
赖昌2023-04-25  33


目前支持适配的机型有(ColorOS 51及以上版本的机型):

Find X系列:Find X全网通、Find X移动版




R11s系列:R11s、R11st、R11s Plus、R11s Plust


A79系列:A79、A79k、A79t 、 A79kt



R11系列:R11、R11t、R11 Plus、R11 Plust




海军陆战队员 Marine

[TMaRdy00] "You want a piece of me, boy"

[TMaDth00] [死亡1]

[TMaDth01] [死亡2]

[TMaPss00] We gotta move!

[TMaPss01] Are you gonna give me orders

[TMaPss02] Oh my god! He’s whacked!

[TMaPss03] I vote we frag this commander

[TMaPss04] How do I get out of this chicken BEEP outfit!

[TMaPss05] You want a piece of me, boy

[TMaPss06] If it weren’t for these damned neural implants you’d be a smolderin

g crater by now!

[tmaSti00] AhhThat’s the stuff!

[tmaSti01] AhhYea!

[TMaWht00] Commander

[TMaWht01] Standin’ by

[TMaWht02] Checked up and good to go

[TMaWht03] Give me something to shoot

[TMaYes00] Go! Go! Go!

[TMaYes01] Let’s move!

[TMaYes02] Outstanding!

[TMaYes03] Rock ’n roll!

火枪兵 Firebat

[tfbRdy00] Need a light

[TFbDth00] [死亡1]

[TFbDth01] [死亡2]

[TFbDth02] [死亡3]

[tfbFir00] [喷火1]

[tfbFir01] [喷火2]

[tfbPss00] Is something burning

[tfbPss01] Haha, that’s what I thought

[tfbPss02] I love the smell of napalm

[tfbPss03] Nothing like a good smoke!

[tfbPss04] Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue

[tfbPss05] Got any questions about propane

[tfbPss06] Or, propane accessories

[tfbWht00] Fire it up!

[tfbWht01] Yes

[tfbWht02] You got my attention

[tfbWht03] Wanna turn up the heat

[tfbYes00] Naturally

[tfbYes01] Slammin!

[tfbYes02] You’ve got it

[tfbYes03] Let’s burn

特种兵 Ghost

[tghrdy00] Somebody called for an exterminator

[TGhDth00] [死亡1]

[TGhDth01] [死亡2]

[TGhLas00] [枪声]

[TGhLkd00] [锁定]

[tghpss00] You called down the thunder

[tghpss01] Now reap the whirlwind

[tghpss02] Keep it up! I dare ya

[tghpss03] I’m about to overload my aggression inhibitors

[tghwht00] Ghost reporting

[tghwht01] I’m here

[tghwht02] Finally!

[tghwht03] Call the shot

[tghyes00] I hear that

[tghyes01] I’m gone

[tghyes02] Never know what hit em

[tghyes03] I’m all over it

秃鹫车 Vulture

[tvurdy00] All right, bring it on!

[TVuDth00] [死亡]

[TVuMin00] [放蜘蛛雷1]

[TVuMin01] [放蜘蛛雷2]

[tvupss00] Something you wanted

[tvupss01] I don’t have time to fBEEP around!

[tvupss02] You keep pushing it boy

[tvupss03] And I’ll scrap you along with the aliens!

[TVuWht00] What do YOU want

[tvuwht01] Yeah

[tvuwht02] I read ya, SIR

[tvuwht03] Somethin’ on your mind

[tvuyes00] Yeah, I’m going

[tvuyes01] I dig

[tvuyes02] No problem!

[tvuyes03] Oh, is that it


[TGoRdy00] Goliath online

[TGoDth00] [死亡]

[TGoPss00] MilSpec ED-209 online

[TGoPss01] Checklist protocol initiated

[TGoPss02] Primary level one diagnostic

[TGoPss03] USDA Selected

[TGoPss04] FDIC approved

[TGoPss05] Checklist Completed SOB

[TGoWht00] Go ahead Tac-Com

"Tac-Com" is short for "Tactical Command"

[TGoWht01] Com-link online

[TGoWht02] Channel open

[TGoWht03] Systems functional

[TGoYes00] Acknowledged HQ

[TGoYes01] Nav-com locked

[TGoYes02] Confirmed

[TGoYes03] Target designated

坦克 Siege Tank

[ttardy00] Ready to roll out!

