
水的密度是多少2023-05-06  37



1林吉特=10分(1 Ringgit = 100 Sen)

马来西亚林吉特或称马来西亚元(Malaysian DOllar)由马来西亚国家银行(BankNegara Malaysia) 发行。目前流通的钞票面额有100、50、10、5、1林吉特,另有50、20、10、5、 1分铸币。

马来西亚原称马来亚。过去,马来西亚、新加坡、沙巴、沙捞越、文莱等地区流通的货币是由五个地区联合货币局发行的马来亚元。 1963年9月16日成立马来西亚联邦后,当地货币改由英国控制的“货币基金委员会”所发行的马来亚元。 1965年8月9日新加坡退出后,该“委员会”自1967年6月12日停止发行马来亚元,并由新成立的马来西亚中央银行重新发行迄今在马来亚、沙捞越和沙巴三个地区流通的货币。马来西亚国家银行(中央银行 )第一次发行钞票是1967年至1972年,发行面额有1000、100、50、10、5,和1林吉特。1972年至1976 年,1976年至1981年又第二次、第三次发行新版钞,面额分别同第一次。第四次发行新钞是1982年至1 983年,新增加了500和20面额的林吉特。第五版钞是1986年至1989年发行的,有1000、500、100、50、 20、10、5和1面额的林吉特。

旧版马来亚元自1976年6月12日起停止流通,并规定了一定的兑换期。据资料,1967年发行的1000 林吉特已于1985年1月1日起停止流通。


目前流通的有50、20、10、5、 1分铸币。

马来西亚钱币名称是马来西亚林吉特(Malaysia Ringgit)简称“RM” (即马来西亚元),l林吉特等于100分 (SEN)。硬币分别是1分、5分、10分(称“l角”)、20分(称“2角”)、50分(称“5 角”)及1林吉特。纸币面值分RMl、RM2、RM5、RMl0、RM20、RM50、RMl00、RM500及RMl000。外国货币与旅行支票可向全国各地的银行或授权的钱币商兑换。100人民币兑换452马币,100美元兑换378马币,每日的行情不等,每个地方的汇率多少也有差异。

Malaysia 马来西亚。

Malaysians 马来西亚人。



英 [mə'leɪʒə]

美 [mə'leɪʒə]



英 [mə'leɪʒn]

美 [mə'leɪʒn]





He settled in Malaysia


This would change the face of Malaysian politics


I work really hard, and I'm proud to be a Malaysian

Malaysia读音:英 [mə'leɪʒə]  美 [mə'leɪʒə]


n 马来西亚。



马来西亚(东南亚一联邦国家,首都为Kuala Lumpur),马来西亚,全称马来西亚联邦(Malaysia,前身马来亚),简称大马。

We are luckier than the Singaporeans in Malaysia


I think they will find a ready market in Malaysia



近义词:Malaya。临近单词:Malcolm、Malay、Malaysian、Malaysian Open。


1、含义:n 马来亚;马来半岛。


Flower of Malaya, I can not stay


Soon branches appeared all over Malaya



1、含义:n 马尔科姆(男子名)。


Malcolm really fancies himself in his new outfit


When Malcolm takes charge his blue blood begins to show



1、含义:n 马来人;马来语,adj 马来的;马来人的。


Chinese, Malay and India must share a certain proportion in every block


A dialect of Malay is the official language of Indonesia



1、含义:adj 马来西亚的;马亚群岛的,n 马来西亚人。


His name is Dai Min Fei, a Malaysian


Will the Krakatau of the Malaysian rumbling and grumbling finally erupt


五、Malaysian Open



Malaysia opens drive-in massage parlor


We imported raw rubber from Malaysia


Culture of Malaysia

Bergendang (Drumming)

In the traditional musical performances of the Malay community in Sarawak, it is the womenfolk who play the gendang or drums Seated behind a screen, they drum out their beats in rhythm to songs sung by young maidens and dances performed by men

Wayang Kulit (Shadow Play)

Wayang Kulit is a traditional theater art-form using puppets and shadow-play to tell the epic tales of the Ramayana The puppets are made of buffalo hide and mounted on bamboo sticks There may be as many as 45 puppets - handled entirely by a single master puppeteer, known as the Tok Dalang

Maggagong (Gong Ensembles)

