
3m车膜2023-04-30  30

问题一:求大神翻译 ,英语弱鸡,异常苦手 译文
Bow clan the emergence of a large part of the reason for the popularity of mobile terminals With the rapid development of economy, the mobile phone is no longer a luxury The widespread use of mobile phones bring us convenient, at the same time also brings difficult to eradicate In a world made up of data network, games, video, music such information fast changing, the human desire for them, so people will use mobile terminals to achieve timely access to information, over time, people rely on mobile terminals, such as, for thus has the emergence of the bow

问题二:谁能帮我分析一下这个英语长句的语法,英语弱鸡表示很无奈啊! Learning a foreign language主
not a matter表 of reading some grammar rules or some vocabulary words定(matter)
―although those are important activities not to be ignored状语从句
although those主 are系 important activities表 not to be ignored定

问题三:弱鸡男是什么 弱鸡是来源于日语,胆小鬼的意思

问题四:请推荐一款提升汽车动力的产品,谢谢,弱鸡弱鸡弱鸡 你可以试一下任驰。

问题五:英文中用形容词加动物来修饰人 比如cold fish冷酷的人 lucky dog幸运儿这样的,求十个 1 chicken(懦夫)
2 top dog(赢家;第一名;冠军)
3 underdog(输家;失败者;弱者)
4 lone wolf(一匹孤狼)
5 social butterfly(在社交场合如鱼得水;游刃有馀,善於交际的人)
6 early bird(早起的人)
有个常见的谚语”The early bird catches the worm”(早起的鸟儿有虫吃)就有这个用法。
7 night owl(夜猫子)
8 snake in the grass(阴险狡猾的人)
9 fat cat(有权有势的人、暴发户)
10 copycat(盲目的模仿者)
11 black sheep(害群之马)
12 cat burglar((由屋顶潜入的)窃贼)
13 eager beaver(勤奋的人)
14 road hog(乱开车的人)
15 cash cow(巨大财源;摇钱树;带来滚滚财源的生意或股票)
16 monkey business(狡猾的恶作剧;顽皮)
17 rat race(你死我活的竞争)

问题六:在快手看见一个男的活吃小动物,我想评论“你怎么不吃你儿子”英语怎么说, 一群弱鸡,要有侵略性的,用英语口语问。
Why don't you ing asshole eat your son You are dick

问题七:你怎么骂绿茶婊?她男朋友护着不让骂怎么办(男朋友是弱鸡,但是是我队队长) 换一个方式骂啊 冷言冷语冷暴力

问题八:小弱鸡QAQ求帮忙 c

问题九:弱鸡有一首英文歌中间是摩彩摩彩 嘿狗 老是重复 Aimer(エメ) - Crazy in Love
作词:Beyoncé Knowles, Rich Harrison, Shawn Carter, Eugene Record
作曲:Beyoncé Knowles, Rich Harrison, Shawn Carter, Eugene Record
I look and stare so deep in your eyes
I touch on you more and more every time
When you leave I'm beggin you not to go
Call your name two or three times in a row
Such a funny thing for me to try to explain
How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame
'Cause I know I don't understand
Just how your love you're doing, no one else can
Got me looking so crazy right now
Your love's got me looking so crazy right now
Got me looking so crazy right now
Your touch got me looking so crazy right now
Got me hoping you'll page me right now
Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's got me looking
Got me looking so crazy in love
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
When I talk to my friends so quietly
Who he think he is Look at what you did to me
Tennis shoes, don't even need to buy a new dress
If you ain't there ain't nobody else to impress
It's the way that you know what I thought I knew
It's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you
But I still don't understand
Just how the love your doing, no one else can
Got me looking so crazy right now
Your love's got me looking so crazy right now
Got me looking so crazy right now
Your touch got me lo>>


