
gdp是什么2023-05-06  37

1、昨天 2、秘密 3、黑客 4、人工智能 5、蝴蝶效应 6、独立日 7、第五元素 8、野蛮秘笈 9、地海传说 10、世界大战 11、时光机器 12、X战警2 13、12猴子 14、原振侠与卫斯理 15、机械公敌 16、黑洞频率 17、蜘蛛侠2 18、燕尾服 19、天降奇兵 20、死亡幻觉 21、火龙帝国 22、黑侠 23、异形大战铁血战士 24、妖兽都市 25、拳神 26、决战猩球 27、坦克女郎 28、勇敢者的游戏 29、异形2 30、暴龙之灾 31、现代豪侠传 32、龙与地下城 33、地心毁灭 34、雷霆万钧 35、神奇四侠 36、防弹武僧 37、救世主 38、夕阳天使 39、重返中世纪 40、太空异种 41、记忆裂痕 42、女神陷阱 43、黑超特警组2 44、最终剪接 45、少数派报告 46、特工小子3 47、绿巨人 48、星球大战之帝国反击战 49、萤火虫 50、异形3 51、再造战士 52、百万小富翁 53、v字仇杀队 54、过关斩将 55、天空上尉与明日世界 56、雷鸟神机队 57、幻影英雄 58、火星幽灵 59、银河访客 60、X战警3 61、决战2025 62、克隆战士 63、铁甲威龙3 64、流星侠 65、星际传奇2 66、超人归来 67、黑侠3 68、九尾狐外传 69、楚门的世界 70、魔间行者 71、无影终结者 72、火星人攻击地球 73、银翼杀手 74、杀人巨蚊 75、星际之门-第3季 76、武者回归 77、霹雳五号Ⅱ 78、遗失世界后传I 79、恐龙帝国 80、终结者III 81、比尔和特德历险记 82、第三类接触 83、绝命复制人 84、黑侠II 85、人生七部曲 86、终结异种 87、星河叛变 88、鬼魂 89、再见侏罗纪 90、2525霹雳天使 91、移魂都市 92、星舰战将 93、童梦失魂夜 94、2001太空漫游 95、X档案-第5季 96、时空悍将 97、X档案-第1季 98、天使梦 99、天降财神 100、竹取物语 101、星际迷航记9:星际起义 102、星际迷航记6:未来之城 103、X档案-第2季 104、星际旅行:第一类接触 105、感官游戏 106、双面女间谍-第一季 107、刀走偏锋 108、日本沉没 109、变种人 110、地球浩劫 111、晰蜴族 112、异度空间 113、火星叔叔马丁 114、修罗雪姬 115、辣妈辣妹 116、异形猎手 117、刚果惊魂 118、归零 119、特警新人王 120、机器战士

Wallace Shawn

华莱士·肖恩 Wallace Shawn**作品列表:(一共 94 个**作品)

作为演员的**作品(数量:88)美国女孩的秘密/凯特·基特里奇--一个美国女孩 Kit Kittredge: An American Girl ------- (2008)

Jack and the Beanstalk ------- (2008)

New York City Serenade ------- (2007)

邪恶新世界 Happily N'Ever After ------- (2007)

The Speed of Thought ------- (2007)

神犬也疯狂6/神犬巴迪6/飞狗巴迪6 - Air Bud/反斗狗仔队 Air Buddies ------- (2006)

南方传奇/南方传说 Southland Tales ------- (2006)

Tom and Jerry: Shiver Me Whiskers ------- (2006)

鸡仔总动员/四眼天鸡/小鸡大**/四眼鸡丁 Chicken Little ------- (2005)

双生美莲达/两个美琳达/美莲达与美莲达 Melinda and Melinda ------- (2004)

Karroll's Christmas ------- (2004)

超人特工队/超人总动员(港) The Incredibles ------- (2004)

酷狗上学记 Teacher's Pet ------- (2004)

幽灵鬼屋/鬼咁多大屋 The Haunted Mansion ------- (2003)

Monte Walsh ------- (2003)

一不住二不休/双层公寓 Duplex ------- (2003)

Sun Gods ------- (2002)

个人速度 Personal Velocity: Three Portraits ------- (2002)

Mr St Nick ------- (2002)

Love Thy Neighbor ------- (2002)

玉蝎子的诅咒/玉蝎咒/玉蝎子的咒语 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion ------- (2001)

怪物公司/怪兽电力公司/怪兽公司/怪物总动员 Monsters, Inc ------- (2001)

"Crossing Jordan" ------- (2001)

Blonde ------- (2001)

As You Wish: The Story of 'The Princess Bride' ------- (2001)

"E! True Hollywood Story" Clueless ------- (2001)

The Prime Gig ------- (2000)

"Teacher's Pet" ------- (2000)

巴斯光年 Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins ------- (2000)

"Family Guy" ------- (1999)

外星人报到/火星叔叔马丁 My Favorite Martian ------- (1999)

A Tekerölantos naplója ------- (1999)

玩具总动员2/反斗奇兵续集 Toy Story 2 ------- (1999)

Noah ------- (1998)

The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story ------- (1998)

Blind Men ------- (1998)

医院人生 Critical Care ------- (1997)

维佳斯假日 Vegas Vacation ------- (1997)

赢得美人归 Just Write ------- (1997)

天使小绑匪 House Arrest ------- (1996)

古惑狗天师2 All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 ------- (1996)

无影无踪 Clueless ------- (1995)

Kalamazoo ------- (1995)

反转加拿大/加拿大人培根 Canadian Bacon ------- (1995)

The Wife ------- (1995)

玩具总动员/反斗奇兵 Toy Story ------- (1995)

Just Like Dad ------- (1995)

迷失狗世界/小狗宝贝拿破仑 Napoleon ------- (1995)

终极傻瓜 A Goofy Movie ------- (1995)

