之后完成

完成后dusty hogg谈话,他开放车库中的工作=小游戏motocross mayhem(摩托越野乱斗)你可以在车库新增的人那里购买摩托零件升级摩托之后比赛挣钱

cha2,goal 4,salesmanship(推销),和berkeley clodd对话发生

act1,attend an auction between 5 pm and 7 pm(参加五点到七点的拍卖)

到second looks thrift emporium(二手样式节俭商店)晚上5 - 7点时,买东西就会提示进行拍卖,选择shrunken head(干瘪头颅),有三个人和你竞争,按上和下键调节你的竞价,无论多少只要是最高的就能买下

act2,acquire the shrunken head(得到干瘪头颅)


act3,give the shrunken head to berkeley(把干瘪头颅给berkeley)

作为礼物给他找不到人可以打电话,如果他不在附近,可以先把shrunken head放在家里当摆设

作为回报,berkeley把mj foxfire gravboard(mj磷火重力滑板)送给主人公


cha2,goal 5,club xizzle(人物特质俱乐部),和lottie cash交谈发生

注意完成这个goal时,要先恢复满各种生理需求,因为有时间限制,要一气呵成,否则玩一半要睡觉,或与其他人对话,那么crystal就会离开再有second looks thrift emporium(二手样式节俭商店)在晚上10:00pm关门而slice o'' life pizza(生命片断比撒饼屋)凌晨2:00am才关门如果耗太晚,就不能一气完成只能重来

act1,take crystal out on the town(把crystal拉出来到镇上玩)

找不到人可以打电话问她在哪里在监狱门口见到crystal,她要去个cool(很棒)的地方带她去slice o'' life pizza(生命片断比撒饼屋)

act2,get a bite to eat(吃上一口)

到了slice o'' life pizza和crystal对话,从柜台买个比撒饼给crystal

act3,play a game(玩游戏)

crystal要玩跳舞机过去boogie down!(玩命蹦吧!)就是了

act4,go shopping(买东西)

带她去second looks thrift emporium(二手样式节俭商店)出门往右下去,见到那个黑白的圆挂牌就是了,进入即可

act5,buy crystal a gift(给crystal买个礼物)

去街道上的drifter woods地摊给她买个花,桃心礼品,或者金戒指,作为礼物送给她就好了之后她开放club xizzle(人物特质俱乐部)的入口,而且你可以用自己3个xizzle beads(人物特质念珠,是关于xizzle的纪念物)在那里交换一个xizzle,以增强特殊能力特殊能力什么都有,在游戏最开始的心里测试就已经决定了你的特殊能力成长方向,但是要增加更多的特殊能力就要试着多人联机,联机去游戏中有联机功能的电脑进行

club xizzle进入:去minipolis chronicle(迷你都市纪事馆),在告示板上会看到crystal的告示,上面有引号写着PW和CX还有"Bucket"的字样,其实就是password for club xizzle is Bucket(人物特质俱乐部的密码是Bucket),去club xizzle,选enter password(输入密码)就对了全部大写也可以需要对话找不到人就来这里

用xizzle beads买xizzle,在club xizzle选buy xizzles,之后选就可以了,3 beads换一个xizzle一上来有五个xizzle可选xizzle beads的获得可以和在全城里的角落调查得到也可以通过增加别人对你的好感好感达到75或85时,对方一般送给你xizzle beads

cha2,goal 6,road to the sim quarter(通往sim区的路),完成goal 1~5后和gramma hattie交谈

act1,make 3 friends(交三个朋友)


act2,raise $500 for the cause(为这个运动筹集500块)

挣够了和gramma hattie交谈

act3,earn 2 promotions in local jobs(在两个本地工作晋级)


motocross mayhem(摩托越野乱斗),在chopper garage(摩托车库)

comic explosion(搞笑爆发),在slice o'' life pizza(生命片断比撒饼屋)

doctor max stat!(max医生统计),在minipolis hospital(迷你都市医院)



3个都完成后,和gramma hattie交谈,自动剧情,东面通往sim quarter(sim区)的路打开了,第三章开始了

cha3,goal 1,mission for the mann(mann的任务),和detective dan d mann对话发生

act1,play moogoo mookey,(去玩蘑菇猴游戏)

去salty''s riverboat(salty的渡轮)的一层玩moogoo monkey这是个job = minigame(工作=小游戏)

act2,follow the directions on the bulletin board(按告示板上的提示做)

玩完moogoo monkey,旁边的giuseppi mezzoalto让你去看bulletin board(告示板)告示板在minipolis chronicle(迷你都市纪事馆)一层的墙上第一个告示条被更新了,search the shrubbery near the museum(搜索博物馆门口的灌木)去博物馆窗户对着的灌木丛调查,能得到slip of paper(纸条),上面写着:the answers you seek lie beyond the grave(你找的答案要在墓地那边)去墓地,此时如果cha3,goal 3已经开启,就可能无法进入墓地,就需要先完成goal 3当墓地开放后进入,在平行的四个坟坑中,最底下那个就可以调查,得到scrap of paper(一张纸),to have this note would be another FEATHER IN HIS HAT(要得到这个提示就要找另一个帽子带羽毛的),帽子带羽毛的只有berkeley clodd把scrap of paper(一张纸)作为礼物送给他

act3,give the "mysterious briefcase" to detdan(把神秘手提箱给dan侦探)


act4,give the "rigged briefcase" to giuseppi(把作弊了的手提箱给giuseppi)

去salty''s riverboat一层或其他能找到giuseppi的地方,把手提箱给他

cha3,goal 2,batten down the hatches(关上阀门),和lily gates对话发生

act1,earn creativity 5(获得5点创造力)

去商店买个offender guitar and amplifier(冒犯者吉他和扩音器)在家练习,或者去大学上creativity(创造力)的课

act2,convince ewan to fix the attraction(rel 50)(说服ewan修复水上公园,友好度50)


act3,challenge and beat dusty hogg(6-7pm)(挑战并且打败dusty hogg,晚上6-7点)

晚上6-7点时,去chopper garage(摩托车库),和dusty hogg谈话,之后玩旁边那个小游戏,变成和dusty单挑赢了之后dusty给你一辆摩托,以后就可以拿它当代步工具了,比那个滑板强多了

act4,convince polly to visit the attraction(rel 50)(说服polly访问水上公园,友好度50)

和polly nomial友好达到50,再对话之后去和lily gates谈话以后碰碰船的迷你游戏就开放了

cha3,goal 3,none shall pass(没人可以通过),和gramma hattie对话发生

act1,earn body 5 or charisma 5(得到5点身体强度或者5点魅力)

body(身体强度)可以去监狱的杠铃练习,也可以在商店买一个,自己在家练charisma(魅力)可以去second looks thrift emporium(二手样式节俭商店)的镜子那里照,也可以自己买个镜子回家照等进度加满就得到一个点中途中断,进度到多少,下次继续时还会继承注意,以5点强度完成action,会使act3中daddy和darius出现以5点charisma完成action,会使lily gates出现

act2,meet at the cemetry between 11pm and 12pm(晚上11点到12点之间在墓地见面)

完成act1后才可以去,夜里11点去,要提前一点去,略微等一小会儿gramma hattie出现,和她对话

act3,guard the cemetry for 4 hours(守卫墓地4小时)

守着不久daddy b就来了和daddy b对话随意选,最后他会被主人公耍,自己知趣,走了

过一会,darius/lily gates来了,





bhey squared嘿,四方脸

cwhat''s up什么事




bmy fists!看拳!

cthe moon月亮





cwhat''s it to you这对你怎么了



asorry,but i''m not supposed to let anyone through对不起,我不打算让任何人通过

bokmy badgo right on in好,我认栽,往里去吧



aand i''m so strong i can melt ice with my mouth!我强得能用嘴融化冰!

bi''m so strong i can snap dry spaghetti with 2 fingers!我强得能用俩指头卡查折断干的细意大利面条!

ci''m so strong i can deflect sunlight with my breath!我强得把光给吹拐弯了!



aand i''m so tough people call me "old school scrub"!我强得人们都叫我"老学校杂种"!

band i''m so tough people call me "XXXX"!我强得人们都叫我"XXXX(主人公现在的称号)"!

cand i''m so tough people call me "the flunky foo"!我强得人们都叫我"马屁福"!



aand i''m so crazy i eat pizza for breakfast!我很疯狂,早饭吃比撒!

band i''m so crazy sometimes i wet myself!我很疯狂,有时还尿裤子!

cand i''m so crazy detective dan kicked me out of jail!我疯狂得让dan侦探把我给从监狱里踢出来了!



