
玄武门在哪2023-05-09  28

这首是美国很古老的歌曲,由"the surpremes "乐队演唱,这个乐队由四名女歌手组成,五六十年代非常流行。歌曲讲述一个女孩全心全意爱着她的爱人,她的小伙子。这首歌被“修女也疯狂”引用,在**中修女们胡比歌德堡把guy 改成了God,在修道院里演唱,给修道院带来了前所未有的生气!

"My Guy" by Mary Wells

Nothing you could say

Can tear me away from my guy

Nothing you could do

'Cause I'm stuck like glue to my guy

I'm stickin' to my guy

Like a stamp to a letter

Like the birds of a feather

We stick together

I'm tellin' you from the start

I can't be torn apart from my guy

Nothing you can do

Could make me untrue to my guy

Nothing you could buy

Could make me tell a lie to my guy

I gave my guy my word of honor

To be faithful and I'm gonna

You best be believing

I won't be deceiving my guy

As a matter of opinion I think he's tops

My opinion is he's the cream of the crop

As a matter of taste to be exact

He's my ideal as a matter of fact

No muscle bound man

Could take my hand from my guy

No handsome face

Could ever take the place of my guy

He may not be a movie star

But when it comes to being happy we are

There's not a man today

Who could take me away from my guy

No muscle bound man

Could take my hand from my guy

No handsome face

Could ever take the place of my guy

He may not be a movie star

But when it comes to being happy we are

There's not a man today

Who could take me away from my guy

There's not a man today

Who could take me away from my guy

(Tell me more)

There's not a man today

Who could take me away from my guy



2、so sick








10、fill me in



13、walking away

14、truly madly deeply





19、my girl (苏醒、俞灏明、吉杰、魏晨)





24、Livin la Vida Loca






30、Miss Independent(梦醒组合)


我是一个22岁的热血青年,拥有自己的一辆车是我年少至今的梦想。因为穷人家的孩子早当家,18岁就出社会摸爬滚打积累了自己第一辆车的资金,早在2019年底就已经立下flag买一台充满运动感的轿车,在那时思域和昂克赛拉是我一直挥之不去的喜爱。接着进入到2020年因为疫情的影响,生存成了最大的问题,没了收入更是让我元气大伤,购车事宜也受到了耽搁。 进入到了五月份疫情得到了控制,生活和工作得到了进一步的恢复,我就迫不及待的开启看车之旅。第一站就去看关注了很久的昂克赛拉,昂克赛拉这个外观造型确实属于耐看型,尤其是魄动红,真是骚的一p。但是试驾后感觉动力上并不是我想要的,但是毕竟15L,也不能要求太高。唯一的不足就是新款昂克赛拉居然取消了后独悬,这并不是我想要的。 第二站去了本田4s店,进入店内居然没有销售顾问接待,体验太差,本身周围人对思域这个车的评价口碑就不怎么样了,偷工减料,性价比不高,导致我失落感就挺强的。 进入到六月份,无意间就在网上看到荣威i6MAX的预售广告,看到这个外观爱了爱了。本身我这个人就属于外貌协会,超级看重车辆的外观设计,荧光绿的线条搭配荣麟灰,瞬间让我想起初恋的感觉!! 因为我留了电话,海南上诚荣威4S店的顾问阿泰就给我打电话说有车到店,可以试驾了,我激动的心已经按耐不住了,立马冲去店里看车试驾。到店后顾问阿泰的服务态度是真的好,加上店面的装修升级,才知道原来是全国百家旗舰店之一,海南唯一一家荣威旗舰店,无论是服务还是环境某达某田是真的比不上,这里一定要重点表扬。 因为展车是顶配的Surpreme版,我就只能顺水推舟的去了解这一款配置,经过顾问阿泰的一番热情介绍后我更心动了。进入到试驾环节,15T上汽蓝芯第二代高效发动机搭载7速湿式双离合,这个动力搭配才是我想要的动力效果,在急加速的同时,动力提升上去了变速箱带来的性能就是顺畅,丝毫感受不到顿挫感,而且静音效果在同等价位是比不上的,全车六块隔音玻璃+4条米其林静音轮胎,基本上可以说性能和静谧性荣威都同时做到了。前后都是独立悬挂,在路况差的时候也很软,座椅也一样。而且转向丝毫不比昂克赛拉差,转向精准,半径小。还有斑马30系统+维纳斯系统,这个反应速度绝了,听介绍原来是采用联发科五核芯片,在互联网汽车上我觉得只能分两种了,一种叫斑马,一种叫其他。 最后经过多次的网上看车了解,线下的体验后,我果断的放弃了曾经我最钟意的,选了我的真爱i6MAX