[TTaDth00] [死亡]

[ttapss00] "女武神之飞驰"(瓦格那的名曲!)

[ttapss01] I’m about to drop the hammer!

[ttapss02] And dispense some indiscriminate justice!

[ttapss03] What is your major malfunction

[ttatra00] [切换为坦克]

[ttatra01] [切换为座地炮]

[ttawht00] Yes sir!

[ttawht01] Destination

[ttawht02] Identify target!

[ttawht03] Orders sir!

[ttayes00] Move it!

[ttayes01] Proceedin’

[ttayes02] Delighted to, sir!

[ttayes03] Absolutely!

工程兵 SCV

[TSCRdy00] SCV, good to go, sir

[EDrRep00] [修理1]

[EDrRep01] [修理2]

[EDrRep02] [修理3]

[EDrRep03] [修理4]

[EDrRep04] [修理5]

[TSCDth00] [死亡]

[TSCErr00] I can’t build it, something’s in the way

[TSCErr01] I can’t build there

[TSCMin00] [采矿1]

[TSCMin01] [采矿2]

[TSCPss00] Come again, Captain

[TSCPss01] I’m not readin’ you clearly

[TSCPss02] You ain’t from around here, are you

[TSCPss03] I can’t believe they put me in one of these things!

[TSCPss04] And now I gotta put up with this too

[TSCPss05] I told em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!

[TSCPss06] I’m locked in here tighter than a frog’s butt in a watermelon seed



运输船 Dropship

[TDrRdy00] Can I take your order

[TDrDth00] [死亡]

[TDrPss00] When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful

[TDrPss01] In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device

[TDrPss02] To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you

[TDrPss03] Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and

complete stop

[TDrWht00] Go ahead, HQ

[TDrWht01] I’m listenin’

[TDrWht02] Destination

[TDrWht03] Input coordinates

[TDrYes00] In the pipe, five by five

[TDrYes01] Hang on, we’re in for some chop

[TDrYes02] In transit, HQ

[TDrYes03] Buckle up!

[TDrYes04] Strap yourselves in boys!

[TDrYes05] I copy that

幽灵战机 Wraith

[TPhRdy00] Wraith awaiting launch orders

[TPhClo00] [隐型1]

[TPhClo01] [隐型2]

[TPhDth00] [死亡]

[TPhPss00] Last transmission breakin’ upcome back

[TPhPss01] I’m just curiouswhy am I so good

[TPhPss02] I gotta get me one of these

[TPhPss03] You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is

[TPhPss04] Yours truly

[TPhPss05] Everybody gotta die sometime, Red

[TPhPss06] I am the invincible, that’s right

[TPhWht00] Go ahead commander

[TPhWht01] Transmit coordinates

[TPhWht02] Standin’ by

[TPhWht03] Reporting in

[TPhYes00] Coordinates received

[TPhYes01] Attack formation

[TPhYes02] Roger

[TPhYes03] Vector locked-in

大和舰 Battlecruiser

[tbardy00] Battlecruiser operational

[TBaDth00] [死亡]

[tbapss00] Identify yourself!

[tbapss01] Shields up! Weapons online!

[tbapss02] Not equipped with shields well then buckle up!

[tbapss03] We are getting WAY behind schedule

[tbapss04] I really have to gonumber one

[tbawht00] Battlecruiser reporting

[tbawht01] Receiving transmission

[tbawht02] Good day, commander

[tbawht03] Hailing frequencies open

[TBaYam01] [大和炮1]

[TBaYam02] [大和炮2]

[tbayes00] Make it happen

[tbayes01] Set a course

[tbayes02] Take it slow

[tbayes03] Engage!


狂徒 Zealot

[pzeRdy00] My life for Aiur!

[pzeAtt00] [攻击1]

[pzeAtt01] [攻击2]

[pzeDth00] [死]

[pzeHit00] [psi blades]

[PZePss00] En Taro Adun!