对付lily gates:




bhow many is a few多少算"几句"

cstay back!退后!



afineask what ever you like好问任何你想问的

bi DO mindGO AWAY我很介意走人

3是不是gramma hattie雇佣你在这里守着墓地


ayes!abandon all hope,ye who enter here!是啊!放弃希望吧,你们这些想进去的家伙!

bnoi''m just in the habit of standing here late at night不我只是有深夜站这里的习惯



ai,uh,left it in my other shoes我,啊,放在我其他的鞋里了

bbut code 2348b makes exceptions,for one-time jobs不过第23条48款b项给一次性工作作出了例外

cyou forget code 2349 which plainly states "lily is a poser"你忘了第23条49款明白地写着"lily是个装腔作势的家伙"



abut this graveyard is PRIVATELY owned by the people buried here不过这个墓地是所有埋葬在这里的人私人拥有的

bbut code 5691 makes it clear that graveyards are very scary不过第56条91款明确表明墓地很骇人

cbut code 5922 specifically states that "lily is an idiot"不过第59条22款明确地指出"lily是笨蛋"



asurely you are aware that you are ugly你一定知道你很丑

bwhat about XXXX code 10 which says "GO AWAY!"那么XXXX(主人公名)法第一条说"走人!"

cbut i AM wearing a uniformthis is the new style但是我正穿着一身制服这是新样式


之后和gramma hattie对话,给了主人公一本烹饪书,上边有三种甜点的配方同时,往墓地去的路也开放了

cha3,goal 4,get on the "list"(按"名单"上的),和cannonball coleman对话发生

act1,earn rep 2 with your group(得2点你在自己的组织的名气)

由于游戏开始的心里测试决定你的rep group(有名气的组织),所以每个人可能不一样,rep group有4个,streeties(街头游人),nerdies(默默无闻的人),richies(有钱人),artsies(追求艺术的人)和每个组织的头头和成员好感增加,就能得到rep point(名气)

streeties的头:darius,白天在sim quarter farmer''s market(sim区农民市场)西头,晚上在club xizzle门口

artsies的头:roxanna moxie,晚上在sim quarter farmer''s market(sim区农民市场)左上的马路上溜达

nerdies的头:polly nomial,白天在townhouse(城镇住宅)门口溜达,有时也在大学里

richies的头:luthor l bigbucks,经常在博物馆门口,不怎么在街面上逛荡

各rep group的成员请见后附全人物列表


act2,take tickets:2~5am(club zydeco)(卖票:凌晨两点到5点,柴迪克俱乐部-柴迪克是美国南路易斯安娜的一种黑人舞曲)

在凌晨2-5点去zeke''s zydeco club(zeke的柴迪克俱乐部),和cannonball coleman交谈cannonball说不要有任何richies进入,只要不卖他们票就可以玩之前最好存档,不行就用save/load大法重来因为这个action即使做坏了,也不会重来

成功完成后,cannonball给你一把golden fiddle(黄金小提琴)


cha3,goal 5,high society(上流社会),和luthor l bigbucks对话发生

act1,find a curator(找个管理人)

和roxanna moxie对话

act2,purchase 1 museum exhibit(买1个展品)


act3,give $300 to roxie for travel expenses(给roxanna moxie 300块路费)



cha3,goal 6,the ballad of pepper pete(pepper pete的叙事诗),和mambo loa交谈发生,完成goal 1-5

mambo loa就在她自己的fortune teller''s shop(预言家商店),或者在隔壁的crawfish shack(龙虾棚)

act1,find a sailor''s coat(找到海员制服)

去和phoebe twiddle对话,她的second looks thrift emporium(二手样式节俭商店)里右侧的衣服架,调查会出服装更改界面,按b退出,之后就会找到navy pea coat(豆色海军装)

act2,find a fake beard(找到伪造胡须)

minipolis chronicle公告板上有个prichard locksley留的条,说他卖胡子之类的去找他,有时能在cafe multiplaya(多媒体咖啡厅)南边的路边上看见他和他对话,选white(白色)的胡子$300

act3,find a sailor''s cap(找到海员帽)

家中已经购买的电脑,或者咖啡屋里的电脑,去go shopping online(上网定购),可以买到军帽2天左右收到注意不能是minipolis chronicle(迷你都市纪事馆)里的电脑

act4,give costume items to mambo loa(把制服道具给mambo loa)

凑起3件后,去和mambo loa对话她会把你扮成pepper pete,之后就去港口渡轮那里找olde salty船长,之后自动剧情如果需要临时变回来,可以在道具中使用pepper pete disguise(pepper pete化妆)

cha4,goal 1,the greatest fear(最大恐惧)

醒来就在城外沼泽的岸上了crawdad clem认为你是吸血鬼选择的话任意,但是如果让crawdad认为你是吸血鬼,你就要多等很多小时后,他才肯和你说话

act1,prove to clem you aren''t a vampire(rel30)(向clem证明你不是吸血鬼,好感度30)

和crawdad clem对话,好感度加到30,再继续对话


act2,find the "dark tree"(找到黑暗树)

进入沼泽,会有食人花,走近会被缠住,交错连点a和b键挣脱,挣脱失败就会被吞下,之后算晕过去,在bayou的木屋重生在两个木板桥处,向下到头,向右沿水边走,还有一个木板桥,过去后有个树桩从树桩向上,直走就是dark tree(黑暗树)玩这个action时,最好先完成act3

act3,find a light(找个亮)


act4,capture the albino alligator(抓住白化鳄鱼)

进入黑暗树,只要有act3得到的光棒,巨大的人影就会消失进入里面见到鳄鱼人lloyd,他给主人公locket chain(半个翻盖项链)

cha4,goal 2,fiddle with the red man(红色男人的小提琴),完成goal 1和bayou boo对话发生

act1,meet at the hickory stump at midnight(午夜在山核桃树桩见)

在午夜十二点左右,去goal 1中经过的那个树桩,就会见到一个拉提琴的精灵和他对话可以开始玩job = minigame,soul music(灵魂音乐)

act2,fiddle the red man(和red man玩小提琴)

玩后,他将给主人公一个翻盖项链的核心与原来的组成antique locket(古董翻盖盒)

以后还是这个时间和地点,就可以找red man玩minigame挣点零钱

cha4,goal 3,bye bye bayou(再见bayou),完成goal 2和crawdad clem对话发生

act1,convince clem to show you out(说服clem送你出去)