Brass or bronze gong ensembles form an inherent part of Sabah's ethnic music The melody varies from district to district The Kadazan Dusun group include six songs and a drum called the sopogogungan (Penampang) in their musical composition while the Bajau from Kota Belud add kulintangan, a set of kettle-bedded gongs

Bunga Malai (Garland Making)

Flowers form an integral part of the cultural heritage of Malaysian Indians for religious occasions, weddings, moving house, or welcoming an important guest Flowers, holy basil, and the leaves of the margosa or mango tree are strung together to form a malai or garland They are done in different styles to suit each particular occasion

Sumpit (Blow Pipe)

The tribal people of Sarawak are known for their magnificent hunting skills They are aided by the sumpit, a six-foot long wooden blowpipe with a poisoned or a barbed tip One quick puff sends the dart (sometimes twenty-yards away) to the victim, usually a wild pig, deer, or bird

Silat (The Malay Art of Self defense)

Silat, the Malay art of self-defense combines a series of supple movements, which enables a person to defend himself under provocation The aim of silat is to instill confidence in oneself in the face of adversity Occasionally, a keris (small dagger) may be used

Culture of Malaysia

Malaysian culture is a mixture of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and various indigenous tribes dating back to more than fifteen hundred years ago from a Malay kingdom in Lembah Bujang with traders from China and India

The first Chinese to settle in the Straits Settlements, primarily in and around Malacca, gradually adopted elements of Malaysian culture and intermarried with the Malaysian community and with this, a new ethnic group called babas (male) and nonyas (female) emerged Babas and nonyas as a group are known as Peranakan They produced a synthetic set of practices, beliefs, and arts, combining Malay and Chinese traditions in such a way as to create a new culture

The People

Malay are Malaysia's largest ethnic group, accounting for over half the population and the national language By definition of the Malaysian constitution, all Malays are Muslims Traditional Malay culture can still be found in the village Malays in different areas of the country speak their own unique dialects that can sometimes be unintelligible to most of their fellow countrymen

The Chinese have been settling in Malaysia for many centuries, as seen in the emergence of the peranakan culture, but the exodus peaked during the 19th century through trading and tin-mining When they first arrived, the Chinese often worked the most grueling jobs like tin mining and railway construction Later, some of them owned businesses that become large conglomerates in today's Malaysia Most Chinese are Tao Buddhist and retain strong ties to their ancestral homeland They form the second largest ethnic group

Indians had been visiting Malaysia for many centuries, but only settled during the 19th century Most came from South India, fleeing a poor economy or by an organised emigration administrated by the British authorities Arriving in Malaysia, many worked as rubber tappers, while others built the infrastructure or worked as administrators and small businessmen The Indians form the third largest ethnic group of Malaysia

The indigenous tribes are the oldest inhabitants of Malaysia They account for about 5 percent of the total population, and represent a majority in East Malaysia of Sabah and Sarawak In Sabah, the largest official ethnic group is Kadazan, thought many unofficially recognised subgroups exist The same can be said of other ethnic groups, with as many as a hundred racial groups forming the state's population However due to the fact that many subgroups possess only minor differences, they are not always differentiated

In Sarawak, the dominant tribal groups are the Dayak, who typically live in longhouses if in the rural areas and are either Iban or Bidayuh



在传统音乐表演马来沙捞越共同体,这是他们发挥gendang或鼓 坐在屏幕上,鼓了自己的节奏来打歌初唱的年轻男子,舞蹈表演


wayangkulit是传统戏曲艺术形式,以影子傀儡操控告诉史诗的史诗故事 木偶都装上了竹子,棒隐藏布法罗 可能有多达45个傀儡,完全由单一的木偶大师称为dalang景观


铜管乐队、铜锣组成部分萨巴赫固有的民族音乐 来自不同地区的区调 卡达山人的六首歌曲,包括一组名为鼓Sopogogungan(Penampang)的音乐作曲,而由毒品BajauBeludKulintangan加上一套釜-锣鸣


鲜花组成部分文物马来西亚印度人对宗教场合,婚礼、迁居、重要来宾的欢迎 花卉、圣Basil,或margosa芒果树的叶子都凝聚成一个横跨马来或推断 他们在做每一个不同的风格,以适合特定的场合


部落的人都知道,沙捞越的宏伟狩猎技巧 他们资助的Sumpit、六英尺长的木板blowpipe中毒或有小费 别人送的一个快速反应小组(有时是21码以外)的受害者,通常是野生猪、鹿、鸟