[PZePss01] All for the Empire!

[PZePss02] Doom to all who threaten the homeworld

[PZeRag00] [rage]

[PZeWht00] What now calls

[PZeWht01] [Issah’Tu!]

[PZeWht02] I long for combat!

[PZeWht03] [G’hous!]

[PZeYes00] [Gau’gurah!]

[PZeYes01] Thus I serve!

[PZeYes02] Honor guide me!

[PZeYes03] For Adun!

龙骑士 Dragoon

[pdrRdy00] I have returned

[pdrDth00] [死亡]

[PDrPss00] Unauthorized transmission

[PDrPss01] Incorrect protocol

[PDrPss02] "嘟嘟" Drop your weapon You have 15 seconds to comply

[PDrPss03] 5,4,3,2,1 "开火"

[PDrWht00] Receiving

[PDrWht01] Awaiting instructions

[PDrWht02] Transmit

[PDrWht03] Input command

[PDrWht04] [Glah’sos]

[PDrWht05] [Cah’karadahs]

[PDrWht06] Make use of me

[PDrWht07] I am needed

[PDrYes00] Confirmed

[PDrYes01] Initiating

[PDrYes02] [Loch’tide]

[PDrYes03] [Meto’rah]

[PDrYes04] Commencing

[PDrYes05] [Nagat’soon]

[PDrYes06] For vengeance

光明圣堂武士 High Templar

[pteRdy00] [Hasah-hurditum-hari!]

[pteDth00] [死亡]

[PTeHal00] [产生幻象]

[PTeHal01] [幻象消失]

[PTeMov00] []

[ptePss00] Your thoughts betray you

- 天行者Luke的名言, 出自: 星球大战-杰迪归来

[ptePss01] I see you have an appetite for destruction

[ptePss02] And you learn to use your illusion

[ptePss03] But I find your lack of control disturbing

[PTeSto00] [心灵风暴1]

[PTeSto01] [心灵风暴2]

[pteSum00] [合成为执政官]

[pteWht00] Your thoughts

[pteWht01] [Saragh’ha!]

[pteWht02] I heed thy call

[pteWht03] State thy bidding

[pteYes00] You think as I do

[pteYes01] It shall be done

[pteYes02] My path is set

[pteYes03] [Ee’tahk]

光明执政官 Archon

[parRdy00] The merging is complete!

[parDth00] [死亡]


[parPss00] It all looks so different on this side

[parPss01] Break on through!

[parPss02] It’s beautiful!

[parPss03] They should have sent a poet

[parWht00] We burn!

[parWht01] We need focus!

[parWht02] [Thorasoh’cahp]

[parWht03] Power overwhelming

[parYes00] Destroy!

[parYes01] Annihilate!

[parYes02] Obliterate!

[parYes03] Eradicate!

伺侯战机 Scout

[PScRdy00] Teleport successful

[PScDth00] [死亡]

[PScPss00] Signal unstable

[PScPss01] Psionic Link dissipating

[PScPss02] Adjusting neural transmission

[PScPss03] [后退]

[pscPss04] [reengaged]

[PScWht00] Awaiting command

[PScWht01] Standing by

[PScWht02] Contact

[PScWht03] Cho’gal

-出自 Warcraft II

[PScYes00] [Chaos]

[PScYes01] [Koh’rahk]

[PScYes02] [acknowledged]

[PScYes03] It will be done

仲裁者 Arbiter

[pabRdy00] Warp field stabilized


[pabDth00] [死亡]





[pabPss00] We sense a soul in search of answers


[pabPss01] Do you seek knowledge of time travel

[pabPss02] We’ll take that as a yes

[pabPss03] And now for your first lesson Hahaha

[pabPss04] 伴随着混乱的背景噪音 Do you seek knowledge of time travel

[pabWht00] We feel your presence

[pabWht01] Duras

- Klingon, Star Trek

[pabWht02] [Gun Adun]

[pabWht03] We are vigilant

[pabYes00] [In Khast’meen]

[pabYes01] [Jepahca’zoen]

[pabYes02] Gowron

出自Star Trek-星际旅行

航母 Carrier

[pcaRdy00] Carrier has arrived!