把antique locket作为礼物给clem,他答应送你回去

act2,meet boo at the mausoleum entrance(在陵墓门口见boo)

陵墓入口就在那个red man坐着的山核桃树桩那里向南,到头,之后向西一直走到头在那里和boo对话

act3,traverse the mausoleum(穿过陵墓)

进入后,走到一半,boo从钟表的暗门溜了出门到地面后和gramma hattie对话她说城市核心区glasstown(玻璃镇)也开放了

cha4,goal 4,running from the law(跑,来自法律)


act1,find someone to write a letter(找人写信)

找在监狱的gramma hattie对话,进监狱就在城里跑即可,被抓后,摩托会自动给你移到监狱门口,出去要付罚金$100或者等一天左右

act2,find a messenger to paradise island(找个去天堂岛的信史)

在大学里,老坐着打瞌睡的gordie puck就是信史

act3,gain popularity 40(获得知名度40)

知名度40%以上,按start键,在人物能力和朋友名单页那里标有当前的知名度,普遍好交往的人友好度都要尽力加满到40后和gordie puck对话

act4,find a map to paradise island(找到去天堂岛的地图)


act5,bring the map to gordie(把地图带给gordie)


fanboat(风扇机船)的使用和碰碰船一样那艘船在city apartment(城市公寓)右边,也是往sim quarter(sim区)方向的大桥北侧,那里有个非常不起眼的台阶,下去就看到了那个小船就是fanboat,注意停船的地方总是有那种木板,以后类似的地方才可以停船(按b键)开船往东,再往北可以到paradise island(天堂岛),paradise island东南有个无名岛,上面有个屋子,有个姑娘卖手工艺品,岛上有吊床,烧烤架,淋浴间如果从出发点往东,再往东,会到bayou兄弟的家从那里往下就会看见有nutria(海狸鼠)的小岛再沿着河道走就是城镇里的水路了继续走就会回到出发点

cha4,goal 5,carnivale!(去游乐!),和raxanna moxie对话发生

act1capture the dancing nutria(捕捉跳舞海狸鼠)


act2give the dancing nutria to roxie(把跳舞海狸鼠给roxie)

把抓到的nutria(海狸鼠)作为礼物送给roxanna moxie

act3,give $5000 to roxie moxie(给roxie $5000)

钱够了和raxanna moxie对话

这里提一句,因为glasstown(玻璃镇)已经开放了,自然从glasstown mega-mall(玻璃镇超级商场)能买到不少好家具,当家具够好,够全时,可以使用室内电话"invite a friend over"邀请好朋友(好感高的)来自己屋子,特别是一些像phoebe这类的,特


2杨幂:《琉璃月》 《叹金莲》

3Super Junior:《Sorry,Sorry》《U》《super girl》 《ME》

4少女时代:《Kissing You》,《Gee》

5SHINee:《Stand by Me》,《Ring Ding Dong》

62NE1:《Fire》,《Let's Go Party》,《Lollipop》(withBig Bang)


8Brown Eyed Girls:《Abracadabra》,《I Love You》(Narsha+Miryo)

94Minute:《Hot issue》

10SS501:《因为我头脑不好》《my girl》《U r Man》



13Lady Gaga:《Love Game》《boys boys boys》《Poker Face》


15《Esto Es Amor》







22大嘴巴:《国王皇后》《rock it》

23元若蓝 吴忠明《心愿便利贴》




27费翔: 《冬天里的一把火》


29黑眼豆豆:《Boom Boom Paw》






35 蔡妍: 《摇摆》《两个人》




39SHE:《五月天》《Super Star》《可爱万岁》
















55《I can't smile without you》

56《I'm gonna getcha good》

57《Are you gonna be my girl》

58《I got it from my mama》


60《Breakin' Dishes》


62《That's not my name》

63《Get Down》

64《You are my sunshine》

65林宥嘉《说谎》 《解high人》


67Sasha《Sex Secret》

68成龙 《醉拳》《难说再见》《油菜花》


70扩音器《I Will Be Back》

71《no stress》


73Crystal Kay-- こんなに近くで(交响乐情人梦 ed)

74wonder girls 《nobody》(经典)《so hot》


76Renee Zellweger:《Roxie》


78李孝利:《emmm》 《u-go-girl》

79李贞贤:《疯了》 《独一无二》


81迈克杰克逊:《beat it》《billie jean 》《Dangerous》《you are not alone》




85李宇春:《下个,路口,见》《why me》《和你一样》《阿么》


87T-ara 《Bo Peep Bo Peep》

88卓文萱:《爱的城堡》 《一句话》

89大嘴巴:《da now一场》 《国王皇后》 《结果咧》


91kesha:《tik tok》

92celine dion:《a new day has come 》

93Pink:《get the party started 》

94biack《Boom Boom Paw》


96Justin Timberlake《lovestone》




Velma Kelly: She stole my garters


Roxie: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Matron Mama Morton: You're talking to the wrong people


Roxie: You're, THE Velma Kelly I was there the night you got arrested

Velma Kelly: Yeah You and half of Chicago


Velma Kelly: [about Roxie] First she steals my publicity Then she steals my lawyer, my trial date And now she steals my goddamn garter


Liz: You know how some people have those habits that get you down Like Bernie Bernie liked to chew gum No, not chew POP So I come home from work one night and I'm real irritated, and I'm looking for a little sympathy And there's Bernie, lying on the couch, drinking a beer and chewin' No, not chewin' POPPIN' So I said "If you pop that gum one more time” And he did So I took the shotgun off the wall and fired two warning shots into his head


Annie: I met Ezekiel Young from Salt Lake city about two years ago and he told me he was single and we hit it off right away So, we started living together He'd go to work, he'd come home, I'd fix him a drink, we'd have dinner And then I found out "Single" he told me Single, my ass Not only was he married oh, no, he had six wives One of those Mormons, you know So that night, when he came home, I fixed him his drink as usual You know, some guys just can't hold their arsenic


Billy Flynn: This trial the whole world it's all show business


June: I'm standin' in the kitchen, carving up a chicken for dinner, minding my own business, when in storms my husband, Wilbur, in a jealous rage "You've been screwing the milkman," he said He was crazy, and he kept on screaming, "You've been screwing the milkman" And then he ran into my knife he ran into my knife ten times


Billy Flynn: Give 'em a show that's so splendiferous, row after row will grow vociferous


Velma Kelly: [to Roxie] You wanted advice Well here it is straight from me to you keep your paws off my underwear


Roxie: Oh, Miss Kelly, got your personals freshly pressed by yours truly

[Velma pulls some cash out of her shirt]

Roxie: No, no, it's my pleasure

Velma Kelly: [Begins to walk away]

Roxie: Hey, can i ask you something

[Velma turns around]

Roxie: You know that Harrison guy Well he said what I done is a hangin' case and that he's prepared to ask for the maximum penalty

Velma Kelly: Yea So

Roxie: So, I'm scared, I would really appreciate some advice, especially from someone I admire as much as youYou see, since I can remember, I have wanted to be on the stage


Velma Kelly: Oh really What's your talent Washin' and dryin'

Roxie: [Smile fades] No, no, I danced in the chorus

Velma Kelly: Oh

Roxie: Well, that was before I met my husband, Amos

Velma Kelly: Look, honey, you want some advice Well, here it is, direct from me to you Keep your paws off my underwear, 'kay

Roxie: Yeah, okay Thanks

Roxie: [Once Velma is out of earshot] For nothin'


Billy Flynn: Miss Kelly, do you know the meaning of perjury

Velma Kelly: Yes, I do

Billy Flynn: You also know that it's a crime

Velma Kelly: Yes

Billy Flynn: For example, if you knew this diary was a fake, I'd hate to see you rot away in prison especially since you just won your freedom

Velma Kelly: Look, all I know is what I was told!