泛雅在42街口 Vanya on 42nd Street ------- (1994)

派克夫人的情人 Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle ------- (1994)

流星侠 The Meteor Man ------- (1993)

黄金俏女郎 The Cemetery Club ------- (1993)

Unbecoming Age ------- (1992)

Nickel & Dime ------- (1992)

Mom and Dad Save the World ------- (1992)

影与雾 Shadows and Fog ------- (1992)

The Double 0 Kid ------- (1992)

我们不是天使/天使狂奔 We're No Angels ------- (1989)

She's Out of Control ------- (1989)

Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills ------- (1989)

辉煌时代 The Moderns ------- (1988)

公主新娘 The Princess Bride ------- (1987)

激情床伴/留心那话儿/竖起你的耳朵 Prick Up Your Ears ------- (1987)

Nice Girls Don't Explode ------- (1987)

那个时代/岁月流声 Radio Days ------- (1987)

血窗迷魂 The Bedroom Window ------- (1987)

Head Office ------- (1985)

Heaven Help Us ------- (1985)

两光大笨贼 Crackers ------- (1984)

波士顿人/名都之恋 The Bostonians ------- (1984)

双喜临门/摩登齐人 Micki + Maude ------- (1984)

故事 The Hotel New Hampshire ------- (1984)

The First Time ------- (1983)

要地球倒转 Strange Invaders ------- (1983)

爱到发烧 Lovesick ------- (1983)

军火大贼 Deal of the Century ------- (1983)

Saigon: Year of the Cat ------- (1983)

How to Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days ------- (1983)

花花大丈夫 A Little Sex ------- (1982)

Strong Medicine ------- (1981)

与安德雷吃晚餐 My Dinner with Andre ------- (1981)

Cheaper to Keep Her ------- (1980)

Simon ------- (1980)

大西洋城 Atlantic City ------- (1980)

不结婚的男人 Starting Over ------- (1979)

曼哈顿 Manhattan ------- (1979)

浮生若梦/爵士春秋 All That Jazz ------- (1979)

作为编剧的**作品(数量:5) Marie and Bruce ------- (2004)

炽热心灵 The Fever ------- (2004)

"E! True Hollywood Story" Clueless ------- (2001)

The Designated Mourner ------- (1997)

与安德雷吃晚餐 My Dinner with Andre ------- (1981)

作为其他职员的**作品(数量:1)天堂之日/梦断情天/梦断天涯 Days of Heaven ------- (1978)

、昨天 2、秘密 3、黑客

4、人工智能 5、蝴蝶效应 6、独立日

7、第五元素 8、野蛮秘笈 9、地海传说

10、世界大战 11、时光机器 12、X战警2

13、12猴子 14、原振侠与卫斯理 15、机械公敌

16、黑洞频率 17、蜘蛛侠2 18、燕尾服

19、天降奇兵 20、死亡幻觉 21、火龙帝国

22、黑侠 23、异形大战铁血战士 24、妖兽都市

25、拳神 26、决战猩球 27、坦克女郎

28、勇敢者的游戏 29、异形2 30、暴龙之灾

31、现代豪侠传 32、龙与地下城 33、地心毁灭

34、雷霆万钧 35、神奇四侠 36、防弹武僧

37、救世主 38、夕阳天使 39、重返中世纪

40、太空异种 41、记忆裂痕 42、女神陷阱

43、黑超特警组2 44、最终剪接 45、少数派报告

46、特工小子3 47、绿巨人 48、星球大战之帝国反击战

49、萤火虫 50、异形3 51、再造战士

52、百万小富翁 53、v字仇杀队 54、过关斩将

55、天空上尉与明日世界 56、雷鸟神机队 57、幻影英雄

58、火星幽灵 59、银河访客 60、X战警3

61、决战2025 62、克隆战士 63、铁甲威龙3

64、流星侠 65、星际传奇2 66、超人归来

67、黑侠3 68、九尾狐外传 69、楚门的世界

70、魔间行者 71、无影终结者 72、火星人攻击地球

73、银翼杀手 74、杀人巨蚊 75、星际之门-第3季

76、武者回归 77、霹雳五号Ⅱ 78、遗失世界后传I

79、恐龙帝国 80、终结者III 81、比尔和特德历险记

82、第三类接触 83、绝命复制人 84、黑侠II

85、人生七部曲 86、终结异种 87、星河叛变

88、鬼魂 89、再见侏罗纪 90、2525霹雳天使

91、移魂都市 92、星舰战将 93、童梦失魂夜

94、2001太空漫游 95、X档案-第5季 96、时空悍将

97、X档案-第1季 98、天使梦 99、天降财神


Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me


I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed


She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb


In the shape of an "L" on her forehead


Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming


Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running


Didn't make sense not to live for fun


Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb


So much to do so much to see


So what's wrong with taking the back streets


You'll never know if you don't go


You'll never shine if you don't glow


Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play


Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid


And all that glitters is gold


Only shooting stars break the mold


It's a cool place and they say it gets colder


You're bundled up now but wait 'til you get older


But the meteor men beg to differ


Judging by the hole in the satellite picture


The ice we skate is getting pretty thin


The waters getting warm so you might as well swim


My world's on fire how about yours


That's the way I like it and I never get bored




Somebody once asked could you spare some change for gas


I need to get myself away from this place


I said yep what a concept


I could use a little fuel myself


And we could all use a little change


Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming


Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running


Didn't make sense not to live for fun


Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb


So much to do so much to see


So what's wrong with taking the back streets


You'll never know if you don't go


You'll never shine if you don't glow






《锋速战警》是一部机战、冒险、 科幻类的动画片,共26集,由中南卡通公司出品。


集数 名称

第1集 潜能爆发

第2集 拼装大考验

第3集 宇宙水母

第4集 超级拼装大赛

第5集 极速火拼

第6集 钻地鼠特袭

第7集 意外的奖品

第8集 秘密战队

第9集 卷土重来

第10集 战队特训

第11集 钢铁怪物

第12集 大失误

第13集 宇宙战队

第14集 功夫爷爷

第15集 小龙的潜能

第16集 黑夜流星侠

第17集 拼装帝国

第18集 大暴走

第19集 战队的决意

第20集 小龙队长

第21集 正面交锋

第22集 地狱魔神

第23集 最强的敌人

第24集 恶魔进化

第25集 魔神复活

第26集 最终对决[1]

