
抗战之基地降临2023-04-24  23

《Charlotte's Web》(《夏洛的网》)、《Animal Farm》(《动物农场》)、《Three Days to See》(假如给我三天光明)。


尽量不去阅读容易的书籍, 因为我们是在提升英语阶段,在阅读过程中要掌握一定量的词句储备,就如我们阅读中文一样,当你的阅读能力提升时,你在念高中时就不愿意去阅读小学生作文选了,为什么呢?因为对你来说,它已经没有多少价值了。









Stop All The Clocks - WH Auden

葬礼蓝调 - WH Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,


Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,


Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners e


Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,


Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,


Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves


He was my North, my South, my East and West,


My working week and my Sunday rest,


My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;


I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong


The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;


Pack up the moon and di antle the sun;


Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood


For nothing now can ever e to any good



Grandpa's Bee


A long time before I was born, my Grandma and Grandpa moved into the house on Beechwood Avenue They had a young family of 4 little girls The little girls slept in the attic in a big feather bed It was cold there on winter night Grandma put hot bricks under the covers at the foot of the bed to keep the little girls warm


During the Great Depression, work was hard to find, so Grandpa did whatever jobs he could He dug ditches during the week and on weekend he and Grandma dug a garden lo grow some of their own food


The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big front yard with shade trees and fruit trees In the middle of the yard was a water pump where the four little girls pumped water for cooking, cleaning and watering the garden On one side of the yard, Grandma and Grandpa planted tomatoes, beans, squash, cucumbers, peppers and strawberries to feed their growing family They planted roses, lilacs and irises on the other side of the yard, around the statue of the Blessed Mother


Everybody worked to keep the garden growing All summer long, the family ate food from the garden and enjoyed the beautiful flowers Grandma put up strawberry jam,tomatoes, beans, peppers, pears and peaches in canning jam They were good to eat through the long winter


The family grew up, and before too many years had passed, the grandchildren came to visit Grandma and Grandpa still planted their garden every spring Everyone still enjoyed the good food from the garden and always took some home


Grandchildren grow up, and grandparents grow older It became harder for Grandma and Grandpa to keep up the garden So they made it a little aller There was still plenty to eat from the garden and lovely flowers to enjoy


Then one summer when Grandpa was eighty-nine years old, all he could do was watch from his lawn chair as the vegetables grew and the roses bloomed Summer slowly faded, and Grandpa died before it was time to bring in the harvest


It was a lonely winter for Grandma She sat near the window, looking out at the yard and wondering if she could plant the garden in the spring It would be hard to care for it by herself When spring came, she planted only a little garden


One sunny day in the early summer, Grandma heard a motion in the front yard and looked out the window to see a frightening sight a gigantic swarm of bees filled the air between two tall trees There was thousands of bees in the air, so many that the swarm reached the tree-lops! The buzzing sound was tremendous Grandma watched as the bees made their way into a hole up in one of the trees Before long, every one of those bees had disappeared into its new home


Grandma wondered what in the world she could do Should she hire someone to get rid of bees That would cost more than she could afford She decided to wait and think it over


During the next few days, the bees were busy making their own business Grandma could always see a few bees buzzing in and out around the opening high in the tree Before long, she decided the bees won't bother anyone, so she went about her business and didn't give them any other thought


That summer, Grandma's little garden grew and grew The neighbors would stop to admire the huge crop of vegetables and puzzle over their own gardens weren't doing well No matter, because Grandma had enough give some away Of course, everyone who came to visit was treated to a meal of good things from the garden


One day, Grandma's brother Frank visited from Arizona As Grandma made Frank a delicious lunch of squash pan cakes and home made apple sauce, she told him the story about the swarm of bees


Frank said, "in Arizona, the farmers often hired beekeepers to set up beehives near their fields The bees pollinated the crops and helped them to grow"


That was when Grandma realized at her bees had helped with her garden all summer


"So that's why my little garden had such a big crop! " she exclaimed From that time on, Grandma always believed that since Grandpa couldn't be there to help her that summer, he had sent the bees to take his place and make Grandma's little garden grow and grow



Love is the Best Legacy


As a young man, Al was a skilled artist, a potter He had a wife and two fine sons One night, his oldest son developed a severe stomachache Thinking it was only some mon intestinal disorder, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously But the malady was actually acute appendicitis and the boy died suddenly that night