Silat、马来艺术自卫队将一系列灵活流动,让一个人在为自己辩护的挑衅 silat目的是要使自己的信心面对逆境 偶尔,Keris(小颗)可用



首次来中国海峡定居点,主要是马六甲及其周围,逐步采用分子和马来西亚混血文化与社区和马来西亚,新族群称为Babas(男)、(女)Nonyas出现 BabasNonyas作为一个群体,被称为Peranakan 他们制作了一套做法合成、信仰、艺术、马来西亚和中国传统相结合,使之形成新的文化


马来西亚是马来最大的族群,占全国人口的一半以上,语文 顾名思义,马来西亚宪法规定,所有马来人都是穆斯林 马来传统文化仍然有村 马来人在全国各地讲了自己独特的方言,有时可以看到他们的同胞

中国已移居马来西亚几百年,从出现的Peranakan(混血民族)文化,但在19世纪人口高峰期,通过贸易、锡矿业 刚来时,最辛苦的工作,工作中往往喜欢锡矿业和铁路建设 后来,有的国有企业,成为大企业,在当今马来西亚 佛教与中国陶都保持最牢固的祖国 他们是第二大族群

访问马来西亚印度人已经好几百年,但只是在19世纪解决 大多数来自南印度,为逃避经济不景气的移民名额,或由一个英国当局 抵达马来西亚橡胶橡胶做很多,而基础设施建设和其他工作人员,并为小企业 印度人是马来西亚的第三大族群

古老的土著部落居民马来西亚 他们约占总人口的5%,大多数是在东马来西亚的沙巴和沙捞越 在沙巴的最大族群是官方Kadazan(卡达山人),认为存在许多非正式小组认可 同其他民族,可以说,有多达百族群组成国家的人口 但由于许多人只拥有不同群体,他们并不一定区别



马来西亚令吉(马来语:ringgit malaysia;英语:malaysian ringgit),是马来西亚的法定货币以及部分国家的流通货币,国际标准化组织4217国际标准代码是MYR,货币符号为RM。它由马来西亚国家银行发行。

2005年7月21日,宣布废除七年前实行的马来西亚令吉与美元固定汇率制度,实施可管理的浮动汇率机制(managed float)取代,让马来西亚令吉与美元脱钩,马来西亚令吉将根据一篮子货币的汇率浮动,即马币可在范围内自由浮动,一旦出现激烈波动,马国央行可立即介入干预。










分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习



American Born Chinese (在美国出生的华人)

马来西亚籍华人 Malaysian Chinese

美籍华人 Chinese American


惯用是用Chinese Malaysian和American Chinese,也不知道为什么?


Malaysia (pronounced /məˈleɪʒə/ or /məˈleɪziə/) is a country in Southeast Asia that consists of thirteen states and three Federal Territories, with a total landmass of 329,845 square kilometres (127,354 sq mi)[5][6] The capital city is Kuala Lumpur, while Putrajaya is the seat of the federal government The population stands at over 28 million inhabitants[1] The country is separated into two regions, Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo, by the South China Sea[6] Malaysia borders Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei[6] The country is located near the equator and experiences a tropical climate[6] Malaysia's head of state is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong,[7] an elected monarch, and the head of government is the Prime Minister[8][9] The government is closely modeled after the Westminster parliamentary system[10]

Malaysia as a unified state did not exist until 1963 Previously, the United Kingdom had established influence in colonies in the territory from the late 18th century The western half of modern Malaysia was composed of several separate kingdoms This group of colonies was known as British Malaya until its dissolution in 1946, when it was reorganized as the Malayan Union Due to widespread opposition, it was reorganized again as the Federation of Malaya in 1948 and later gained independence on 31 August 1957[11] Singapore, Sarawak, British North Borneo and the Federation of Malaya merged to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963[12] Tensions in the early years of the new union sparked an armed conflict with Indonesia, and the expulsion of Singapore on 9 August 1965[13][14]

During the late 20th century, this Southeast Asian nation experienced an economic boom and underwent rapid development Bordering the Strait of Malacca, an important international shipping crossroad, international trade is integral to Malaysia's economy[15] Manufacturing makes up a major sector of the country's economy[16] Malaysia has a biodiverse range of flora and fauna, and is also considered one of the 17 megadiverse countries[17]