Billy Flynn: Oh, so you didn't find this diary in Roxie's cell

Velma Kelly: No Mama - Miss Morton gave it to me She said someone sent it to her

Billy Flynn: Someone did she have any idea who this mysterious benefactor could be

Velma Kelly: [Irritated] No, she didn't know!


Mona: I loved Al Lipshitz more than I could say He was a real artistic type, a painter He was always trying to find himself He'd go out every night looking for himself And on the way, he found Ruth Gladys Rosemary And Irving I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences He saw himself as alive And I saw him dead


Roxie: It'll never work

Velma Kelly: Why not

Roxie: Because I hate you

Velma Kelly: There's only one business where that's no problem at all


Roxie: You want some advice, well here's a piece of advice from me to you, lay off the caramels

[She winks]


Billy Flynn: I don't mean to toot my own horn, but if Jesus Christ lived in Chicago today, and he had come to me and he had five thousand dollars, let's just say things would have turned out differently


Roxie: They LOVE me

Billy Flynn: They'd love you a lot more if you were hanged You know why Because it would sell more papers That's Chicago


[his last lines]

Billy Flynn: You're a free woman, Roxie Hart And God save Illinois


Billy Flynn: Would you please tell the audience err the jury what happened


Roxie: Don't you wanna take my picture


Billy Flynn: Give 'em the old razzle dazzle Razzle razzle 'em Give 'em an act with lots of flash in it and the reaction will be passionate


Velma Kelly: My sister and I had an act that couldn't flop My sister and I were headed straight for the top My sister and I made a thou a week at least, but my sister is now unfortunately deceased I know it's sad, of course, but a fact is still a fact And now all that remains is the remains of a perfect double act


Velma Kelly: [Rising from the stage alone] 'C'mon Babe, why don't we paint the town And all that Jazz I'm gonna rouge my knees and roll my stockings down And all Jazz Start the car I know a whoopie spot where the gin is cold and the piano's hot It's just a noisy hall, where there's a nightly brawl And all that Jazz


Amos Hart: Cellophane Mr Cellophane shoulda been my name, Mr Cellophane, 'cause you can look right through me, walk right by me and never know I'm there


Liz: Pop

Annie: Six

June: Squish

Hunyack: Unh-uh

Velma Kelly: Cicero

Mona: Lipschitz


Bailiff: Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God

Velma Kelly: And then some

Bailiff: Take a seat

Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: Would you state your name for the record, please

Velma Kelly: Velma Kelly

Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: Ms Kelly, would you please tell the court if the object that I am holding is the one you happened to come across in the defendant's jail cell

Velma Kelly: Yes, it is

Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: I submit this as Exhibit X - Roxie Hart's diary!

Billy Flynn: I object! My client has never held a diary! And even if she did, this would be invasion of privacy, and violation of the fourth amendment, and and illegal search without a warrant!

Roxie Hart: Yeah, AND she broke the lock!


Billy Flynn: Objection!

Judge: Sustained

Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: Your Honor, I haven't even asked a question yet


Velma Kelly: My sister Veronica and I had this double act, and my husband Charlie traveled around with us Now for the last number in our act we did these 20 acrobatic tricks in a row: one, two, three, four, five, splits, spread-eagles, back-flips, flip-flops, one right after the other So this one night before the show we're at the hotel Cicero, the three of us boozin, having a few laughs, and we run out of ice, so I run out to get some I come back, open the door, and there's Veronica and Charlie doing number 17, the spread-eagle Well, I was in such a state of shock that I completely blacked out; I can't remember a thing It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead


Roxie: [singing] With just one more brain what a half-wit he'd be


Bandleader: Mr Billy Flynn and the press conference rag Notice how his mouth never moves almost


Velma Kelly: [singing] No I'm no one's wife, but oh, I love my life and all that jazz


Velma Kelly: Come on, babe, we're gonna brush the sky I betcha Lucky Lindy never flew so high 'cause in the stratosphere how could he lend an ear to all that jazz


Roxie: God that's beautiful

Billy Flynn: Cut out God Stay where you're better acquainted


Roxie: You were mentioned in the paper today, in the back with the obituaries 'Velma Kelly's trial has been post-poned indefinitely' Seven words


Roxie: You can like the life you're living, you can live the life you like You can even marry Harry, but mess around with Ike


Roxie: [singing] If they string me up, well, I'll know who brought the twine That scummy, crummy, dummy hubby of mine


Roxie: [singing] He ain't no sheik, that's no great physique, and lord knows he ain't got the smarts


[after singing "Mr Cellophane"]

Amos Hart: Hope I didn't take up too much of your time


Matron Mama Morton: [singing] Don't you know that this hand washes that one, too When you're good to Mama, Mama's good to you


Roxie: [singing] I can't stand that sap

Amos: What a sap I was


Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: You mean he was dead when you got home

Amos Hart: She's got him covered in a sheet and she's telling me this cock-and-bull story about this burgular, and how I ought to say it was me 'cuz I was sure to get off 'Help me Amos', she says, 'it's my Goddamn hour of need'

[talking over Roxie's singing]

Amos Hart: That cheap little tramp So she's been two-timing me, huh Well I'm through protecting her; she can swing for all I care! Boy, I'm down at the garage working my butt off 14 hours a day and she's out there munching on bon-bons and tramping around like some Goddamn floozy! Thought she could pull the wool over my eyes Well, I wasn't born yesterday I tell ya there are some things a man just can't take, and this time she pushed me too far That little chiseler Boy what a sap I was!


Matron Mama Morton: In this town, murder's a form of entertainment


Roxie: And Sophie Tucker will shit I know, to see her name get billed below Roxie Hart


Velma Kelly: You know you're really pretty good

Roxie: Yeah, that and a dime What are you doing here

Velma Kelly: I heard you been, uh, making the rounds

Roxie: Yeah, well, if it was up to you I'd be swinging by now

Velma Kelly: Come on, I always knew Billy'd get you off You should learn how to put things behind you

Roxie: Oh, thank you I'll put that at the top of my list Right after finding a job and an apartment with a john


Roxie: "Oooh, the audience loves me and I love them And they love me for loving them and I love them for loving me And we love each other And that's because none of us got enough love in our childhood And that's showbiz kid"


Roxie: Mr Flynn!

[pretends to faint]

Billy Flynn: Someone open this door immediately!

Ms Sunshine: Oh, my God! Roxie! What is it, dear

Roxie: Oh! Oh! Oh, no no no Don't, don't worry about me Oh, I only hope the fall didn't hurt the baby

Matron Mama Morton: Baby

Velma Kelly: Cheat!


Roxie: [to Amos] you are a disloyal husband


Bandleader: Miss Velma Kelly in an act of desperation


Roxie: [singing] And then he shot off his trap man I can't stand that sap Look at him go Rattin on me


[after Velma has testified against Roxie, Billy moves to discredit her]

Bandleader: And now, ladies and gentlemen, a tap dance


Roxie: This dress makes me look like a Woolworths lamp shade I'm not wearing this dress

Billy Flynn: You're wearing cause I tell you too

Roxie: I'm not wearing it


Reporter: Would you like to give us a word or two

Kitty Baxter: I'll give you three- GO TO HELL


[after Roxie finds out about Fred Casley]

Roxie: Yeah, I killed him and I would kill him again! I would kill him again!

Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: Once was enough, dearie Take her downtown Come on!


Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: This is hanging case, and we're ready to go to in front of the jury tomorrow

Roxie: Wha-Wha-What do you mean hanging

Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: You're not so tough now, are you

Roxie: What do ya mean hanging


[at the entrance to the jail cells]

Matron Mama Morton: Hey, you must be that Hart girl

Roxie: Yes, m'am

Matron Mama Morton: Aren't you the pretty one

Roxie: Thank you m'am

Matron Mama Morton: Call me mama Now don't worry 'cause we're gonna take care of you You'll be staying on E-block "Murderess Row" we like to call it

Roxie: Oh Is that nicer


Roxie: He was trying to burgle me

Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: From what I hear, he's been burgling you three times a week for the past month


Ms Sunshine: As you know my paper is dry Do you have any advice for girls who choose to avoid a life of jazz, and drink


Roxie: And then I started foolin' around and then I started screwin' around, which is foolin' around without dinner


Nickie: Ever have Morton before Oh she's fine As long as you keep her happy


Velma Kelly: [singing] Now you see me goin' through it You may think there's nothin' to it But I simply cannot do it alone


Velma Kelly: She'd say, "What's your sister like" I'd say, "Men"


Billy Flynn: My client feels that it was a combination of liquor and jazz that led to the downfall


Matron Mama Morton: [singing] Let's all stroke together, like the Princeton crew When you're strokin' Mama, MAMA'S STROKIN' YOU!


Matron Mama Morton: As you know I'm here to take care of you Now if anything hurts you, or upsets you in any way don't run your fat ass mouth off to me cause I don't give a shit Now move out


Velma Kelly: You wanted my advice, right Well here it is Don't forget Billy Flynn's number one client is Billy Flynn

Roxie: What's that supposed to mean

Velma Kelly: It means, don't let him hog the spot-light when you're the one they paid to see


[practicing for her interview]

Roxie: [Southern accent] I was born on a beautiful southern convent

Matron Mama Morton: What

Roxie: [Normal voice] Oh, holy shit! Oh, I'm never gonna get this straight


Velma Kelly: I just can't take it anymore You can't go anywhere without hearing about that dumb tomato!

[Mama sits up with her hair dyed blonde like Roxie's]

Velma Kelly: Oh no, Mama, not you, too


Roxie: In the Bed Department, Amos was zero I mean, he made love to me like he was fixing a carburetor or something


小名交由其他大大帮忙就好了, 反而我只想帮若希小妹妹起个英文名:

Rose(英文: 玫瑰), Roos/Roosje(荷兰文: 玫瑰) -> 进化: Rosabela(意大利文: 美丽的玫瑰) [ 其实玫瑰真的可以进化很多, 太多了不宜在此详说 ]

Rosi, Rosy(拉丁文: 玫瑰)

Roxy, Roxie(波斯语: 闪亮的星星)

以上都是跟若希谐音95%以上, 好听又容易记, 最紧要是它们的意思都很美!




游戏一开始,主角正坐在大厦顶楼上休息,Kris Thistle走了过来。看到主角没有干活,大发雷霆,催促主角赶快去擦玻璃。谈话结束,得到任务。

Slave to the Grind

Play "Squeegee Clean"


与前作不同,一开始就是玩小游戏。在顶楼的上方有一个「S」型标志,调查它就可以接到「Squeegee Clean」这个任务。游戏方法是清除落到玻璃上的鸟粪,同时要躲避尚未落到玻璃上排泄物。如果不幸被它们沾到,会处於清除不能的状态,要移动到版边才可恢复正常。因为是第一个任务嘛,只是给玩家练练手,完全没有要求,即使1分未得,到时间后仍然可得到提升。

任务结束后,Kris又走了过来,没想到竟然说主角被解雇了,主角当然要问问理由。原来是前雇主MrKing把大厦卖掉了,新的产权人Daddy Bigbucks(就是前作中最后把别墅卖给玩家的那个阔佬)准备当天把所有人都撵出去,然后将这里关闭,Kris虽然很同情主角,但这只能遵照新BOSS的命令。谈话结束,得到任务。这时可以通过电梯下到其他楼层,不过暂时没太大必要,还是先看看任务吧~

Befriend Kris Thistle (Relationship 30)

亲近Kris Thistle,友好度30


Give Kris Your Squeegee and Bucket


在对话页面,选择最后的**图标FRIENDLY STUFF,再选择第1个图标Give a Gift,点选道具栏内的Squeegee n'Bucket就可将该物品交给Kris。以后想给其他人送礼,也可以采用这种方式。


Get Cleaned Up

Take a Shower


Take a Nap


Eat Something From the Vending Machine




Help Kris Thistle

Move the Bed to the Suite


先去2楼把那架绿色的床装入口袋里(口袋真大- -),然后去4楼把床拿出来即可。不过令我奇怪的是,在2楼时明明还是绿色的,怎麼到4楼就变黑的了?掉色?- -

Repair the Television


看到2楼那台闪著火花的电视了麼?过去修吧。不过与前作一样,修理时有一定的机率会遇到魔神而被电伤。修理电视后,突然前雇主Harlan King的影像出现的电视前。他因为禁不住Bigbucks高价收购的诱惑,不得已卖掉大厦,但现在已非常后悔,只能拜托主角尽力工作,争取早一天把Bigbucks踢出小镇。

Repair TWO Drinking Fountains



完成上述3个任务后,再次找到Kris交谈。虽然因工作出色而受到她的表扬,但仍然无法拿回自己以前的工作。不过Kris表示如果能在Lily Gates办公室找到钥匙的话,也许事情会有转机。

Get the Key

Earn One Mechanical Skill Point



Pick the Lock to Lily Gates' Office

打开Lily Gates办公室的门锁

学习过机械技能后,在2楼的木门前选择「Pick Lock」就可施展卸门大法了- -

Find the Key




Get out of Jail

Befriend Detective Dan (Rel 30)


Answer Detective Dan's Questions




Find a Place to Live

Play the Hoopz Minigame



Earn $150 for Rent and Taxes


Buy a House




a123123 2005-7-20 06:48



与Sue Pironva对话,她是一位头戴红帽子的女生。她把主角错认为是她的同学,虽最后澄清误会,她还是建议主角去学校进修一下。

Work Study

Befriend Maximillian Moore (Rel 30)

亲近Maximillian Moore,友好度30


Give the Artemisia Plant to Max


在地图的右下角,也就是路障的上方,可以采到Living Artemisia。要尽快拿给Max,若是超过时间变成Dead Artemisia,Max可是会生气的哦。

Write a Doctoral Thesis


去地图左上角Minioplis Chronicle,利用里面的电脑可以写出论文。把它交给Max,终於获准加入,任务完成。之后会医院中的小游戏会开启,同时可以在学校里学习。

与Phoebe Twiddle交谈,在商店内有机会遇到她,从她口中得到有关Coleman最近意志消沉,於是决定帮助Coleman。

Gotta Finish the Riff

Befriend "Cannonball" Coleman (Rel 30)



Give a Saxophone Reed to "Cammonball" Coleman

在商店可以买到Saxophone Reed,之后交给Coleman就可以了。

Earn Creativity 1


调查路障上方的垃圾桶,就可以提升创造力(奇怪的设定- -)

Finish "Cannonball's" Song



与Dusty Hogg交谈,在地图左下角会有机会遇到他。他邀请主角加入他们的越野车组合,虽然我本人是不太想加入,可是不给我拒绝的选项啊,为了通关,只好忍痛答应吧- -

Race for Glory

Give Dusty $500 for Renovations


Talk to Ewan Watahmee

和Ewan Watahmee交谈。



与Berkeley Clodd交谈,他是一个戴著圆顶帽、留著两撇小胡子的奇怪男人。他希望主角帮忙去竞买Shrunken Head,并给了主角200块钱。


Attend an Auction between 5PM and 7PM


拍卖地点就在地图右下方的Thrift Emporium。在5点到7点之间与售货员对话就可以参加拍卖活动。

Acquire the Shrunken Head

得到Shrunken Head


Give the Shrunken Head to Berkeley

把Shrunken Head交给Berkeley


与Lottie Cash交谈,在地下娱乐场所内可能遇到她。她把主角误认为是Xizzle俱乐部的人了,

Club Xizzle

Take Crystal out on the Town



Get a Bite to Eat



Play a Game


看到屋子里那个双人跳舞机了吗?Boogie down!

