
跃跃欲试的意思2023-05-17  42







Address , seal , and stamp the love letter

信封上写好地址,密封好之后 贴上邮票 。 Please stick the stamp on the front of the envelope

请在信封正面 贴上邮票 。 He addressed the envelope and stuck a stamp on

他在信封上写好了地址,然后 贴上邮票 。 She attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it

她在信封上 贴上邮票 然后寄了出去。 You must put a stamp on the envelope before you post it

寄信以前,你必须在信封上 贴上邮票 。 Just stick on a stamp and post it

贴上邮票 发掉就行了。 Pdf no postage is needed or

(毋须 贴上邮票 ) ;或 Each appcation should be acpanied by a stamped addressed envelope

每份申请书均须附回邮信封, 贴上邮票 ,写好地址 Each appcation should be acpanied by a stamped addressed envelope

每份申请书均须附回邮信封, 贴上邮票 ,写好地址 Don ' t forget to stick a stamp on an envelope before you put it into the mail - box

把信投进信箱前别忘了在信封上 贴上邮票 。

These christmas greeting cards are environmentally friendly in that they obviate the need for postage stamps and envelopes

这些圣诞贺卡毋须 贴上邮票 或附加信封,符合环保原则。 The o postage prepaid postcards can be sent via air mail without the need to affix an additional stamp

香港邮政署长蒋任宏表示,这两款邮资已付明信片可作空邮投寄而无须 贴上邮票 。 He hands her a package , stamped and addressed . gives them a pleasant smile . turns and strolls from the bank

他递给出纳一个写好地址和 贴上邮票 的包裹,送出一个愉快的微笑,转身走出银行。 If you wish to be notified of the receipt of your entry , please enclose a self - addressed , stamped postcard

如果您想在我们收到您的作品后给您确认,请随附一个写上收信人地址, 贴上邮票 的明信片。"prestige souvenir cover to memorate hong kong s participation in the 2004 olympic games"issued by sf &ochk , pre - affixed with a stamp sheetlet

由体协暨奥委会发行,并预先 贴上邮票 小型张的珍贵纪念封 He ' s a scatter brain in the office he often forgets to post the letters and when he does he usually forgets to put stamps on them

他办事时经常丢三拉四,不是经常忘记寄信,就是寄信时又常常忘记 贴上邮票 。 Would it not be a paying investment to put stamps on the huge pile of manuscripts under the table and start them on their travels again

若是把他堆积在桌子底下的那一大堆稿件全部 贴上邮票 ,重新打发出去旅行,会不会得到什么回报呢? Please send your pleted order form to “ hongkong post philatec bureau , freepost no . 53 hong kong ” ( postage stamp is not required for local mail )

请将填妥之表格以简?回邮53号寄回香港邮政集邮组(在本港投递毋须 贴上邮票 ) 。 There is no need to affix a stamp or using an envelope as they can be folded and sealed at edges . this provides more space for writing messages and ensures privacy

心意卡毋须 贴上邮票 或附加信封,其边沿可接合黏贴,有足够的书写空间之馀亦可保障私稳。 Later on he pawned his watch , and still later his wheel , reducing the amount available for food by putting stamps on all his manuscripts and sending them out

然后他当掉了手表,接著是自行车,给所有的稿子都 贴上邮票 ,寄了出去,这又减少了所能到手的伙食费。

Put it all down on that piece of paper . let yourself know where you are right now . and take that piece of paper and put it in the envelope , put your name and your address on that envelope , put a stamp on it , in fact if you dont have a stamp on it , dont worry about it

给自己写一封信,告诉自己,现在的境况有多糟糕,统统写下来让自己知道,你现在的境况,把这封信放进信封,在信封上写下你的 名字 和地址, 贴上邮票 如果你没有邮票,别担心,我会为你贴邮票,把信寄给我,我不会拆阅,但我会保存这封信一年。 At a ceremony held at the 150 years of water supply carnival , tamar basin , mr . allan chiang , j . p . , acting postmaster general and mr . h . b . philpson , j . p . , director of water suppes marked the launch of the new stamps by sticking blow - up stamps onto a blow - up first day cover and cancelng the stamp with a blow - up postmark

香港供水一百五十年嘉年华会在添马舰举行。在场内举行的"香港供水一百五十年"特别邮票发行仪式上,署理香港邮政署长蒋任宏先生与水务署署长傅立新先生一同主礼,在大型首日封上 贴上邮票 和盖印。 You may use the green return - envelope ( please note that a postage stamp is required ) to send your pleted return by post , or drop it in the mail - box located next to the escalators on the gf of the revenue tower at no . 5 gloucester road , wan chai , hong kong . alternatively you may file your tax return by electronic means if you meet the criteria

你可把填妥的个别人士报税表放在绿色信封内经邮局寄回本局(请注意:你必须 贴上邮票 ) ;或把它放进位于香港湾仔告士打道5号税务大楼地下扶手电梯旁的本局大收信箱。 A guide to the expo with detailed information on sts of booth holders , petitive exhibits , court of honour items , and philatec products , souvenir items , daily events and the floor plan . blank pages are reserved for obtaining stamp designers autographs , affixing stamps and to collectcollecting memorative postmarks and cachets . the selng price is hk $ 20 each

特刊详列参展商、竞赛展品、荣誉展馆展品、各类邮品、纪念品、博览会日程和场地平面图等资料,还预留空白页,方便入场人士请邮票设计师签名留念、 贴上邮票 ,又或收集纪念印等等,各适其适。 Please send ( 1 ) pleted entry form ( 2 ) entry fee ( crossed cheque payable to “ hong kong amateur athletic association ltd . ” and ( 3 ) stamped and self - addressed envelop to : “ mtr hong kong race walking 2005 ” coordinator , room 2015 , sports house , 1 stadium path , so kon po , causeway bay , hong kong

请将( 1 )填妥之报名表、 ( 2 )报名费?支票抬头香港业馀田径总会有限公司? 、及( 3 )已 贴上邮票 之回邮信封,寄回或交回香港铜锣湾扫杆埔大球场径1号体育大楼2015室香港业馀田径总会地铁竞步赛2005负责人。







上一篇: 《明史·吴桂芳传》全文翻译

下一篇: 捕风捉影的故事,捕风捉影的故事















如钓获以下长度的鱼类均须生放回水塘内:360 毫米以下的鲈鱼、300 毫米以下的生鱼及其他180 毫米以下的各种鱼类,而长度是由鱼头最前端起计至鱼尾最末端止。

每名钓鱼人士一天中的鱼获,不得多於长度360 毫米或以上的鲈鱼两尾、300 毫米或以上的生鱼两尾,以及其他 180 毫米以上每种鱼类两尾。







