狄更斯很喜欢18世纪的“哥特式小说” – 其实当时这种文体已经式微,成了许多“新派作家”嘲讽的一种文体,但是笔尖常带感情的狄更斯,巧妙地以伦敦为创作背景,编织了许许多多赚人热泪的故事。
狄更斯文笔流畅而富有诗意,亦不乏诙谐。英国眼高于顶、自视过高的贵族,常是他笔下嘲讽的对象。例如他曾经形容一个贵族为“高贵的冰箱”,“David Copperfield”里面的人物“Mr Murdstone”则是“谋杀”(murder)和“石头”(stone)的合写,直接描绘出了这个人的冷硬和阴险。狄更斯关注工业革命刚萌芽时期英国悲苦的童工命运,他把他们比作任人买卖的“股票”,或是将晚宴里无趣的宾客比作“家具。”他的小说糅合了写实主义和丰富的想象,但又入情入理,扣人心弦。
Charles Dickens, was the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era and one of the most popular of all time He created some of literature's most memorable characters
Dickens loved the style of 18th century gothic romance, although it had already become a target for parodyOne "character" vividly drawn throughout his novels is London itself All aspects of the capital are described over the course of his body of work
His writing style is florid and poetic, with a strong comic touch His satires of British aristocratic snobbery—he calls one character the "Noble Refrigerator"—are often popular Comparing orphans to stocks and shares, people to tug boats, or dinner-party guests to furniture are just some of Dickens's acclaimed flights of fancy Many of his character's names provide the reader with a hint as to the roles played in advancing the storyline, such as Mr Murdstone in the novel David Copperfield, which is clearly a combination of "murder" and stony coldness His literary style is also a mixture of fantasy and realism
双城记 A Tale of Two Cities
圣诞颂歌 A Christmas Carol
大卫科波菲尔 David Copperfield
艰难时世 Hard Times
荒凉山庄Bleak House
董贝父子 Dombey and Son
远大前程Great Expectations
雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist
His classic novels and short stories will forever continue to entertain and provoke thought A Brief Biography English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period Dickens's works are charactericized by attacks on social evils, unjustice, and hypocrisy He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory Dickens's lively good, bad and comic characters, such as the cruel miser Scrooge, the aspiring novelist David Copperfield, or the trusting and innocent Mr Pickwick, have fascinated generations of readers Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire, during the new industrial age, which created misery for the class of low-paid workers and gave birth to theories of Karl Marx His father was a clerk in the navy pay office, who was well paid but often ended in financial troubles In 1814 Dickens moved to London, and then to Chatham, where he received some education He worked in a blacking factory, Hungerford Market, London, while his family was in Marshalea debtor's prison in 1824 - later this period found its way to the novel Little Dorrit (1855-57) In 1824-27 Dickens studied at Wellington House Academy, London, and at Mr Dawson's school in 1827 From 1827 to 1828 he was a law office clerk, and then worked as a shorthand reporter at Doctor's Commons He wrote for True Son (1830-32), Mirror of Parliament (1832-34) and the Morning Chronicle (1834-36) He was in the 1830s a contributor to Monthly Magazine, and The Evening Chronicle and edited Bentley's Miscellany In the 1840s Dickens founded Master Humphrey's Cloak and edited the London Daily News These years as a journalist left Dickens with lasting affection for journalism and suspicious attitude towards unjust laws His sharp ear for conversation helped him reveal characters through their own words Dickens's career as a writer of fiction started in 1833 when his short stories and essays to appeared in periodical His SKETCHES BY BOZ and THE PICKWICK