[PCaDth00] [死亡]

[pcaDth01] [死亡]

[PCaPss00] Our enemies are legion!

[PCaPss01] And still you procrastinate!

[PCaPss02] Command, or you will be relieved!

[PCaPss03] This is not an idle threat!

[PCaWht00] Instructions

[PCaWht01] Your command

[PCaWht02] [Loh’Klahs]

[PCaWht03] [Ischk’nu]

[PCaYes00] Commencing

[PCaYes01] [Kokal’tulah]

[PCaYes02] [Gau’ju]

[PCaYes03] Affirmative

探路者 Observer

[PWiRdy00] [birth]

[PWiDth00] [死亡]

[pwiDth01] [死亡]

[pwiPss00] I sense a soul in search of answers


[pwiPss01] It sounds likea huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom!

- 出自Diablo里Griswold的经典话语

[pwiPss02] One small step for man, one giant(static) STOP POKING ME!!!


[wiPss03] [a short clip from the hidden track in Warcraft II]

[wiPss04] Warcraft zwei, jetzt als Exklusivedition mit dem Expansion Set4 B

oostern und Zauberlehrbuch

-德文,英文意思为"Warcraft two, now as exclusive edition with expansion the set

4 boosters and charm text book"





暗黑圣堂武士 Dark Templar

[PDtRdy00] Adun Toridas!

[PDTDth00] [死亡]

[PDTPss00] Your taunts are inadvised, Templar

[PDTPss01] Do not provoke me to violence

[PDTPss02] You can no more evade my wrath

[PDTPss03] Than you could your own shadow

[PDTWht00] Yes

[PDTWht01] Zerashk gulida!

[PDTWht02] I’m waiting

[PDTWht03] Neraz Gulio

[PDTYes00] For Aiur

[PDTYes01] Ner’mah!

[PDTYes02] So be it

[PDTYes03] Very well

海盗船 Corsair

[pcordy00] It is a good day to die!

- Klingon motto, Star Trek

[pcopss00] Look at all the pretty lights!

[pcopss01] I wonder what this button does

[pcopss02] 警报声 I think this was a BIG mistake

[pcopss03] [唱歌1]

[pcopss04] [唱歌2]

[pcopss05] Zefram Cochrane, is that you

-Zefram Cochrane, Star Trek中翘曲航行法的发明者

[pcopss06] What did you do to your hair

[pcorhit1] [hit]

[pcorhit2] [hit]

[pcorlasr1] [laser]

[pcorlasr2] [laser]

[pcorlasr3] [laser]

[pcorlasr4] [laser]

[pcorweb1] [分裂网]

[pcowht00] Ready for battle!

[pcowht01] May I be of service

[pcowht02] I stand ready

[pcowht03] Let us attack

[pcoyes00] Excellent!

[pcoyes01] Adun Toridas!

[pcoyes02] Ah, at last!

[pcoyes03] I thought you’d see it my way

暗黑执政官 Dark Archon

[pdardy00] We are as one!

[pdapss00] Must consume

[pdapss01] Or oblivion will take us

[pdapss02] Adun, save me

[pdapss03] Darkness overpowering!

[pdawht00] Must have energy!

[pdawht01] We hear you

[pdawht02] Thoughts in chaos!

[pdawht03] Must feed!

[pdayes00] We’ll go

[pdayes01] Oblivion awaits!

[pdayes02] We move!

[pdayes03] [呻吟]

基地 Advisor

[PAdErr00] You’ve not enough minerals

[PAdErr01] You require more vespene gas

[PAdErr02] You must construct additional pylons

[PAdErr06] Not enough energy

[PAdUpd00] We are under attack!

[PAdUpd01] Your warriors have engaged the enemy

[PAdUpd02] Research complete

[PAdUpd04] Nuclear launch detected

[PAdUpd06] Upgrade complete


狂徒 Zealot

[pzeRdy00] My life for Aiur!