Wallace Shawn

Date of Birth

12 November 1943, New York City, New York, USA


5' 2" (157 m)

Mini Biography

American character actor and writer Wallace Shawn has one of those fun, mischievously homely faces just made to entertain Though he got out of the starting gate rather slowly, he has since excelled on stage, TV and film while managing to turn himself into a winner with his loser-type looks Woody Allen's character in the movie Manhattan (1979) amusingly describes Wallace's character as "a homunculus," which is a pretty fair description of this predominantly bald, wan, pucker-mouthed, butterball-framed, slightly lisping gent Wallace made his movie debut in Allen's heralded classic playing Diane Keaton's ex-husband

Born to privilege on November 12, 1943, in New York City, Wallace was the son of renowned editor William Shawn of "New Yorker" fame and educated at both Harvard University, where he studied history, and Magdalen College, Oxford Wallace initially taught English in India on a Fulbright scholarship, and then English, Latin, and drama back in New York A keen interest in writing and acting, however, soon compelled him to leave his cushy position and pursue a stage career as both playwright and actor During his distinguished career, Wallace turned out several plays "Our Late Night", the first of his works to be performed, was awarded an off-Broadway Obie in 1975 "A Thought in Three Parts" (1976); "The Mandrake" (1977), which he translated from the original Italian and in which he made his acting debut; "Marie and Bruce" (1979); "Aunt Dan and Lemon" (1985); and "The Fever", in which received his second Obie Award for "Best New Play" during the 1990-91 season, then followed

A popular support player in both comedy and occasional drama, his assorted kooks, creeps, eggheads, and schmucks possessed both endearing and unappetizing qualities He earned some of his best early notices partnered with theatre director/actor Andre Gregory in the unique Louis Malle-directed film My Dinner with Andre (1981) Shawn co-wrote the improvisatory, humanistic piece and his brother, Allen Shawn, was the composer Shawn and Gregory would collaborate again for Malle in another superb, original-concept film Vanya on 42nd Street (1994) Among the quality offbeat filming involving has been Bruce Paltrow's A Little Sex (1982); James Ivory's The Bostonians (1984); Stephen Frears' Prick Up Your Ears (1987); Rob Reiner's The Princess Bride (1987); Alan Rudolph's The Moderns (1988) and Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994); Paul Bartel's Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills (1989); and several others for Woody Allen: Radio Days (1987), Shadows and Fog (1991), The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001) and Melinda and Melinda (2004) Of late he has lent his vocal talents to a considerable number of animated pictures including A Goofy Movie (1995), Toy Story (1995) (and its sequel), The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story (1998) (V), The Incredibles (2004), Chicken Little (2005) and Happily N'Ever After (2006)

Over the decades Shawn has scurried about effortlessly in a number of TV guest appearances including "Taxi", "Homicide: Life on the Street", "Ally McBeal", "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" and "Desperate Housewives", and has drummed up a few recurring roles for himself in the process, including "The Cosby Show", "Murphy Brown", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" and "Crossing Jordan" In the series "Clueless" (1996), based on the highly successful 1995 "Valley Girl" movie of the same name, Shawn revisited his role as the owlish high school teacher

IMDb Mini Biography By: Gary Brumburgh / gr-home@pacbellnet


In Production





1 Toy Story 3 (2010) (pre-production) (voice) Rex the Green Dinosaur

2 The Speed of Thought (2009) (post-production) Sandy

3 Jack and the Beanstalk (2009/II) (completed) Booker/Broker/Lancealot Squarejaw

4 "The L Word" William Halsey (5 episodes, 2008-2009)

- Long Night's Journey Into Day (2009) TV episode William Halsey

- Loyal and True (2008) TV episode William Halsey

- Lights! Camera! Action! (2008) TV episode William Halsey

- Look Out, Here They Come! (2008) TV episode William Halsey

- LGB Tease (2008) TV episode William Halsey

5 "Gossip Girl" Cyrus Rose (3 episodes, 2008)

- O Brother, Where Bart Thou (2008) TV episode Cyrus Rose

- The Magnificent Archibalds (2008) TV episode Cyrus Rose

- Bonfire of the Vanity (2008) TV episode Cyrus Rose

6 Scooby-Doo and the Goblin King (2008) (V) (voice) Mr Gibbles

7 Kit Kittredge: An American Girl (2008) Mr Gibson

8 The Princess Bride Game (2008) (VG) (voice) Vizzini

9 "Cashmere Mafia" Animal Handler (1 episode, 2008)

- Dog Eat Dog (2008) TV episode Animal Handler

10 "The Return of Jezebel James" Garson Leeds (1 episode)

- I'm with Blank () TV episode Garson Leeds

11 New York City Serenade (2007) Wallace Shawn

12 I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007) (uncredited) Math Teacher

13 Happily N'Ever After (2006) (voice) Munk

aka Es war k'einmal im Märchenland (Germany)

14 Air Buddies (2006) (V) (voice) Billy

15 "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" Film Professor (1 episode, 2006)

aka Law & Order: CI (USA: promotional abbreviation)

- Weeping Willow (2006) TV episode Film Professor

16 Tom and Jerry in Shiver Me Whiskers (2006) (V) (voice) Purple Pirate Paul/Narrator

17 Southland Tales (2006) Baron Von Westphalen

aka Southland Tales (Germany: DVD title)