年轻时, Al就已经是一个技艺精湛的陶艺艺术家了。他有了妻子和两个健壮的儿子。但是一天夜里,他大儿子肚子疼得厉害,他想这也只不过是普通的肠道疾病,就没太在意,他妻子也是这样认为。然而那种病却是急性阑尾炎,这个男孩那天夜里就这么死了。

Knowing the death could have been prevented if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, Al's emotional health deleriorated under the enormous burden of his guilt To make matters worse his wife left him a short time later, leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could handle, and he turned to alcohol to help him cope In lime Al became an alcoholic

如果他那时意识到情况的严重性,孩子的死本来是可以避免的,一想到这些 Al内心就无比愧疚,情绪也一天比一天糟糕。更糟的是,不久他的妻子抛弃了他,把他们6岁的小儿子留给了他。丧子之痛加上妾离之苦让Al无法喘息,他开始斟酒来麻痹自己,最后他成了一个名副其实的酒鬼。

As the alcoholi progressed, Al began to lose everything he possessed-his home, his land, his art objects, everything Eventually Al died alone in a San Francisco motel room


When I heard of Al' s death, I reacted with the same disdain the world shows for one who ends his life with nothing material to show for it "What a plete failure! " I thought "What a totally wasted life! "

当我听说 Al的死讯时,我的反应和世人一样,都视他没有留下什么财产。"多失败啊!" 我思索著完全没有意义的一生。 "

As time went by, I began to reevaluate my earlier harsh judgment You see, I knew Al's now son, Ernie He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have ever known I watched Ernie with his children and saw the free flow of love between them I knew that kindness and caring had lo e from somewhere


I hadn't heard Ernie talk much about his father It is so hard to defend an alcoholic One day I worked up my courage to ask him "I'm really puzzled by something," I said "I know your father was basically the only one to raise you What on earth did he do that you became such a special person"


Ernie sat quietly and reflected for a few moments Then he said, "From my earliest memories as a child until I left home at 18, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, 'I love you, son

Ernie坐在那里沉思了一会,说道从我还是孩子时最早的回忆到 18岁离开家, Al每天晚上都会来到我的房闭,吻我一下然后对我说:‘我爱你,儿子’"。

Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to judge Al as a failure He had not left any material possessions behind But he had been a kind loving father, and he left behind one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known













初一英语课外短文:fail the exam


In the Song Dynasty (宋朝) there was a joker called Sun Shan (孙山)


One year he went to take the imperial examination, and came bottom of the list of successfulcandidates


Back in his hometown, one of his neighbor asked him whether the neighbor's son had also passed


Sun Shan said, with a smile:"Sun Shan was the last on the list Your son came after Sun Shan"


The people used this idiom to indicate failing in an examination or competition


初一英语课外短文:volunteer to do sth/recommend oneself


In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin besieged the capital of the State of Zhao


Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the State of Chu personally forassistanceHe wanted to select a capable man to go with him


A man called Mao Sui volunteered


When the negotiactions between the two states were stalled because the ruler of Chu hesitated to send troops, Mao Sui approached him, brandishing a sword At that, the ruler of Chu agreed to help Zhao, against Qin


This idiom means to recommend oneself


初一英语课外短文:get the casket and return the pearl


A man from the state of Chu wanted to sell a precious pearl in the state of Zheng


He made a casket for the pearl out of the wood from a magnolia tree, which he fumigated with spices He studded the casket with pearls and jade, ornamented it with red gems and decorated it with kingfisher feathers


A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl


Too luxuriant decoration usually supersedes what really counts


This man from Chu certainly knew how to sell a casket but he was no good at selling his pearl And the man of Zheng didn't know which is really valuable