Go Shopping


Buy Crystal a Gift


好不容易来到这里,Crystal却说这里的东东不好,非要买地摊货,不过这倒是给我省了不少钱^^ 去自宅外面摆地摊那里给她买盒巧克力或红玫瑰送给她吧。


完成前面5个任务后,会发现Gramma Hattie头上出现叹号。与其交谈,被Hattie痛责了一顿,并从她口中得知为了阻止Bigbucks控制整个城镇,大家决定团结起来。主角当然也要加入进来,但Hattie并不信任主角,除非能证明自己。

Road to the Sim Quarter

Make 3 Friends



Raise $500 for the Cause


Earn 2 Promotions in LOCAL jobs




a123123 2005-7-20 06:49




Mission for the Mann

Play Moogoo Monkey

玩Moogoo Monkey的小游戏

来到最下面那艘大型船艇上,调查1F的标志即可。这个游戏的规则是先将自己对应的水果摆在上方猴子的下栏,再从下方选择卡片。当卡片排满后,数值最小的卡片所对应的猴子会被消去。然后再次选择、再次消去……因此,尽量集中自己的水果,并保持该栏对应的卡片数值较大,是制胜的关键。玩过后刚想离开,前作的罪犯Giuseppi Mezzoalto走了过来。他以为主角是Bigbucks雇佣来的,告知主角留意留言板上的信息。

Follow the Directions on the Bulletin Board


留言板在地图左下的Minioplis Chronicle,在有主角名字的纸条上提示去调查博物馆附近的灌木丛。调查地图右上角的博物馆外灌木,得到Slip of Paper,上面提示说主角寻找的答案在墓地中。进入墓地深处,调查最左侧的墓碑得到Scrap of Paper,上面提示说需要另外一根帽子上的羽毛。帽子上有羽毛的不就是Berkeley吗?把纸条拿给他看,他就露出了本来面目,原来他跟Giuseppi等人是一夥的!他嘱托主角把Mysterious Briefcase交给Giuseppi,他却不知道我们的主角其实早就另有打算。

Give the "Mysterious Briefcase" to DetDan



Give the "Rigged Briefcase" to Giuseppi



与Lily Gates交谈,有时会在甲板上遇到她。从她口中得知Daddy Bigbucks准备在废弃的碰碰船公园之上修建大坝。但建大坝会使河水枯竭,要想阻止Bigbucks的计划,只能想办法修复公园,使公园重新开放。

Batten Down the Hatches

Earn Creativity 5



Convince Ewan to Fix the Attraction (Rel 50)


向Ewan寻求帮助,他倒是很爽快的就答应了,不过他说还需要有Dusty Hogg的帮助才可以开工。

Challenge and Beat Dusty Hogg (6-7PM)

挑战并击败Dusty Hogg

在赛车比赛中将Dusty Hogg击败后,得到了自己的摩托车,速度可比以前的滑板快多了。再次与其交谈,获得新的任务。

Convince Polly to Visit the Attraction (Rel 50)



完成上述任务后,找Lily Gates交任务,之后游艇的小游戏就开启了。

与Gramma Hattie交谈,虽然上次的游行示威成功了,但这位老婆婆仍然不是很满意,计划组织一次秘密会议讨论下一步的部署,她希望主角能为他们保驾护航。

None Shall Pass

Earn Body 5 OR Charisma 5



Meet at the Cemetery between 11PM and 12AM



Guard the Cemetery for 4 Hours


第一个试图进入的是Bigbucks,无论如何选择都不会让他进入的。第2个来的随机产生,我第1次玩时来的是Lily Gates,前两个选项随便选,后面的选项按照1213顺序选择就可成功将其阻挡在外。第2次玩时来的是Darius,选项顺序完全不同,因此请玩家自行判断正确选项吧。

完成上述任务后,主角向Hattie索要报酬,哪知道只得到一本烹调用书- -

与Cannonball Coleman交谈,这个音乐疯子一时心血来潮,竟然要弄一个表演秀,还强迫主角帮他守大门- -

Get on the "List"

Earn REP 2 with your Group



Take Tickets:2-5AM (Club Zydeco)


Zydeco俱乐部在地图的最右侧,要完成上面那个积攒属性的任务后,在这里才会触发剧情。之后Coleman会让你把守大门,只能让贫穷的人进入,富裕的人不许入内。不过我怎麼知道谁穷谁富啊- - 没办法,一个个蒙吧。我的选择顺序是允许、拒绝、允许、允许、允许、拒绝。完成任务后得到Golden Fiddle

与Luthor LBigbucks交谈,他是Daddy Bigbucks的儿子。虽然人长得不怎麼样,不过看样子人还不像他老爹那麼坏。他希望重开博物馆,因此得不到老爸的支持,只能求助於主角。

High Society

Find a Curator


与Roxanna Moxie交谈,她答应叫她一位朋友过来帮忙,不过帮忙当然是有代价的……

Purchase one Museum Exhibit


看到博物馆里的那些小牌子了麼?随便买一个就行,不过价格可真高- -

Give $300 to Roxie for Travel Expenses


完成全部任务后,找Luthor LBigbucks交任务,之后会得到博物馆收入分成的支票。

完成前面5个任务后,与Mambo Loa交谈会接到新的任务。Mambo Loa是一个魔法师,平时在博物馆旁的小房间里很容易遇到她。从他口中得知Bigbucks又准备收购Olde Salty那艘大船,而能够说服Salty不把船卖了的唯一方法,就是找人假扮Salty的哥哥Pepper Pete与Salty交谈。而找人、找化妆用道具等任务当然又压在我们那可怜的主角身上了。

The Ballad of Pepper Pete

Find a Sailor's Coat



Find a Fake Beard


与Pritchard Locksley交谈,没想到他那里竟然有胡须卖,难道他的那几撇小胡子也是假的?花300元钱就可以买到。

Find a Sailor's Cap


在地图右下角的咖啡屋里,有电脑可以进行网上购物,在那里可以买到一顶海军帽,不过要等1天才能在自宅拿到寄来的包裹。如果之前找过Polly Nomial的话,也会得到提示。

Give Costume Items to Mambo Loa

把服装道具交给Mambo Loa

完成前3个任务后,与Mambo Loa交谈,她会施展魔法将主角变成海员的模样。

Talk to Olde Salty

与Olde Salty交谈

Olde Salty经常在游艇外徘徊,遇到他后自动展开交谈。经过一番劝说,终於使Olde Salty拒绝了Bigbucks的收购。任务是结束了,可是恼羞成怒的Bigbucks却突施暴力,把主角扔进了大海中……

a123123 2005-7-20 06:49

主角醒来时发现自己躺在海滩上,一个叫Crawdad Clem的人竟然把自己当成了吸血鬼。尽管经主角一再解释,他仍然要问几个问题。按照212的顺序就可过关,不过即使选不对也无所谓,只是友好度降低而已。