18 "Family Guy" Bertram (2 episodes, 2001-2006)

aka Padre de familia (USA: Spanish title)

- Sibling Rivalry (2006) TV episode Bertram

- Emission Impossible (2001) TV episode (voice) Bertram

19 "Crossing Jordan" Dr Howard Stiles (8 episodes, 2001-2006)

- Death Toll (2006) TV episode Dr Howard Stiles

- Intruded (2004) TV episode Dr Howard Stiles

- Fire and Ice (2003) TV episode Dr Howard Stiles

- Cruel & Unusual (2003) TV episode Dr Howard Stiles

- Scared Straight (2002) TV episode Dr Howard Stiles

(3 more)

20 "The 12th Man" Marty (1 episode, 2006)

- Pilot (2006) TV episode Marty

21 Chicken Little (2005) (voice) Principal Fetchit

22 "Desperate Housewives" Lonny Moon (1 episode, 2005)

- They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005) TV episode Lonny Moon

23 "Stargate SG-1" Arlos (1 episode, 2005)

aka Porte des étoiles, La (Canada: French title: dubbed version)

- The Ties That Bind (2005) TV episode Arlos

24 "Fat Actress" Dr Sigmund von Oy (1 episode, 2005)

- The Koi Effect (2005) TV episode Dr Sigmund von Oy

25 Karroll's Christmas (2004) (TV) Zeb Rosecog

26 The Incredibles (2004) (VG) (voice) Gilbert Huph

27 The Incredibles (2004) (voice) Gilbert Huph

28 Melinda and Melinda (2004) Sy

29 "Sex and the City" Martin Grable (1 episode, 2004)

- Splat! (2004) TV episode Martin Grable

30 Teacher's Pet (2004) (voice) Principal Crosby Strickler

aka Disney's Teacher's Pet (USA: complete title)

31 The Haunted Mansion (2003) Ezra

aka Disney's The Haunted Mansion (USA: complete title)

32 Duplex (2003) Herman

aka Der Appartement-Schreck (Germany)

aka Our House (UK)

33 Monte Walsh (2003) (TV) Colonel Wilson

34 "Stanley" Mr Goldberg (1 episode, 2003)

- Going-Away Goose/Time to Climb! (2003) TV episode (voice) Mr Goldberg

35 Mr St Nick (2002) (TV) Mimir

aka Monsieur St-Nick (Canada: French title)

36 "Teamo Supremo" Gauntlet (1 episode)

aka Disney's Teamo Supremo (USA: complete title)

- Running the Gauntlet! () TV episode (voice) Gauntlet

37 Personal Velocity: Three Portraits (2002) Mr Gelb

aka Personal Velocity (USA: short title)

38 Love Thy Neighbor (2002/I) Clinic Doctor

39 Sun Gods (2002) (TV) Spaulding

40 Monsters, Inc (2001) (uncredited) Rex the Green Dinosaur (outtakes)

41 "Three Sisters" Dean Webb (1 episode, 2001)

- Don't Be Thrown (2001) TV episode Dean Webb

42 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001) George Bond

aka Im Bann des Jade Skorpions (Germany)

43 Blonde (2001) (TV) IE Shinn

aka Marilyn Monroe (Canada: French title)

44 "Ally McBeal" Mr Dune (1 episode, 2001)

- Falling Up (2001) TV episode Mr Dune

45 The Prime Gig (2000) Gene

46 "Teacher's Pet" (2000) TV series Principal Crosby Strickler (unknown episodes)

aka Disney's Teacher's Pet (USA: complete title)

47 Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins (2000) (V) (voice) Rex

48 Toy Story 2 (1999) (voice) Rex the Green Dinosaur

aka Toy Story 2 in 3-D (USA: promotional title)

49 "Cosby" Mr Fleming (2 episodes, 1999)

- Book 'Em, Griff O (1999) TV episode Mr Fleming

- The Vesey Method (1999) TV episode Mr Fleming

50 "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Zek (7 episodes, 1993-1999)

aka DS9 (USA: promotional abbreviation)

aka Deep Space Nine (USA: short title)

aka Star Trek: DS9 (USA: short title)

- The Dogs of War (1999) TV episode Zek

- The Emperor's New Cloak (1999) TV episode Zek

- Profit and Lace (1998) TV episode Zek

- Ferengi Love Songs (1997) TV episode Zek

- Prophet Motive (1995) TV episode Zek

(2 more)

51 My Favorite Martian (1999) Coleye

aka My Favourite Martian (Australia)

52 "Homicide: Life on the Street" Frank Hopper (1 episode, 1999)

aka Homicide (USA: informal short title)

- A Case of Do or Die (1999) TV episode Frank Hopper

53 A Tekerölantos naplója (1999)

aka The Diary of the Hurdy-Gurdy Man (USA)

54 "King of the Hill" Philip Ny (2 episodes, 1997-1998)

- Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men (1998) TV episode (voice) Philip Ny

- How to Fire a Rifle Without Really Trying (1997) TV episode (voice) Philip Ny

55 Noah (1998) (TV) Zack

56 The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story (1998) (V) (voice) Tarzan the Chimp

57 Blind Men (1998) (TV)

58 "The Lionhearts" (1998) TV series (voice)

59 Critical Care (1997) Furnaceman

60 "Murphy Brown" Stuart Best (4 episodes, 1994-1997)

- Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow (1997) TV episode Stuart Best

- Up in Smoke (1996) TV episode Stuart Best

- The Best and Not-So-Brightest (1995) TV episode Stuart Best

- The Fifth Anchor (1994) TV episode Stuart Best

61 Just Write (1997) Arthur Blake

62 "Clueless" Mr Hall (17 episodes, 1996-1997)

