
短道速滑王蒙2023-04-26  41






溶解本领 solution power; solvency

溶解崩塌 solution collapse

溶解波痕 solution ripple mark

溶解槽 dissolving tank

溶解产物 lysate

溶解沉陷 solution subsidence

溶解蛋白的 proteolytic

溶解的 lytic; solvent

溶解的物理显影 solution physical development

溶解电解槽 dissolution cell

溶解度 dissolvability; solubleness; solubility (limit)

溶解度表 solubility table

溶解度参数 solubility parameter

溶解度测定 solubility test

溶解度定律 solubility law

溶解度法 solubility method

溶解度积 solubility product

溶解度极限 solubility limit

溶解度曲线 solubility curve; solvus

溶解度试验 solubility test

溶解度指数 solubility exponent

溶解法 dissolution method

溶解负载 solution load

溶解肝细胞的 hepatolytic

溶解固体 dissolved solid

溶解湖 solution lake

溶解回收法 solution reclaiming method

溶解激酶 lysokinase

溶解集合 solvent polymerization

溶解剂 lytic agent

溶解加速剂 solutizer

溶解精子的 spermatolytic

溶解开采 solution mining

溶解孔隙 solution porosity

溶解理 solution cleavage

溶解理论 solution theory

溶解力 dissolving power; solution power

溶解淋巴组织的 lymphatolytic

溶解面 solution plane

溶解能力 dissolving capacity; solvent power; solvency

溶解盆地 solution basin

溶解期 breaking-in period; stage of dissolution; resolution stage

溶解器 dissolver

溶解气 gas in solution; solute gas; solution gas

溶解气驱动 dissolved gas drive

溶解气驱油藏 solution gas drive pool

溶解气油藏 solution-gas reservoir

溶解氢化作用 solvent hydrogenation

溶解去污剂 solvent removes

溶解热 dissolving heat; heat of solution; integral heat of solution; solution heat; total heat of solution

溶解速度 solution rate; dissolution rate

溶解损失量 loss by solution

溶解塌陷 solution subsidence

溶解碳 dissolved carbon

溶解陶瓷 solution ceramic

溶解微生物的 microbivorous

溶解温度 solution temperature

溶解物 dissolved matter; solute

溶解纤维蛋白原的 fibrinogenolytic

溶解腺 lytic gland

溶解效应 solubility effect

溶解型 lysotype

溶解性 dissolvability; solubleness; solubility

溶解性固体 soluble solid

溶解性噬菌体 lytic phage

溶解血栓剂 thrombolytic

以上就是关于石灰水不溶物是什么意思全部的内容,包括:石灰水不溶物是什么意思、化学里面 水不溶物 怎么翻译谢谢 在线等、等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!