[pzeAtt00] [攻击1]

[pzeAtt01] [攻击2]

[pzeDth00] [死]

[pzeHit00] [psi blades]

[PZePss00] En Taro Adun!

[PZePss01] All for the Empire!

[PZePss02] Doom to all who threaten the homeworld

[PZeRag00] [rage]

[PZeWht00] What now calls

[PZeWht01] [Issah’Tu!]

[PZeWht02] I long for combat!

[PZeWht03] [G’hous!]

[PZeYes00] [Gau’gurah!]

[PZeYes01] Thus I serve!

[PZeYes02] Honor guide me!

[PZeYes03] For Adun!

龙骑士 Dragoon

[pdrRdy00] I have returned

[pdrDth00] [死亡]

[PDrPss00] Unauthorized transmission

[PDrPss01] Incorrect protocol

[PDrPss02] "嘟嘟" Drop your weapon You have 15 seconds to comply

[PDrPss03] 5,4,3,2,1 "开火"

[PDrWht00] Receiving

[PDrWht01] Awaiting instructions

[PDrWht02] Transmit

[PDrWht03] Input command

[PDrWht04] [Glah’sos]

[PDrWht05] [Cah’karadahs]

[PDrWht06] Make use of me

[PDrWht07] I am needed

[PDrYes00] Confirmed

[PDrYes01] Initiating

[PDrYes02] [Loch’tide]

[PDrYes03] [Meto’rah]

[PDrYes04] Commencing

[PDrYes05] [Nagat’soon]

[PDrYes06] For vengeance

光明圣堂武士 High Templar

[pteRdy00] [Hasah-hurditum-hari!]

[pteDth00] [死亡]

[PTeHal00] [产生幻象]

[PTeHal01] [幻象消失]

[PTeMov00] []

[ptePss00] Your thoughts betray you

- 天行者Luke的名言, 出自: 星球大战-杰迪归来

[ptePss01] I see you have an appetite for destruction

[ptePss02] And you learn to use your illusion

[ptePss03] But I find your lack of control disturbing

[PTeSto00] [心灵风暴1]

[PTeSto01] [心灵风暴2]

[pteSum00] [合成为执政官]

[pteWht00] Your thoughts

[pteWht01] [Saragh’ha!]

[pteWht02] I heed thy call

[pteWht03] State thy bidding

[pteYes00] You think as I do

[pteYes01] It shall be done

[pteYes02] My path is set

[pteYes03] [Ee’tahk]

光明执政官 Archon

[parRdy00] The merging is complete!

[parDth00] [死亡]


[parPss00] It all looks so different on this side

[parPss01] Break on through!

[parPss02] It’s beautiful!

[parPss03] They should have sent a poet

[parWht00] We burn!

[parWht01] We need focus!

[parWht02] [Thorasoh’cahp]

[parWht03] Power overwhelming

[parYes00] Destroy!

[parYes01] Annihilate!

[parYes02] Obliterate!

[parYes03] Eradicate!

伺侯战机 Scout

[PScRdy00] Teleport successful

[PScDth00] [死亡]

[PScPss00] Signal unstable

[PScPss01] Psionic Link dissipating

[PScPss02] Adjusting neural transmission

[PScPss03] [后退]

[pscPss04] [reengaged]

[PScWht00] Awaiting command

[PScWht01] Standing by

[PScWht02] Contact

[PScWht03] Cho’gal

-出自 Warcraft II

[PScYes00] [Chaos]

[PScYes01] [Koh’rahk]

[PScYes02] [acknowledged]

[PScYes03] It will be done








目前支持适配的机型有(ColorOS 51及以上版本的机型):

Find X系列:Find X全网通、Find X移动版




R11s系列:R11s、R11st、R11s Plus、R11s Plust


A79系列:A79、A79k、A79t 、 A79kt



R11系列:R11、R11t、R11 Plus、R11 Plust



以上就是关于OPPOa77为什么没有紧急求救功能全部的内容,包括:OPPOa77为什么没有紧急求救功能、星际里人族念的英文是什么 告诉我 顺便翻译下、哪个牌子手机有紧急求助功能等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!