The name Malaysia was adopted in 1963 when the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak formed a 14-state federation[12] However the name itself had been vaguely used to refer to areas in Southeast Asia prior to that A map published in 1914 in Chicago has the word Malaysia printed on it referring to certain territories within the Malay Archipelago[18] Politicians in the Philippines once contemplated naming their state "Malaysia", but in 1963 Malaysia adopted the name first[19] At the time of the 1963 federation, other names were considered: among them was Langkasuka, after the historic kingdom located at the upper section of the Malay Peninsula in the first millennium of the common era[20]

In 1850 the English ethnologist George Samuel Windsor Earl, writing in the Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, proposed naming the islands of Indonesia as Melayunesia or Indunesia He favoured the former

Archaeological remains have been found throughout peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak The Semang, an ethnic Negrito group, have a deep ancestry within the Malay Peninsula, dating to migration from Africa over 50,000 years ago They are considered an indigenous people to the area

The Senoi appear to be a composite group, with approximately half of the maternal DNA lineages tracing back to the ancestors of the Semang and about half to later ancestral migrations from Indochina Scholars suggest they are descendants of early Austronesian-speaking agriculturalists, who brought both their language and their technology to the southern part of the peninsula approximately 5,000 years ago They united and coalesced with the indigenous population

The Aboriginal Malays are more diverse Although they show some connections with island Southeast Asia, some also have an ancestry in Indochina around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum, about 20,000 years ago

Anthropologists support the notion that the Proto Malays originated from what is today Yunnan, China[22] This was followed by an early-Holocene dispersal through the Malay Peninsula into island Southeast Asia[23]

Ptolemy showed the Malay Peninsula on his early map with a label that translates as "Golden Chersonese" He referred to the Straits of Malacca as Sinus Sabaricus[24] From the mid to the late first millennium, much of the Peninsula as well as the Malay Archipelago was under the influence of Srivijaya

A Famosa fortress in Malacca It was built by the Portuguese in the 16th centuryThe Chinese and Indians established kingdoms in the area in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE—as many as 30, according to Chinese sources Kedah—known as Kedaram, Cheh-Cha (according to I-Ching) or Kataha, in ancient Pallava or Sanskrit—was in the direct route of invasions of Indian traders and kings Rajendra Chola, the ancient Tamil emperor who is now thought to have laid Kota Gelanggi to waste, controlled Kedah in 1025 His successor, Vira Rajendra Chola, had to put down a Kedah rebellion to overthrow the invaders The coming of the Chola reduced the majesty of Srivijaya, which had exerted influence over Kedah, Pattani and as far as Ligor

The Buddhist kingdom of Ligor took control of Kedah shortly after Its king Chandrabhanu used it as a base to attack Sri Lanka in the 11th century, an event noted in a stone inscription in Nagapattinum in Tamil Nadu and in the Sri Lankan chronicles, Mahavamsa During the first millennium, the people of the Malay Peninsula adopted Hinduism and Buddhism and the use of the Sanskrit language They later converted to Islam

Areas older than Kedah appeared in historical writings The ancient kingdom of Gangga Negara, around Beruas in Perak, for instance, pushes Malaysian history further into antiquity "Pattinapalai", a Tamil poem of the second century CE, describes goods from Kadaram heaped in the broad streets of the Chola capital A 7th-century Sanskrit drama, Kaumudhimahotsva, refers to Kedah as Kataha-nagari The Agnipurana also mentions a territory known as Anda-Kataha with one of its boundaries delineated by a peak, which scholars believe is Gunung Jerai Stories from the Katasaritasagaram describe the elegance of life in Kataha

Between the 7th and the 13th century, much of Peninsular Malaysia was under the Srivijaya empire, which was centred in Palembang on the island of Sumatra Following that, a wider Majapahit empire, based on Java island, had influence over most of Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia, and the coasts of Borneo island

In the early 15th century, Parameswara, a prince from Palembang from the once Srivijayan empire, established a dynasty and founded the Malacca Sultanate Conquest forced him and many others to flee Palembang Parameswara in particular sailed to Temasek to escape persecution There he came under the protection of Temagi, a Malay chief from Patani who was appointed by the King of Siam as Regent of Temasek Within a few days, Parameswara killed Temagi and appointed himself regent Some five years later he had to leave Temasek, due to threats from Siam During this period, a Javanese fleet from Majapahit attacked Temasek

