
圣诞节吃什么2023-04-27  19

An Alaskan Husky is also known as a sled dog Sled dogs pull sleds They also pull freight and people, but they are most well known for pulling a sled The Alaskan Husky is not a true breed of dog They are a compilation of several working dog breeds including hounds and pointers It is not known exactly how this type of dog got started, but there are ideas which include tamed wolves, dogs brought over from shipping boats, and military dogs Huskies were used for travel to and from Alaskan Villages long before races such as the Iditarod gave them fame

Typically an Alaskan Husky is bred for three styles of pulling These include mid-distance (100-300 miles) and long distance (1000 miles) races Sprint races which include sprints of 30 miles or less, and freight pulling A freight dog pulls an amount of weight and its measured distance As these sports become more refined, the dogs become more refined in their particular sport Long and mid distance dogs have become more sleek and yet retain their mental durability for the long haul Sprint dogs have enormous competitive drive Freight dogs have incredible bursts of strength

An Alaskan Husky can come in many color combinations Usually sled dogs have dense thick double coats, but the more hunting dogs are mixed into the breed the less that will be true The eyes can be any color also, and they can have one blue and one brown eye The Alaskan Husky is not a registered breed of dog The most basic reason is that the needs of each Musher are different and therefor a dog standard is hard to establish

The Alaskan Husky can have 4 puppies in the first litter This is higher than the average dog breed Often, a husky will live to be 15 years old or older

When we talk about medical issues the Alaskan Husky has very few This is most commonly due to the fact that breeding is done for performance and not conformation The sled dog needs to perform well under stressful circumstances and dogs with medical conditions hindering performance are not bred

The sled dog personality is as varied as the background One striking similarity is a high prey drive Prey drive is the drive to chase and catch prey Prey can include rodents, cats, and small or downed dogs This does not mean they cannot live with other animals, but extra care must be taken if they do to ensure the safety of other household animals

Another Alaskan Husky quality is focus The ideal learning environment for a husky is one that includes exercise Since a husky is a working dog bred for pulling a sled they need constant stimulation This is what gives them the stereotype of a runaway or escape artist They are easily bored and look for stimulation They do not connect with humans as quickly as other types of working dogs because they need to believe you will fulfill the work ethic in them If a husky owner does not fulfill this need a husky will develop behaviors humans call destructive or bad

This work ethic is also what earns them the unfair title of being dominant The are not necessarily more dominant than other breed, but they can out perform most humans on many levels Mushing is the sport where sled dogs pull a sled and a dog team can cover hundreds of miles in a single year This is what makes keeping an Alaskan Husky in an urban environment such a challenge

From the Author:

"I have been involved with Alaskan Huskies for several years My first experience was adopting a sled dog named Kyra from a long distance dog musher in Alaska What I learned from adopting Kyra, was that the Alaskan Husky was a different kind of dog I had spent time raising my pet dog (a german shepherd mixed with a beagle), but when I got Kyra it was back to the drawing board She did not respond in the same way as my pet dog She was sweet, but focused She seemed to only care about me when I had food in my hand

After adopting Kyra, I realized I had better get some knowledge about this breed, and fast I became a dog handler for long distance mushing races such as the Copper Basin 300 and the Yukon Quest I also learned how to mush dogs I became a member of Second Chance League sled dog rescue I worked at an Emergency Veterinary Clinic as a technician I also got a job at my local animal shelter in Alaska where our team helped evacuate hundreds of dogs from forest fires After 8 years I finally tipped the iceberg of sled dog knowledge"

Check out Kirsten's Website


全名: 哈士奇/哈士奇犬/西伯利亚雪橇犬

简称: 哈士奇 英文名: siberian husky 类型: 中型犬

分类: 绒毛犬 拉雪橇犬 工作犬



藏獒(Tibetan mastiff),又名藏狗、蕃狗、羌狗,原产于中国,是一种高大、凶猛、垂耳、短毛的。身长约130厘米左右, 被毛长而:厚重,耐寒冷,能在冰雪中安然入睡



全名: 金毛/金毛寻回犬

简称: 金毛 英文名: golden retriever 类型: 中型犬

分类: 枪猎犬 绒毛犬 工作犬


全名: 贵宾犬/贵妇犬

简称: 贵宾/贵妇/泰迪 英文名: poodle 类型: 中型犬

分类: 伴侣犬 枪猎犬 比赛犬



体 型




性 格


Please translate into English: Siberian Husky Siberian Husky, is the East Siberian nomads Yi Nute Jock feeding dog breeds, has been a sled, to guide the reindeer and guard work Furthermore, working in Siberia under adverse conditions Husky Arctic wolf genes, that dogs looked most like a Wolf, and sometimes also issue sounds like a wolf Siberian sled dogs for centuries, have been individually grew up in Siberia Early 20th century fur traders brought to the United States In an instant, this dog would become the famous mushers race champion dogs Nowadays, the dog as an excellent companion dog is quite popular Siberian Husky history, ancestors of the Siberian Husky, before going back to the Neolithic period A group of hunters in Central Asia moved to the polar regions (namely Siberia) end of life, it took a long time, this group of dogs following on the Hunter side, in the long-term under the Arctic wolves are mating and breeding, developed into a typical of Northern dog breeds

哈士奇就是哈士奇 这个品种是遍布全球范围的 不是某个国家的专属品种。哈士奇在标准里承认四中眼睛的颜色 双蓝眼 双褐眼 鸳鸯眼(一蓝一褐) 杂眼(在蓝色眼睛里有一些褐色 )

哈士奇英文名:Siberian Husky哈士奇是一种体形中等的工作犬。步伐轻快,行动敏捷,身体结实,被毛厚,耳直立,尾像刷子一样,外形显示它是一种生活在北方的犬种。哈士奇的特征之一是步伐轻快而有力。最擅长长途行走,但负重不能过多,适宜以中等速度行进。身体的结构反映了力量、速度和耐力的平衡。公犬具有男性气概,但不粗壮母犬比较温柔,但不瘦弱。在正常情况下哈士奇不能过度负重。

