- Secrets & Lies (1997) TV episode Mr Hall

- Mr Wright (1997) TV episode Mr Hall

- All Teed Off (1997) TV episode Mr Hall

- I'm in with the Out Crowd (1997) TV episode Mr Hall

- The Party's Over (1997) TV episode Mr Hall

(12 more)

63 Vegas Vacation (1997) Marty

aka National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation

64 Toy Story Activity Center (1996) (VG) (voice) Rex

65 House Arrest (1996) Victor 'Vic' Finley

66 All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 (1996) (voice) Labrador MC

67 Toy Story (1995) (voice) Rex

aka Toy Story in 3-D (USA: promotional title)

68 Just Like Dad (1995) (TV) Stan Speigel (Charlie's Dad)

69 Clueless (1995) Mr Wendell Hall

70 "Something Wilder" Roof Inspector (1 episode, 1995)

- Dr Roof (1995) TV episode Roof Inspector

71 Canadian Bacon (1995) Canadian Prime Minister

72 A Goofy Movie (1995) (voice) Principal Mazur

73 Kalamazoo (1995) Bobby

74 Napoleon (1995) Echidna

aka Kulta (Japan)

75 The Wife (1995) Cosmo

76 "The Nanny" Charles Haste (1 episode, 1994)

- Pinske Business (1994) TV episode Charles Haste

77 Vanya on 42nd Street (1994) Vanya

78 Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994) Horatio Byrd

aka Mrs Parker and the Round Table

79 Napoleon (1994) (voice) Echindna

80 "The Pink Panther" The Little Man (1 episode, 1993)

- Ice Blue Pink (1993) TV episode (voice) The Little Man

81 Eligible Dentist (1993) (TV)

82 The Meteor Man (1993) Mr Little

83 "Matrix" Mr Gonley (1 episode, 1993)

- Lapses in Memory (1993) TV episode Mr Gonley

84 The Cemetery Club (1993) Larry

aka Looking for a Live One

85 "One Life to Live" (1968) TV series Professor Marvel (unknown episodes, 1992)

86 "Civil Wars" Riley Baker (1 episode, 1992)

- A Bus Named Desire (1992) TV episode Riley Baker

87 Mom and Dad Save the World (1992) Sibor, Semage's Beau

88 Nickel & Dime (1992) Everett Willits

89 The Double 0 Kid (1992) (V) Cashpot

90 Unbecoming Age (1992) Dr Block

aka The Magic Bubble

91 Shadows and Fog (1991) Simon Carr

92 "The Cosby Show" Jeffrey Engels / (5 episodes, 1987-1991)

- Olivia's Field Trip (1991) TV episode Jeffrey Engels

- The Moves (1990) TV episode Jeff Engels

- Cliff's Nightmare (1990) TV episode (voice) Jeffrey Engels

- The Day the Spores Landed (1989) TV episode Jeff Engels

- Cliff's Mistake (1987) TV episode Jeffrey Engels

93 We're No Angels (1989) Translator

94 Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills (1989) Howard

95 She's Out of Control (1989) Doctor Fishbinder

96 The Moderns (1988) Oiseau

97 The Princess Bride (1987) Vizzini

aka The Bridges' Bride (Philippines: English title)

98 Prick Up Your Ears (1987) John Lahr

99 Nice Girls Don't Explode (1987) Ellen

aka Cuidado - Chica explosiva (USA: Spanish title)

100 Radio Days (1987) Masked Avenger

101 The Bedroom Window (1987) Henderson's Attorney

102 Head Office (1985) Mike Hoover

103 Heaven Help Us (1985) Father Abruzzi

aka Catholic Boys

104 Micki + Maude (1984) Dr Elliot Fibel

105 The Bostonians (1984) Mr Pardon

106 The Hotel New Hampshire (1984) Freud

107 Crackers (1984) Turtle

108 Saigon: Year of the Cat (1983) (TV) Frank Judd

109 Deal of the Century (1983) Harold DeVoto

110 Strange Invaders (1983) Earl

111 The First Time (1983) Jules Goldfarb

aka Doin' It (USA: video title)

aka First Lesson (Philippines: English title)

112 "Taxi" Arnie / (2 episodes, 1982-1983)

- Arnie Meets the Kids (1983) TV episode Arnie

- Love Un-American Style (1982) TV episode Arnie Ross

113 Lovesick (1983) Otto Jaffe

114 How to Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days (1983) (TV) Professor Silverfish

115 A Little Sex (1982) Oliver

116 Strong Medicine (1981) (uncredited)

117 My Dinner with Andre (1981) Wally Shawn

118 Cheaper to Keep Her (1981) Mugger

119 Atlantic City (1980) (as Wally Shawn) Waiter

aka Atlantic City (USA)

aka Atlantic City, USA (Canada: English title)

120 Simon (1980) Eric Van Dongen

121 All That Jazz (1979) Assistant Insurance Man

122 Starting Over (1979) Workshop Member

123 Manhattan (1979) Jeremiah





1 The Fever (2004) (play) (screenplay)

2 Marie and Bruce (2004) (screenplay)

aka Marie & Bruce (Australia: DVD title) (International: English title: alternative spelling)

aka Wallace Shawn's Marie & Bruce (USA: poster title)

3 The Designated Mourner (1997) (play) (written by)

4 My Dinner with Andre (1981) (writer)


1 Days of Heaven (1978) (special thanks)




1 The Windmill Movie (2008) Himself

2 USIDent TV: Surveilling the Southland (2008) (V) Himself

3 Strange Culture (2007) Himself

4 'Clueless': The Class of '95 (2005) (V) Himself

5 "Now with Bill Moyers" Himself (2 episodes, 2005)

aka Now (USA: new title)

- Episode dated 18 March 2005 (2005) TV episode Himself

- Episode dated 11 March 2005 (2005) TV episode Himself

6 "E! True Hollywood Story" Himself (1 episode, 2001)

