英语单词农民怎么读 常见句型有哪些

粉煤灰的作用2023-05-07  27

1、农民的英文单词:farmer 英 [fɑːmə(r)] 美 [fɑːrmər] n 农夫;农民;农场主。

2、词汇搭配:fruit farmer 果农,gentleman farmer 从事农业的贵族,tenant farmer 佃农,tobacco farmer 种烟草的农民。

3、常见句型:The farmers guarantee the quantity and quality of the vegetables that are delivered农民们保证交售蔬菜的质量和数量。

The farmers turned the sterile land into high yields农民们把不毛之地变成了高产田。

He was a good story-teller and used to make up tales about farmers and animals他是个讲故事的好手,常编一些农夫和动物的故事。

Many farmers grow corn in America在美国许多农民栽种谷物。

farmer 英['fɑ:mə(r)] 美[ˈfɑrmɚ]

n农场主,农民;承包人 名词复数:farmers

Eg the farmer spent a day in the woods hewing timber






husbandman 和farmer类似。

off-farm workers是一种说法

但我还是比较喜欢migrant rural workers 或者

migrant workers,顺口~~



“农民工”的英译可谓五花八门,仅笔者见过的就有peasant workers,migrant workers,rural workers,farmers-turned construction workers等。笔者认为,上述译法均有不足。早在上个世纪七十年代,许多英语母语人士就指出,将汉语中“农民”译为peasant不妥,应该用farmer一词。当时的中学英语课本中就有the poor and lower-middle peasants(贫下中农)的说法。而rural workers的意思则不够明确,很容易产生歧义,人们很容易将其理解为rural labours;至于farmers-turned construction workers的译法,其主要问题是界定范围太窄,不能涵盖“农民工”的所指范围。migrant workers这一译法国内英文媒体常采用,但九十年代末联合国的一份文件(Fact Sheet No24, The Rights of Migrant Workers)却给出了如下定义:The term "migrant worker" refers to a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national 显然,migrant workers此处是指“国外来的打工者”。

其实,英语中就有off-farm income,off-farm employment及off-farm work等说法,其中off-farm work是指农民离开土地到城里所从事的工作,如果这类工作是季节性的,可以说seasonal off-farm work,如果是长期工则说permanent off-farm work。请看下面的例句:

1)However, in almost all cases the off-farm work was of a seasonal nature, lasting no more than 6 to 8 weeks

2)Factory work provided most of the off-farm work but many part-time farmers were tradesmen and managers in business

3)The type of off-farm work varied but many were in an oil-related industry, working shifts at Flotta oil terminal

综上所述笔者认为,将汉语中的“农民工”翻译为off-farm workers比较合适。

问题一:农民用英语怎么说?? farmer 农民

问题二:农民的英文是什么? farmer

问题三:农民英语是什么 peasant

问题四:农民的英语是什么? farmer



易混淆的单词:FarmerEg the farmer spent a day in the woods hewing timber


问题五:农民用英语是什么? peasant

问题六:农民用英文怎么说 Farmer,Peasant, Peasantry,Agriculturist都可以,俯果楼主想来点有隐喻味道的,那就是A son of the soil,“土地的儿子”。


以上就是关于英语单词农民怎么读 常见句型有哪些全部的内容,包括:英语单词农民怎么读 常见句型有哪些、怎么写农民这个英文单词、“农民”翻译成英文!!等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!