The Greatest Fear

Prove to Clem you Aren't a Vampire (Rel30)



Find the "Dark Tree"



Find a Light



Capture the Albino Alligator

抓住Albino Alligator

拿到灯后进入黑暗之树,就可以将Bigbucks的影像驱除。在里面遇到Lloyd,与其交谈得知Bigbucks曾来过这里。为了使Clem两兄弟不再害怕自己,Lloyd交给主角Locket Chain,并告知这是那两弟兄母亲的东西,而且要有另外一部分才能真正发挥作用。

回到自宅与Bayou Boo交谈,但Boo却不相信主角真的去过黑暗之树。但他还是给了主角另外一个测试的机会来证明自己。

Fiddle with the Red Man

Meet at the Hickory Stump at Midnight


树桩就在黑暗之树的下面,在半夜会在那里遇到Red Man。与其交谈进入小游戏,原来是模仿他拉琴。游戏结束后得到另外一半锁链,并跟之前的组合成Antique Locket。

返回自宅与Crawdad Clem交谈,得到新的任务。

Bye Bye Bayou

Convince Clem to Show you Out

将Antique Locket交给Clem就可以了。

Meet Boo at the Mausoleum Entrance



Traverse the Mausoleum


在陵墓中可以遇到幽灵Ephram Earl。



Running from the Law

Find Someone to Write a Letter



Find a Messenger to Paradise Island


去学校与那个睡觉的学生Gordie Puck交谈,如果受欢迎程度已达到40以上,即可完成该任务。

Gain Popularity 40



Find a Map to Paradise Island



Bring the Map to Gordie




与Roxanna Moxie交谈,得知狂欢活动准备开始了,不过还需要做很多准备工作,於是主角自告奋勇帮忙。


Capture the Dancing Nutria



Give the Dancing Nutria to Roxie


Give $5000 to Roxie Moxie


Find a Tightrope Walker


与Misty Waters交谈,得知她以前就是练走钢丝绳的。不过当主角邀请她参加Roxie的活动时,却被她一口拒绝。她希望能够参加关於Bigbucks的**的首映式,而且在看**时能有一次美丽的约会。得到Luthor LBigbucks的同意后,再次与Misty交谈即可邀请其加入活动

Find Misty Waters a Date

给Misty Waters找一次约会

与Luthor LBigbucks交谈,他就会爽快的答应。


完成上述2个任务后,与Theresa Bullhorn交谈。她正为自己的**院被Bigbucks收购而烦恼,主角建议拍部片子来讽刺Bigbucks。

The Bigbucks Players

Gain Popularity 50


Convince Dusty Hogg to Perform (Rel 50)

劝说Dusty Hogg去表演,友好度50

Convince Sue Pirnova to Perform (Rel 50)

劝说Sue Pirnova去表演,友好度50

Decorate the Stage



Attend the Play




有一部是讲威尼斯女诗人,政绩veronica franco的影片叫红颜祸水。(the Honest courtsan)


I will confess, Your Grace


法官: That will please GodProceed


I confessas a girl I loved a man who would not marry me for want of a dowry


I confess I had a mother who taught me a different way of life


One I resisted at first but learned to embrace


I confess I became a courtesan


Traded yearning for power, welcomed many

rather than be owned by one


I confess I embraced a whore's freedom

over a wife's obedience


法官:This is not repentance


What am I to do


I must confess my evil

These are my sins


修道士:She must repent witchcraft


国王:I see no harm in hearing her

She will save or damn herself



法官:The prisoner has already damned herself,But if it pleases the esteemed doge of Veniceshe may continue her heresy


I confess I find more ecstasy

in passion than in prayer


I confess


I confess I pray stillto feel the touch of my lover's lips

his hands upon me

his arms enfolding me


Such surrender has been mine


I confess I hunger still

to be filled and inflamed


To melt into the dream of usbeyond this troubled place


to where we are not even ourselves


To know that always


always this is mine


If this had not been mine,

if I had lived another way


a child to a husband's whimmy soul hardened from lack of touch

and lack of love


I confess such endless days

and nights


would be punishment greater

than any you could mete out




No, Your Grace


You, all of you


who hunger for what I give but cannot bear to see such power in a woman


you call God's greatest gift




our yearning, our need to love,


you call it filthand sin and heresy

你们称它为 污秽,罪恶和邪教。。。

法官:Enough One last time before you are condemned: Do you repent or not


I repent there was no other way

open to me I do not repent my life

我忏悔我没有其他选择, 但我并不对我的人生而忏悔!

Ten Things I Hate About You 《对面恶女看过来》


Kat: I hate the way you talk to me And the way you cut your hair I hate the way you drive my car I hate it when you stare I hate your big dumb combat boots And the way you read my mind I hate you so much it makes me sick-- it even makes me rhyme I hate the way you're always right I hate it when you lie I hate it when you make me laugh -- even worse when you make me cry I hate it that you're not around And the fact that you didnt call But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you - - not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all

The Hours 《时时刻刻》

Background: Laura (Julianne Moore) has come to Clarissa's apartment after being informed of the death of Richard (Ed Harris), her estranged son Here she explains to Clarissa (Meryl Streep), Richard’s closest friend and could've-been lover, why she left her family one day



Laura: There are times when you don’t belong and you think you’re going to kill yourself Once I went to a hotel That night…later that night, I made a plan Plan was, I would leave my family when my second child was born And that’s what I did Got up one morning, made breakfast, went to the bus stop, got on a bus I’d left a note (pause) I got a job in a library in Canada It would be wonderful to say you regretted it It would be easy But what does it mean What does it mean to regret when you have no choice It’s what you can bear There it is No one is going to forgive me (Laura looks at Clarissa, steady, unapologetic) It was death I chose life

Breakfast at Tiffany's 蒂凡西的早餐


Holly: Look, I know what you think And I don't blame you, I've always thrown out such a jazzy line But reallyexcept for Docand youJose is my first non-rat romance Oh, not that he's my ideal of the absolute finito He tells little lies and worries about what people think and he wants to be the President of Brazil I mean it's such a useless thing for a grown man to want to be and takes about fifty baths a day I think a man should smellat least a little bit No, he's too prim and cautious to be my absolute ideal If I were free to choose from anybody alivejust snap my fingers and say "Come here, you!"I wouldn't pick Jose Nehru maybeor Adlai Stevenson or Sidney Poiter or Leonard Bernsteinbut I do love Jose I honestly think I'd give up smoking if he asked me to!