- Clueless (2001) TV episode Himself

7 As You Wish: The Story of 'The Princess Bride' (2001) (V) Himself

8 "Showbiz Today" Himself (1 episode, 1995)

- Episode dated 20 November 1995 (1995) TV episode Himself

9 "The Charlie Rose Show" Himself (1 episode, 1995)

aka Charlie Rose (USA: new title)

- Episode dated 1 March 1995 (1995) TV episode Himself

Archive Footage:

1 "Fat Actress"

- Hold This (2005) TV episode (uncredited) Dr Sigmund Von Oy


2工业光魔(全称:Industrial Light and Magic,简称:ILM),是著名的**特效制作公司。自从乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)于1975年创建该公司、并参与第一部《星球大战》(Star Wars)的特效制作以来,工业光魔已经为多达300多部影片提供了视觉特效制作服务。工业光魔的奇迹并不局限于在很多影片中创造的许多惊人的CG和视觉效果,更在于它开创了一个**特效行业的新时代,迄今为止,ILM获得过15次奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖。




星球大战:原力觉醒》Star Wars:The Force Awakens(2015) 《Iron Man》 (2008)

《侏罗纪公园4》 Jurassic Park IV (2008)

《变形金刚**版》 Untitled Transformers Film (2007)

《夺宝奇兵4 》Indiana Jones 4 (2007)

《加勒比海盗3》 Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (2007)

《加勒比海盗2》:亡灵的宝藏 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)

《龙骑士》 Eragon (2006)

《南极大冒险》 Eight Below (2006)

《水中女妖》 Lady in the Water (2006)

《海神号》 Poseidon (2006)

《碟中谍3》 Mission: Impossible III (2006)

《变相怪杰2》 Son of the Mask (2005)

《鸡仔总动员》 Chicken Little (2005)

《儿女一箩筐2》 Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005)

《疯狂金车 Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005)

《锅盖头 Jarhead》 (2005)

《哈利·波特与火焰杯》 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

《逃出克隆岛》 The Island (2005)

《神勇奶爸》 The Pacifier (2005)

《世界大战》 War of the Worlds (2005)

《慕尼黑惨案》 Munich (2005)

《吉屋出租》 Rent (2005)

《极限特工2》 XXX2 (2005)

《立体小奇兵:鲨鱼男孩与岩浆女孩》 The Adventures of Shark Boy & Lava Girl in 3-D (2005)

《星战前传3:西斯的复仇》 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)

《我们到了没?》 Are We There Yet (2005)

《熄灯追杀令》 Twisted (2004)

《星际传奇2 The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)

《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险》 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)

《明日世界》 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

《神秘村》 The Village (2004)

《范海辛》 Van Helsing (2004)

<后天> The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

《哈利波特3》:阿兹卡班的囚徒 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

《谍影重重2》 The Bourne Supremacy (2004)

《大漠雄风》 Hidalgo (2004)

<爱神> Eros (2004)

《彼得·潘》 Peter Pan (2003)

《Stuck On》 You (2003)

《捕猎游戏》 The Hunted (2003)

《时间线》 Timeline (2003)

《怒海争锋:极地远征 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

《绿巨人浩克》 Hulk (2003)

《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒》 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

<天降奇兵> The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)

《天兆》 Signs (2002)

《血型拼图》 Blood Work (2002)

《星球大战前传二:克隆人的进攻》 Star Wars: Episode 2:Attack of the Clones (2002)

《狂野之爱》 Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

<纽约黑帮> Gangs of New York (2002)

《强殖入侵》 Impostor (2002)

《时间机器》 The Time Machine (2002)

《K-19:寡妇制造者》 K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)

《黑衣人2》 Men in Black 2 (2002)

《谍影重重》 The Bourne Identity (2002)

《哈利·波特与密室》 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

《哈利·波特之魔法石》 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)

《盗墓迷城2 》The Mummy Returns (2001)

《誓不罢休》 The Pledge (2001)

<人工智能> AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001)

<珍珠港> Pearl Harbor (2001)

《侏罗纪公园3》 Jurassic Park 3 (2001)

《忘了我是谁》 The Majestic (2001)

《完美风暴》 The Perfect Storm (2000)

《太空牛仔》 Space Cowboys (2000)

《浮世因缘》 Pay It Forward (2000)

《飞鼠洛基冒险记》 The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle (2000)

《画家波拉克》 Pollock (2000)

《火星任务》 Mission to Mars (2000)

《断头谷》 Sleepy Hollow (1999)

《盗墓迷城》 The Mummy (1999)

《穿梭阴阳界》 Bringing Out the Dead (1999)

《飙风战警》 Wild Wild West (1999)

《October Sky (1999)

《深海狂鲨》 Deep Blue Sea (1999)

《绿色奇迹》 The Green Mile (1999)

《落在香杉树的雪花》 Snow Falling on Cedars (1999)

《木兰花》 Magnolia (1999)

《甜美的结局》 Sweet and Lowdown (1999)

《星球大战前传一:魅影危机 Star Wars:Episode 1:The Phantom Menace (1999)

《银河追缉令 Galaxy Quest (1999)

<拯救大兵瑞恩> Saving Private Ryan (1998)

《消失的1945》 Last Days, The (1998)

《魔幻小战士》 Small Soldiers (1998)

《巨猩乔扬》 Mighty Joe Young (1998)

《极度深寒》 Deep Rising (1998)

《蛇眼》 Snake Eyes (1998)

《水银蒸发令》 Mercury Rising (1998)

《第六感生死缘》 Meet Joe Black (1998)

《超时空接触》 Contact (1997)

《黑衣人》 Men in Black (1997)

《断锁怒潮》 Amistad (1997)

《生死时速2 》Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)

《失落的世界:侏罗纪公园续集》 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

《解构哈利》 Deconstructing Harry (1997)

《午夜善恶园》 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)

《星河战队》 Starship Troopers (1997)