PAPERS were published in 1836; he married in the same year the daughter of his friend George Hogarth, Catherine Hogart However, some people suspected that he was more fond of her sister, Mary, who moved into their house and died in 1837 Dickens requested that he be buried next to her when he died and wore Mary's ring all his life Another of Catherine's sisters, Georgiana, moved in with the Dickenses, and the novelist fell in love with her Dickens had with Catherine 10 children but they were separated in 1858 Dickens also had a long liaison with the actress Ellen Ternan, whom he had met by the late 1850s The Pickwick Papers were stories about a group of rather odd individuals and their travels to Ipswich, Rochester, Bath and elsewhere Dickens's novels first appeared in monthly instalments, including OLIVER TWIST (1837-39), which depicts the London underworld and hard years of the foundling Oliver Twist, NICHOLAS NICKELBY (1838-39), a tale of young Nickleby's struggles to seek his fortune, and OLD CURIOSITY SHOP (1840-41) Among his later works are DAVID COPPERFIELD (1849-50), where Dickens used his own personal experiences of work in a factory, BLEAK HOUSE (1852-53), A TALE OF TWO CITIES (1859), set in the years of the French Revolution GREAT EXPECTATIONS (1860-61), the story of Pip (Philip Pirrip), was among Tolstoy's and Dostoyevsky's favorite novels The unfinished mystery novel THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD was published in 1870 From the 1840s Dickens spent much time travelling and campaigning against many of the social evils of his time In addition he gave talks and reading, wrote pamphlets, plays, and letters In the 1850s Dickens was founding editor of Household World and its successor All the Year Round (1859-70) In 1844-45 he lived in Italy, Switzerland and Paris He gave lecturing tours in Britain and the United States in 1858-68 From 1860 Dickens lived at Gadshill Place, near Rochester, Kent He died at Gadshill on June 9, 1870 Although Dickens's career as a novelist received much attention, he produced hundreds of essays and edited and rewrote hundreds of others submitted to the various periodicals he edited Dickens distinquished himself as an essayis in 1834 under the pseudonym Boz 'A Visit to Newgate' (1836) reflects his own memories of visiting his own family in the Marshalea Prison In 'A Small Star in in the East' reveals the working conditions on mills and 'Mr Barlow' (1869) draws a portrait of a unsensitive tutor 最近在写雾都孤儿的英文报告,刚刚好哈~
查尔斯狄更斯是 历史 上英国最伟大的作家,作品揭露了社会的黑暗,赞扬了惩恶扬善的精神。下面是我搜集整理的历史上的狄更斯,希望对你有帮助。
查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles John Huffam Dickens,1812年2月7日-1870年6月9日),十九世纪英国最伟大的作家,也是一位以反映现实生活见长的作家,他在自己的作品中,以高超的艺术手法,描绘了包罗万象的社会图景,作品一贯表现出揭露和批判的锋芒,贯彻惩恶扬善的人道主义精神,塑造出众多令人难忘的人物形象。查尔斯·狄更斯在三十多年的创作生涯中写了十五部长篇小说,许多中短篇小说,以及 随笔 、游记、时事评论、戏剧、诗歌等,为英国文学和世界文学作了卓越的贡献,一百多年来他的代表作《双城记》在全世界盛行不衰,深受广大读者的欢迎。
查尔斯狄更斯早年家境小康,曾经在私立学校接受过 教育 。可是由于父亲不务实,经常宴请宾客。十二岁时,狄更斯的父亲就因还不起债务进了监狱。
十六岁时,狄更斯到一家律师事务所当任缮写员。后来狄更斯担任了采访记者,了解到了社会的种种弊端。狄更斯并没有接受系统的正规教育,靠 自学 完成了学业。
二十四岁时,狄更斯与报社出版人的女儿结婚,一共 孕育 了十个儿女。由于双方个性和 爱好 的差异,狄更斯的晚年过得并不幸福。狄更斯常常利用空闲的时间到乡村漫游,为日后的写作积累下素材。狄更斯最先在报刊上发表文章,逐渐小有名气。
狄更斯晚年的时候白天写作,晚上就被邀请去 朗诵 自己的写作。繁忙的工作和现实的烦恼损害了狄更斯的 健康 。1870年,狄更斯去世。
狄更斯在世界文坛史上有着举足轻重的地位,但他的影响力超过了文学范畴。狄更斯是发明 圣诞节 的人,这当然不是说他发明了这个宗教 节日 。这是说狄更斯让圣诞节成为了一种流行。在以前,圣诞节并不被市民注重,也没有大型庆祝。从现实角度讲,狄更斯创造了现代圣诞节的理念。巧合的是在狄更斯童年的每一个圣诞节都是下雪天。狄更斯的作品多次搬上大银幕,英国的知名影星大多饰演过他的作品。
以上就是关于查尔斯 狄更斯中英文对照简介全部的内容,包括:查尔斯 狄更斯中英文对照简介、查尔斯狄更斯英文简介、历史上的狄更斯是谁等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!