My internship site is hangzhou thousand-island flying in the hotel, the hotel I stayed for six months. Hei mixed, have trouble, also have the joy, in that I learn a lot. I really restaurant internship. This hotel is a new hotel, restaurant are not open, western food is solely responsible for the buffet breakfast and some buffet, but still very hard, the breakfast, we generally 7.00 started six o 'clock will start to prepare, so 5 a.m. is necessary, how to think then up so early. We also responsible for room service, room service is an important part of the hotel service, so also the most troublesome parts, but luckily didn't also make what big mistake. We have shift to the 2 o 'clock night shift, deliver meals and 2 days of breakfast table. In short time going to work is not late is early, is really hard. Remember the national holidays, busy, I continuously early night on the 10 days, that day really work hard! Practice although was over, but often recall those days, always think too many, it is the first time to enter the society, to work, to study, always a precious experience!前几天去蹭的一顿晚餐。餐厅比较有档次,菜品做得比较精致,味道也不错,服务热情。包间有独立卫生间和配菜间,适合商务宴请。整个酒店环境很好,离龙泉闹市距离适度,安静优雅,院子虽然不大,但配套绿化还是挺不错的,有一些停车位。大厅感觉有些气派,2楼会议厅看介绍也能承办一定规模的会议。3楼就是我们去的餐厅,4、5楼应该是客房吧。
网站会员入住好评率:90%以上 参考评价:该酒店位置离千岛湖广场步行仅5分钟距离,且视野很开阔。拉开窗帘江景一览无遗,交通也比较方便,到旅游码头马路对面可以坐车。酒店服务态度很好,同时还提供了旅游订票服务,价格与码头售票点一样,太方便了。