Parameswara headed north to found a new settlement At Muar, Parameswara considered siting his new kingdom at either Biawak Busuk or at Kota Buruk Finding that the Muar location was not suitable, he continued his journey northwards Along the way, he reportedly visited Sening Ujong (former name of present-day Sungai Ujong) before reaching a fishing village at the mouth of the Bertam River (former name of the Malacca River) Over time this developed into modern-day Malacca Town According to the Malay Annals, here Parameswara saw a mouse deer outwitting a dog resting under a Malacca tree Taking this as a good omen, he decided to establish a kingdom called Malacca He built and improved facilities for trade

According to a theory, Parameswara became a Muslim when he married a Princess of Pasai and he took the fashionable Persian title "Shah", calling himself Iskandar Shah[25] There are also references that indicate that some members of the ruling class and the merchant community residing in Malacca were already Muslims Chinese chronicles mention that in 1414, the son of the first ruler of Malacca visited the Ming emperor to inform them that his father had died Parameswara's son was then officially recognised as the second ruler of Malacca by the Chinese Emperor and styled Raja Sri Rama Vikrama, Raja of Parameswara of Temasek and Melaka and he was known to his Muslim subjects as Sultan Sri Iskandar Zulkarnain Shah or Sultan Megat Iskandar Shah He ruled Malacca from 1414 to 1424[25][26]

In 1511, Malacca was conquered by Portugal, which established a colony there The sons of the last Sultan of Malacca established two sultanates elsewhere in the peninsula — the Sultanate of Perak to the north, and the Sultanate of Johor (originally a continuation of the old Malacca sultanate) to the south After the fall of Malacca, three nations struggled for the control of Malacca Strait: the Portuguese (in Malacca), the Sultanate of Johor, and the Sultanate of Aceh This conflict went on until 1641, when the Dutch (allied to the Sultanate of Johor) gained control of Malacca

British arrival

Britain established its first colony in the Malay Peninsula in 1786, with the lease of the island of Penang to the British East India Company by the Sultan of Kedah In 1824, the British took control of Malacca following the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 which divided the Malay archipelago between Britain and the Netherlands, with Malaya in the British zone In 1826, Britain established the crown colony of the Straits Settlements, uniting its four possessions in Malaya: Penang, Malacca, Singapore and the island of Labuan The Straits Settlements were initially administered under the East India Company in Calcutta, before first Penang, and later Singapore became the administrative centre of the crown colony, until 1867, when they were transferred to the Colonial Office in London

During the late 19th century, many Malay states decided to obtain British help in settling their internal conflicts The commercial importance of tin mining in the Malay states to merchants in the Straits Settlements led to British government intervention in the tin-producing states in the Malay Peninsula British gunboat diplomacy was employed to bring about a peaceful resolution to civil disturbances caused by Chinese and Malay gangsters employed in a political tussle between Ngah Ibrahim and Raja Muda Abdullah, and the Pangkor Treaty of 1874 paved the way for the expansion of British influence in Malaya By the turn of the 20th century, the states of Pahang, Selangor, Perak, and Negeri Sembilan, known together as the Federated Malay States (not to be confused with the Federation of Malaya), were under the de facto control of British Residents appointed to advise the Malay rulers The British were "advisers" in name, but in reality, they exercised substantial influence over the Malay rulers

Sultan Abdul Samad Building in Kuala Lumpur houses the High Court of Malaya and the Trade Court Kuala Lumpur was the capital of the Federated Malay States and is the current Malaysian capital

A poster depicting the Malaysia Day celebration in 1963 (Majulah Malaysia means "Onwards Malaysia")The remaining five states in the peninsula, known as the Unfederated Malay States, while not directly under rule from London, also accepted British advisers around the turn of the 20th century Of these, the four northern states of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu had previously been under Siamese control The other unfederated state, Johor, was the only state which managed to preserve its independence throughout most of the 19th century Sultan Abu Bakar of Johor and Queen Victoria were personal acquaintances, and recognised each other as equals It was not until 1914 that Sultan Abu Bakar's successor, Sultan Ibrahim accepted a British adviser

On the island of Borneo, Sabah was governed as the crown colony of British North Borneo, while Sarawak was acquired from Brunei as the personal kingdom of the Brooke family, who ruled as white Rajahs