《泰坦尼克号》 Titanic (1997)

《乌龙博士》 Flubber (1997)

《再生侠》 Spawn (1997)

《蒸发密令》 Eraser (1996)

《突变》 The Trigger Effect (1996)

《星际旅行:第一类接触 Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

《龙之心 Dragonheart (1996)

《十万火急 Daylight (1996)

《特别效果 Special Effects: Anything Can Happen (1996)

《豪情四兄弟 Sleepers (1996)

《碟中谍 Mission: Impossible (1996)

《Mars Attacks! (1996)

《白宫奇缘 The American President (1995)

《刚果惊魂 Congo (1995)

《鬼马小精灵 Casper (1995)

《魔童村 Village of the Damned (1995)

《魔柜小奇兵 The Indian in the Cupboard (1995)

《勇敢者的游戏 Jumanji (1995)

《星空奇遇记之星空奇兵 Star Trek: Generations (1994)

《狼 Wolf (1994)

《叛逆性骚扰》 Disclosure (1994)

《赌侠马华力》 Maverick (1994)

《赫德萨克的代理人》 The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)

《阿甘正传》 Forrest Gump (1994)

《聪明笨伯》 The Flintstones (1994)

《幻影英雄》 Last Action Hero (1993)

《胡桃夹子》 The Nutcracker (1993)

《上升的太阳》 Rising Sun (1993)

《体热边缘》 Malice (1993)

《曼哈顿谋杀疑案》 Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)

《流星侠》 The Meteor Man (1993)

《辛德勒的名单》 Schindler's List (1993)

外星追缉令》 Fire in the Sky (1993)

《侏罗纪公园》 Jurassic Park (1993)

《飞越长生》 Death Becomes Her (1992)

《火箭专家》 The Rocketeer (1991)

《捍卫入侵者》 Flight of the Intruder (1991)

《大门》 The Doors (1991)

《变男变女变变变》 Switch (1991)

《烈火雄心》 Backdraft (1991)

《终结者2》 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

《铁钩船长》 Hook (1991)

《星舰迷航记6》 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

《小魔煞》 Arachnophobia (1990)

《跳火山的人》 Joe Versus the Volcano (1990)

《教父第三集》 The Godfather: Part III (1990)

《梦》 Dreams (1990)

《人鬼情未了》 Ghost (1990)

《全面回忆》 Total Recall (1990)

《Roller Coaster Rabbit》 (1990)

《虎胆龙威续集》 Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990)

《回到未来3》 Back to the Future Part III (1990)

《Tummy Trouble》 (1989)

《地狱来的芳邻》 The 'burbs (1989)

《深渊 The Abyss (1989)

《圣战奇兵》 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

《梦幻成真》 Field of Dreams (1989)

《烈血海底城》 Leviathan (1989)

《直到永远》 Always (1989)

《捉鬼敢死队2》 Ghostbusters II (1989)

《威洛》 Willow (1988)

《魔茧续集》 Cocoon: The Return (1988)

《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》 Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)

《塔克:其人其梦》 Turker:The Man and His Dream (1988)

《偶然的旅游者》 The Accidental Tourist (1988)

《基督最后的诱惑》 The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

《东镇女巫》 Witches of Eastwick (1987)

《惊异大奇航》 Innerspace (1987)

《太空炮弹》 Spaceballs (1987)

《太阳帝国》 Empire of the Sun (1987)

《小灵精》 batteries not included (1987)

《星舰迷航记第四集:抢救未来》 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

《天降神兵》 Howard the Duck (1986)

《魔幻迷宫》 Labyrinth (1986)

《钱之坑》 The Money Pit (1986)

《七宝奇谋》 The Goonies (1985)

《茧》 Cocoon (1985)

《冲向天外天》 Explorers (1985)

《Ewoks》:The Battle for Endor (1985)

《相爱的敌人》 Enemy Mine (1985)

《走出非洲 》Out of Africa (1985)

《星际旅行3》 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)

《The Ewok Adventure》 (1984)

《大魔域》 Unendliche Geschichte, Die (1984)

《魔域奇兵》 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

《武士复仇:星球大战第六集》 Star Wars: Episode 6Return of the Jedi (1983)

《外星人》 ET: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

《魔水晶》 The Dark Crystal (1982)

《天汗的愤怒》 Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

《鬼驱人 》Poltergeist (1982)

《夺宝奇兵》 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

《魔幻屠龙》 Dragonslayer (1981)

《星球大战第五集:帝国反击战》 Star Wars: Episode 5The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

《星球大战第四集:新希望》 Star Wars (1977)

《五百年后》 THX 1138 (1971)