Blunt Ashes

Yo, I want the Langston Hughes and Alex Haley

got blazed before they told stories

I'ma get blazed before I tell y'all stories

I saw on tv today, this man lost his son, his son died

So he had him cremated, took his ashes,

and then made it to a Diamond ring

Now he watches his son shine everyday

I just thought about that,

while I sit here ashing in this ash tray, yea

The makin' of a mad band

Intricate stories of DeVante Swing

Ava Gardner, the crashin' of James Dean

Bobby Brown influenced by Rick James and it goes

Prince wanted Alexander O'Neal to be Morris Day or Jerome

But Alex was puttin' coke in his nose, nigga whylin'

Could be a myth but I swear that the source was close,

Killed herself, it was crazy, mommy was bad they say

Donny Hathaway freefall from a balcony, he swings

As the blunt ash falls into the ash tray

I could see my whole life fly past me

Did I, did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy

And will the money and fame out last me

The blunt's ash falls down in the ash tray

Will I see my whole life fly past me

I'm askin' did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy

Did I anything else you wanna know, just wanna ask me

Sam trusted Womack with his main lady

He tossin' in the grave, like, "this is how you repay me"

A change gon' come, wish you didn't trust me so much

Marvin said "no mountain's high enough, fly stuff"

David Ruffin was punchin' Tammy Terrell, gave her concussions

While the Funk Brothers was layin' down the percussion

When Flo from the Surpremes died, Diana Ross cried

Many people said that she was laughin' inside

As the blunt ash falls into the ash tray

I could see my whole life fly past me

Did I, did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy

And will the money and fame out last me

The blunt's ash falls down in the ash tray

Will I see my whole life fly past me

I'm askin' did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy

Did I anything else you wanna know, just wanna ask me

John F Kennedy's, enemies dealt with treachery

It interests me, Judy Campbell in Gucci sandals

She's what a temptress be

The death of Ennis Cosby, what a mystery

Or the Chicagoan Harold Washington

Someone is sabotaging them

Watch out for the traps

Larry Troutman killed his brother Roger Troutman

Then he killed himself, that's the end of Zapp

And I wouldn't change a thing, mistakes of the greats

This is what came from their pain

From their hurt we gain, an unfair exchange

As the blunt ash falls into the ash tray

I could smell old bogey cigars

I could see my whole life fly past me

Long record perfumes, smellin' just as sweet, ha-ha

Me and my wife K, flyin' in a drop-top like Ruby and Ottis Davis baby

Knaw'mean, yo man, I get smoked out,

and start thinkin' about Patty McDaniels got a Oscar,

for playin' Mami in 'Gone With The Wind'

And she didn't get allowed, wasn't even allowed to go to the premier

Could'ya'believe that, couldn't go to premier to her joint

Tssk man, you know they were strong back then man

Blunt from my ash tray, nothin' gon' to live past me, yea, yea, yea

Blunt from my ash tray, nothin' gon' to live past me, yea, yea, yea

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以上就是关于六人行(老友记)第1季11集5分钟15秒时的音乐叫什麽全部的内容,包括:六人行(老友记)第1季11集5分钟15秒时的音乐叫什麽、荐几首苏醒的具有R&B风格的歌、青春总有梦,荣威i6 MAX燥起来!等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!