Following the Japanese Invasion of Malaya and its subsequent occupation during World War II, popular support for independence grew[27] Post-war British plans to unite the administration of Malaya under a single crown colony called the Malayan Union foundered on strong opposition from the Malays, who opposed the emasculation of the Malay rulers and the granting of citizenship to the ethnic Chinese[28] The Malayan Union, established in 1946 and consisting of all the British possessions in Malaya with the exception of Singapore, was dissolved in 1948 and replaced by the Federation of Malaya, which restored the autonomy of the rulers of the Malay states under British protection

During this time, rebels under the leadership of the Malayan Communist Party launched guerrilla operations designed to force the British out of Malaya The Malayan Emergency, as it was known, lasted from 1948 to 1960, and involved a long anti-insurgency campaign by Commonwealth troops in Malaya Although the insurgency quickly stopped there was still a presence of Commonwealth troops, with the backdrop of the Cold War[29] Against this backdrop, independence for the Federation within the Commonwealth was granted on 31 August 1957[11]

Post independence

Mahathir bin Mohamad was the leading force in making Malaysia into a major industrial powerIn 1963, Malaya along with the then-British crown colonies of Sabah (British North Borneo), Sarawak and Singapore, formed Malaysia The Sultanate of Brunei, though initially expressing interest in joining the Federation, withdrew from the planned merger due to opposition from certain segments of its population as well as arguments over the payment of oil royalties and the status of the Sultan in the planned merger[30][31] The actual proposed date for the formation of Malaysia was 31 August 1963, to coincide with the independence day of Malaya and the British giving self-rule to Sarawak and Sabah However, the date was delayed by opposition from the Indonesian government led by Sukarno and also attempts by the Sarawak United People's Party to delay the formation of Malaysia Due to these factors, an 8-member United Nations team has to be formed to re-ascertain whether Sabah and Sarawak truly wanted to join Malaysia[32]

The early years of independence were marred by the conflict with Indonesia (Konfrontasi) over the formation of Malaysia, Singapore's eventual exit in 1965, and racial strife in the form of race riots in 1969[13][33] The Philippines also made an active claim on Sabah in that period based upon the Sultanate of Brunei's cession of its north-east territories to the Sulu Sultanate in 1704 The claim is still ongoing[34] After the 13 May race riots of 1969, the controversial New Economic Policy—intended to increase proportionately the share of the economic pie of the bumiputras ("indigenous people", which includes the majority Malays, but not always the indigenous population) as compared to other ethnic groups—was launched by Prime Minister Abdul Razak Malaysia has since maintained a delicate ethno-political balance, with a system of government that has attempted to combine overall economic development with political and economic policies that promote equitable participation of all races[35]

Between the 1980s and the mid-1990s, Malaysia experienced significant economic growth under the premiership of Mahathir bin Mohamad[36] The period saw a shift from an agriculture-based economy to one based on manufacturing and industry in areas such as computers and consumer electronics It was during this period, too, that the physical landscape of Malaysia has changed with the emergence of numerous mega-projects The most notable of these projects are the Petronas Twin Towers (at the time the tallest building in the world, and still retains its status as the tallest twin building), KL International Airport (KLIA), North-South Expressway, the Sepang International Circuit, the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), the Bakun hydroelectric dam and Putrajaya, the new federal administrative capital

In the late 1990s, Malaysia was shaken by the Asian financial crisis as well as political unrest caused by the sacking of the deputy prime minister Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim[37] In 2003, Dr Mahathir, Malaysia's longest serving prime minister, retired in favour of his deputy, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi On November 2007, Malaysia was rocked by two anti-government rallies The 2007 Bersih Rally numbering 40,000 strong was held in Kuala Lumpur on 10 November campaigning for electoral reform It was precipitated by allegations of corruption and discrepancies in the Malaysian election system that heavily favour the ruling political party, Barisan Nasional, which has been in power since Malaysia achieved its independence in 1957[38] Another rally was held on 25 November in the Malaysian capital lead by HINDRAF The rally organiser, the Hindu Rights Action Force, had called the protest over alleged discriminatory policies that favour ethnic Malays The crowd was estimated to be between 5,000 and 30,000[39] In both cases the government and police were heavy-handed and tried to prevent the gatherings from taking place In 16 October 2008, HINDRAF was banned as the government labelled the organisation as "a threat to national security"[40]

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