1、昨天 2、秘密 3、黑客

4、人工智能 5、蝴蝶效应 6、独立日

7、第五元素 8、野蛮秘笈 9、地海传说

10、世界大战 11、时光机器 12、X战警2

13、12猴子 14、原振侠与卫斯理 15、机械公敌

16、黑洞频率 17、蜘蛛侠2 18、燕尾服

19、天降奇兵 20、死亡幻觉 21、火龙帝国

22、黑侠 23、异形大战铁血战士 24、妖兽都市

25、拳神 26、决战猩球 27、坦克女郎

28、勇敢者的游戏 29、异形2 30、暴龙之灾

31、现代豪侠传 32、龙与地下城 33、地心毁灭

34、雷霆万钧 35、神奇四侠 36、防弹武僧

37、救世主 38、夕阳天使 39、重返中世纪

40、太空异种 41、记忆裂痕 42、女神陷阱

43、黑超特警组2 44、最终剪接 45、少数派报告

46、特工小子3 47、绿巨人 48、星球大战之帝国反击战

49、萤火虫 50、异形3 51、再造战士

52、百万小富翁 53、v字仇杀队 54、过关斩将

55、天空上尉与明日世界 56、雷鸟神机队 57、幻影英雄

58、火星幽灵 59、银河访客 60、X战警3

61、决战2025 62、克隆战士 63、铁甲威龙3

64、流星侠 65、星际传奇2 66、超人归来

67、黑侠3 68、九尾狐外传 69、楚门的世界

70、魔间行者 71、无影终结者 72、火星人攻击地球

73、银翼杀手 74、杀人巨蚊 75、星际之门-第3季

76、武者回归 77、霹雳五号Ⅱ 78、遗失世界后传I

79、恐龙帝国 80、终结者III 81、比尔和特德历险记

82、第三类接触 83、绝命复制人 84、黑侠II

85、人生七部曲 86、终结异种 87、星河叛变

88、鬼魂 89、再见侏罗纪 90、2525霹雳天使

91、移魂都市 92、星舰战将 93、童梦失魂夜

94、2001太空漫游 95、X档案-第5季 96、时空悍将

97、X档案-第1季 98、天使梦 99、天降财神

100、竹取物语 101、星际迷航记9:星际起义 102、星际迷航记6:未来之城

103、X档案-第2季 104、星际旅行:第一类接触 105、感官游戏

106、双面女间谍-第一季 107、刀走偏锋 108、日本沉没

109、变种人 110、地球浩劫 111、晰蜴族

112、异度空间 113、火星叔叔马丁 114、修罗雪姬

115、辣妈辣妹 116、异形猎手 117、刚果惊魂

118、归零 119、特警新人王 120、机器战士

121、银河公敌 122、遗失世界三部曲 123、异形寄生

124、变种DNA 125、圆周率 126、五行战士2

127、从地心窜出 128、美国宇航员 129、末世纪暴潮

130、尼白龙根之歌 131、灭鼠大战 132、第七卷轴2古墓神蛇

133、时空过客 134、魔域龙影 135、第七卷轴3:哈比王传奇

136、星际之门-第2季 137、圣女天使 138、末世天使-第1,2季

139、生化勇士 140、龙卷风2 141、星际之门-第4季

142、人猿世界 143、银河飞将 144、十三阶梯

145、星际之门-第1季 146、虚拟风暴 147、空中地狱2

148、地球停转日 149、金钱帝国 150、异度接触

151、星际之门-第6季 152、阿瓦隆 153、一点零

154、极度空间 155、杀手本性 156、终结入侵

157、龙兄鼠弟 158、东京十一罗汉 159、卡夫卡

160、卫斯理传奇 161、银河系漫游指南 162、恐龙风暴

163、强殖入侵 164、阿比阿弟的冒险 165、摩登保姆

166、死者回归 167、火箭手 168、On Your Mark

169、消失在地平线 170、星际迷航记Ⅲ:魔宫龙虎斗 171、鬼狗杀手

172、月球历险记 173、一九八四 174、Dreamweaver

175、你来自什么星球? 176、时空特警2 177、尖端大风暴

178、非常特务 179、逃出洛杉矶 180、2010超时空出击

181、关键报告 182、壮士血 183、大都市

184、2011终极监狱 185、惊天计划 186、沉睡野人

187、宇宙战士 188、超时空战警 189、一级病毒

190、魔幻小战士 191、天蛾人的厄兆 192、星际迷航

193、失惊无神火星人 194、末世战士 195、地球入侵者

196、黑超特警组 197、全面失控 198、杀人硬件

199、天袭 200、猛龙复活 201、超速生化人

202、Tales From Beyon 203、明日过后 204、时空迷情

205、天雷地火 206、魔龙大浩劫 207、世纪争霸战

208、反托拉斯行动 209、变色龙 210、太空木偶历险记

211、外星奇缘 212、极速风暴 213、超时空危机

214、幽浮入侵 215、沉默的世界 216、Peut-être

217、X战警 218、黑客帝国3:矩阵革命 219、阿波罗13号

220、性感女巨人 221、千钧一发 222、都会性男女

223、超人前传-第3季 224、铁男II 225、老娘够骚

226、新绿野仙踪 227、星球大战之魅影危机 228、超人

229、魔界转生 230、K星异客 231、终结者I

232、飙风战警 233、深渊 234、The 4400

235、外星人 236、异种Ⅰ 237、超人Ⅲ

238、第六日 239、星球大战之绝地大反击 240、月光游侠

241、卖火柴的小女孩 242、指环王:护戒使者 243、回到未来II

244、水世界 245、亚瑟王国 246、黑客帝国

247、特工小子2 248、深海雷龙 249、火星任务

250、宇宙威龙 251、哥鲁达 252、后天

253、碟 254、魔戒首部曲—魔戒现身 255、布达拉宫

256、冰雪妖姬 257、彗星撞地球 258、蝙蝠侠2再战风云

259、未来水世界 260、隐形怪杰 261、卫斯理传奇

262、末日保卫战 263、袭击大气层 264、终极世界

265、星球大战 266、第七卷轴1古墓幻影 267、夜鹰

268、X档案-第4季 269、从地心窜出4 270、暴力13街区

271、蛇咒 272、大西洋底来的人 273、2010超时空出击

274、白蛇新传之妖魅秘踪 275、蝙蝠侠4-急冻人 276、遗失世界后传III死亡猎人·伏都

277、天煞2:人类毁灭者 278、异次元杀阵-立方体 279、星球大战IV_新的希望

280、小飞侠彼得潘 281、赌侠Ⅱ之上海滩赌圣 282、克隆对峙

283、异次元战神 284、再闯侏罗纪续集 285、地球末日

286、2003企业奇兵 287、神秘空 288、乌鸦3:鸦魔战士

289、异魔 290、透明人2 291、闪电侠2

292、战国自卫队1549 293、冥府守门狗 294、劫持

295、4400第二季 296、Iron Man 297、女超人

298、合成人 299、还我童真 300、慧星撞地球

曾经的经典 与 现在的经典

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