The Blair Witch Project 《布莱尔女巫》

很经典的纪实恐怖片,女主角自拍特写的镜头并很害怕的叙述着。。。。 如果你想尝试一下特别的。 这个是整部片最经典的镜头,被很多人拿来翻版,恶搞。但据说女主角当时是真的很害怕,所以才特别真实,鼻涕眼泪的一大把。

Heather: I just want to apologize to Mike's mom and Josh's mom and my mom and I'm sorry to everyone I was very naive (looks away from camera, scared) I was very naive and very stupid and I shouldn't have put other people in danger for something that was all about me and my selfish motives I'm so sorry for everything that has happened because in spite of what Mike says now it is my fault Because it was my project and I insisted on everything I insisted we weren't lost I insisted we keep going I insisted we walk south Everything had to be my way and this is where we've ended up And it's all because of me we're here now hungry and cold and hunted I love you mom and dad I am so sorry It was never my intention to hurt any one and I hope that's clear (begins to hyperventilate) I am so scared What was that I'm scared to close my eyes and I'm scared to open them I'm going to die out here Every night we just wait for them to come (breaks down and sobs)

Bridget Jones's Diary 《BJ单身日记》


Bridget: There's something that i have to say You once said that you liked me just as I was and I just wanted to say well likewise you know I mean you wear stupid things your mum buys you- that tie's another classic- you're hauty, and you always say the wrong thing in every situation, and I seriously believe you should reconsider the length of your sideburns But you're a nice man and I like you And if you wanted to pop by sometime, it would be nice more than nice


芮妮齐薇格演的roxie,虽然和上面的是同一个人,但角色迥然不同。 友一句唱。

Roxie: (speaking to Mama) I always wanted to have my name in all the papers Before I met Amos I use to date this well-to-do ugly bootlegger He used to like to take me out and show me off Ugly guys like to do that Once it said in the paper, "Gangland's Al Capelli seen at Chez Vito with cute blond chorine" That was me I clipped it and saved it You know, all my life I wanted to have my own act But noooo, no, no, no, it's always no, they always turned me down One big world full of no! And then Amos came along Safe, sweet Amos Who never says no Ohh (coy giggles) I’ve never done this before, but you know, it is such a special night and you are such a great audience! (applause from Roxie's "audience") And, and, I just really feel like I can talk to you, you know So forget what you've read in the papers, and forget what you’ve heard on the radio because, because, because I'm gonna tell you the truth (giggles) Not that the truth really matters, but I'm gonna tell you anyway In the bed department, Amos waszero I mean, when he made love to me, it was like, it was like he was fixing a carborator or something, (pretends to play with her breasts, imitating Amos) "I love ya, honey, I love ya!" Anyway, I started fooling aroundand then I started screwing around, which is fooling around without dinner Then I met Fred Casley, who said he could get me into vaudeville, but that didn't quite work out like I planned I guess it didn't really work out too great for Fred either So I gave up with the whole vaudeville idea, 'cause you gotta figure after all those years -- opportunities just pass you by (sings) But it ain't, oh no no no no, but it ain't (speaking again) And now, if this Flynn guy gets me off, with all this publicity, I got me a world full of YES!

The English Patient 英国病人


A very slow reading; switches voices back and forth from the recent past to the present, Katharine (Kristin Scott Thomas) and Hana (Juliette Binoche)


Voice of Hana/Voice of Katharine: My darling I'm waiting for you How long is the day in the dark Or a week The fire is gone And I'm cold, horribly cold I really want to drag myself outside but then there'd be the sun I'm afraid I'll waste the light on the paintings, not writing these words We die We die, we die rich with lovers and triumphs, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we haveentered and swum up like rivers Fears we have hidden in--like this wretched cave I want all this marked on my body Where the real country is Not boundaries drawn on maps, names of powerful men I know you'll come carry me out to the Palace of Winds That's what I've wanted: to walk in such a place with you With friends and an earth without maps The lamp has gone out and I'm writing in the darkness



Isabel: I never wanted to be a mom Well, sharing it with you is one thing, but caring alone the rest of my life, always being compared to you You're perfect They worship you I just don't want to be looking over my shoulder everyday, for twenty years, knowing that someone would have done it right, done it better, the way that I can't You're mother-earth incarnate, you ride with Anna, you know every story, every wound, every memory Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you Every single moment Don't you get it Look down the road to her wedding I'm in a room alone with her Fitting her veil, fluffing her dress Telling her, no woman has ever looked that beautiful And my fear is that (pause) she'll be thinking "I wish my mom was here"

You've Got Mail 电子情书

Meg Ryan 的台词,不过好像是打字的独白。

Kathleen: I like to start my notes to you as if we're already in the middle of a conversation I pretend that we're the oldest and dearest friends -- as opposed to what we actually are, people who don't know each other's names and met in an "Over 30" chat room where we both claimed we'd never been before What will NY152 say today, I wonder I turn on my computer, I wait impatiently as it boots up I go on line, and my breath catches in my chest until I hear three little words: You've got mail I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beat of my own heart I have mail From you

The Wizard of Oz 绿野仙踪

桃乐丝回到家后跟她的阿姨的独白,不过是很老很老的片子了。 所以比较。。。老旧。。。不过最后一句很经典There's no place like home!

Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream It was a place And you and you and youand you were there But you couldn't have been could you No, Aunt Em, this was a real truly live place and I remember some of it wasn't very nice, but most of it was beautiful--but just the same all I kept saying to everybody was "I want to go home," and they sent me home! Doesn't anybody believe me But anyway, Toto, we're home! Home And this is my room, and you're all here and I'm not going to leave here ever, ever again Because I love you all And Oh Auntie Em! There's no place like home!

The Terminator 终结者


Sarah: The hardest thing is deciding what I should tell you and what not to Well, anyway, I've got a while yet before you're old enough to understand the tapes They're more for me at this point to help get it all straight

Should I tell you about your father That's a tough one Will it change your decision to send him hereknowing But if you don't send Kyle, you could never be God, you can go crazy thinking about all thisI suppose I'll tell youI owe him that And maybe it'll be enough if you know that in the few hours we had together we loved a lifetime's worth

Serendipity 缘份天注定 / 美国情缘 / 情有独钟


Sara: I've always believed in fate I've always believed that life is more than a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences But rather, a tapestry of events that culminate into an exquisite plan I mean, I just spent the entire flight staring into the sky thinking Not about my fiance, but about this mystery guy I met a million and a half hours ago A guy I don't even remember except for this vague picture inside my head It's just a few seconds, a fragment really, and it's like, in that moment the whole universe existed just to bring us together We spent only a few precious hours together and I never even gave him my last name or my phone number Instead, I told him that if we were meant to be together, if fate meant for us to be together, we'd meet again someday That's why I'm here That's why I'm going to let fate take me anywhere it wants to go, because when all of this is over, atleast I'll never have to think of him ever again Let's just pray he's a bald Fascist who picks his nose and wipes it under the car seat

The Princess Diaries 公主日记


Mia: Hi, um hello I'm Mia Um, it's stopped raining! I'm really no good at speech-making Normally I get so nervous that I faint or run away, or sometimes I even get sick But you really didn't need to know that But I'm not so afraid anymore See, my father helped me Earlier this evening had every intention of giving up my claim to the throne And my mother 0helped me, by telling me it was ok, and by supporting me like she has for my entire life But then I wondered how I'd feel after abdicating my role as Princess of Genovia Would I feel relieved, or would I feel sad And then I realized how many stupid times a day I use the word 'I' And probably all I ever do is think about myself And how lame is that when there's like seven billion other people out there on the planet, and sorry, I'm going too fast But then I thought, if I cared about the other seven billion out there, instead of just me, that's probably a much better use of my time

See, if i were Princess of Genovia, then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard, and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions So this morning when I woke up, I was Mia Thermopolis But now I choose to be forevermore, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia



以上就是关于THE O.C.里的安娜叫什么名字全部的内容,包括:THE O.C.里的安娜叫什么名字、快乐大本营的开场曲,开始就是蹦蹦蹦莱克赖斯,然后又是蹦蹦蹦,那个是什么歌、询问电影<芝加哥>中的一段台词等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!