阅读是吸收英语语言材料、增加语言知识、扩大词汇量的重要手段,而且阅读能力是一种语言的综合能力,提高阅读能力能为口语能力和写作能力的发展打好基础,也能使学生从英语阅读中认识学习英语的真正价值,体验学习英语的乐趣,树立学好英语的自信心。英语阅读能力的获得离不开丰富而具体的实践,在具备了一定的词汇语法知识,掌握了基本的阅读方法之后,由教材读物转向课外读物已成为一种必然。据我校问卷调查了解:绝大部分学生几乎不进行英语课外阅读。导致这个不良结果的主要因素为:没有适合的阅读材料,学生除了课本就是几本教辅类练习;没有阅读的兴趣和氛围;学生压力大,很少有时间去接触书本以外的知识;学生阅读速度慢,阅读量不大,尤其是在我们农村中学,只有极少数同学偶尔会看一些英语文章,会看英语电视节目,这与《新课程标准解读》解读中的要求相距甚大。上述总情况反映出,阅读条件不足、氛围不浓、方法不当,影响了学生阅读效果,挫伤了学生的阅读积极性,阻碍了学生阅读综合能力的提高。该怎样提高英语课外阅读能力呢?一、选择合适的阅读材料 首先,兴趣是成功的原动力,作为教材延伸形式出现的课外阅读,材料要有其发展性,体裁要多样化,要讲求趣味性和时效性。注意材料的内容,把握语言难度,经常能够结合当前课本所学内容。浅易的内容有利巩固基础知识,引起兴趣;较难的内容便于启发思维,增添知识。因此,阅读材料的难度适中,由浅入深,逐步升级。一般情况是,生词不太多,篇幅不太长。如果生词太多,看一句要查好几次词典,就难以把主要精力用在理解文章的内容上,阅读的效果就大打折扣了。如果是初一年级学生,选择的阅读材料应该以短小精悍,幽默有趣的记叙性文章或者小笑话为主。随着学生阅读能力的提高,阅读材料的长度和体裁也有相应的变化。 针对初二的学生,选择一些比较适合阅读的,并且具有时代性,新颖性的报刊《21世纪报》、《英语周报》、等报刊杂志,它们比较贴近学生的,涉及体育、娱乐、学习等题材,很受学生欢迎,体裁方面适当增加科普说明文。对于初三的学生,因为已经具有一定的阅读能力,而且对自己的阅读内容也有所偏好,可以相互推荐,分享阅读资源,扩大阅读量,读后摘抄好词好句。二、创造良好的阅读氛围。在班级里创建英语阅读环境,如:订制一些英文报纸、英文故事、英文连环画以及一些英美文化概况的材料等,学生可以随时在教室里进行阅读。同时,在教室的显著位置张贴海报,开设各个不同的栏目,学生将自己妙语摘抄以及一些故事的转述、续写进行展示,多一些体验课外阅读的乐趣和成功的喜悦。 三、培养高效阅读的能力。当你的阅读能力达到一定程度后,掌握以下常规的阅读策略:默读、略读、跳读、预测、猜测词义、细读、寻找关键词和主题句等等方法。1平时多大声朗读,背诵精彩段落和文章,以培养英语语感。阅读的主要目的在于语言吸收上的“潜移默化”,在于获得语感。阅读需要“量”,没有大量的语言“输入”,是难以学好英语的。归根结底,好的英语是“读”出来的,才能培养出“语感”。2“整体阅读”法。 集中注意力于整个篇章内容,而不是个别词语。在阅读过程中,辨认出篇章开头的某些实词、转折词语等关键性词语时,头脑立刻开始了对篇章内容的预测。接着在继续阅读的过程中,通过对部分词语的辨认而不断证实扩展开始时的预测,或者否定它而产生新的预测,最后达到把握文章的前后呼应以及情节联系,综观全文,整体把握,避免“只见树木,不见森林”逐词逐句阅读的不良习惯。四、养成良好的阅读习惯1养成计时阅读的习惯,训练速度递增。 给一定的时间阅读一篇文章, 再一分钟重读,应该比第一次读到的内容多,然后再重复,快速略读“旧”的材料时,实际上是在学习如何让眼睛以更快的速度移动。2养成审好文章的标题的习惯。通常情况下,文章的标题或题目就是文章的主题或中心,它和内容都是围绕这个主题来写的,如果标题审好,那么你对文章整篇思路和理解就不会偏差。 3养成略读和跳读的习惯。略读就是很快地阅读,抓住文章的大概意思,这在读小说时是非常常见的一种方法。在略读过程中,学生通常会使用以下策略:阅读文章的主标题、副标题。仔细阅读文章的第一小节和最后一节注重每一小节的首句和末句。跳读,就是在略读过程中.跳过那些与主题关系不密切或与课后题无关的细节,以最快的速度,从一篇文章中寻找出自己所需要的那些细节。4忌讳动辄查字典。这不仅是不必要的,而且还耽误时间。这些词如果有时问,查一查,记一记当然好,但在大多数的篇章中,这些意思并不是很重要的,并不是问题的关键所在,逐一查阅实在是不必要的,浪费了许多不必要的时问。总之,只要我们能对英语课外阅读认识到位,选材合理,方法得当,持之以恒,英语课外阅读不仅会促进我们的英语学习,还会使我们终生受益。


