
枧水是什么2023-04-24  22

牡丹花 tree peony

Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)and herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora),is a very beautiful plant originatingin ChinaThe choice of tree peony in 1994as the Chinese national flower was yet anotherhonor to be added to the accolades and honorifictitles bestowed on it over the centuriesFor example,Tree peony other name "Richesand honor flowers","Kilogramsgold",to tree peonies indicate thatthe flower is the symbol of happiness andgood luckThe tree peony symbolizes thecharacteristic temperament and cultural featuresof the Chinese nation,the prosperity ofthe country,and the diligence of the people

Tree peony was not untilthe period between the Qin and Han Dynasties(221BC-220AD)thatMudan-tree peony was differentiated from220to 589AD,and has continued for morethan 1500yearsDuring this time,a gradualprocess of propagation and selection hasled to the wide range of tree peony cultivatesavailable now

Nowadays Tree peony'scultivates have tremendously varied characteristicsresulting from the range of original speciesinvolved and from the range of original speciesinvolved and from the different ecologicalenvironmentsOur research work has determinedtree peony's four Cultivate Groups:the CentralPlains tree peony group,the Northwest treepeony group,the Southern tree peony groupand the Southwest tree peony groupOf these,the Central Plains Cultivate tree peony group(Luoyang tree peony is the Central Plainstree peony group)is the richest in numberof cultivates with varied flower forms,colorsand length of cultivation history

Now,we already had "Luoyangpeony original habitat protection marking",has formulated "the Luoyang peony seedlingstandard"Luoyang peony's sown area1,200hectares,tee peony variety nearlythousandHas formed two big peonies industriesbelt in the Luoyang suburbs,7large-scalepeonies watch the garden areaThe Luoyangpeony seedling production has basically formedthe scale,the scientific style,the standardizedplanter,had surmounted the past small peasanteconomy pattern and other local small workshopmanagements,improved the peony seedling'squality,has guaranteed the peony varietypurityOur objective is:Guarantees thequality,the good faith serviceOur sincerelyhope and the peony demand and the likinglong-time cooperation,the exchange,expandstogether the peony industry




Rock's Peony (Paeonia rockii; also called tree peony) is a woody species of peony

named after Joseph Rock It is native to the mountains of western China

mainly in Gu and adjoining provinces In Chinese

it is known as 牡丹 (pinyin: mǔ dān) or 牡丹皮 (pinyin: mǔ dān pí)

and its flower is called 牡丹花 (pinyin: mǔ dān huā) It became the unofficial national flower of China following a nationwide referendum in 1994 [1] [edit] Uses This tree peony is cultivated as an ornamental plant It is very frost hardy and resistant to fungal diseases

and is grown in Europe

particularly in northern countries

such as Sweden and Finland In Germany it is the most hardy tree peony species Like Paeonia lactiflora

another Chinese peony species

it is used as a herbal remedy in traditional Chinese medicine [2] [edit] Rockii-hybrids Tree peony hybrids including Paeonia rockii as one parent are called Rockii-hybrids In China there are several cultivar groups of these hybrids

called Gu Mudan and Zhongyuan Mudan

or North-West Chinese cultivar group The European-grown Suffruticosa Group (Paeonia × suffruticosa) also belongs here [edit] External links Chinese Rockii Tree Peony Rockii Tree Peony (Database



参考: en /wiki/Rock%27s_Peony

牡丹是重要的观赏植物,原产于中国西部秦岭和大巴山一带山区,现在这一地区尚有野生单瓣品种存在。在英语和其他欧洲语言中,牡丹和芍药是同一个词,芍药是蓄根草本,牡丹是灌木木本,这是它们的主要区别,它们花型、叶片非常相似,牡丹于5月初开花,芍药花期要晚一些。芍药原产于中国北部及西伯利亚一带,更耐寒。 芍药在夏商周时期,即已被中国人作为观赏植物培育,遍布于中国北方,其根可做药用,不剥皮的为「赤芍」,剥皮的为「白芍」,所以汉语中称其为芍「药」。 牡丹栽培的历史较晚,大约在汉代,由于其花似芍药而被引种,但经过多年培育,在唐朝时已被《神农本草经》誉为花王,当时也叫「木芍药」。唐代宫廷簪花侍女以头戴牡丹为美。据《镜花缘》中记载的传说,一次武则天因酒醉在冬天下诏令百花全部开放,没想到「时至众花多开,唯牡丹不从」,武则天一怒之下,将所有牡丹贬至洛阳,因此洛阳成为牡丹之乡,有「洛阳牡丹甲天下」之说。培育出多色品种。现在世界各国种植的牡丹都是从中国引种的。 牡丹的根皮也能入药,除了洛阳,目前种植牡丹和芍药最多的地方是山东菏泽,在菏泽是作为药材在大田种植,每逢花期满地一片花海。现在由于花卉市场兴旺,也开始种植观赏花品种。 牡丹在中国一直是最受重视的花王,等同于欧洲人心目中的花女王-玫瑰,宋朝文学家欧阳修专门撰写《牡丹记》,以后又有许多人专门修定牡丹谱,记录各种品种。清朝时曾将牡丹定为国花,中华民国由于建都南方,改国花为梅花。中华人民共和国没有制定国花。洛阳和菏泽的市花是牡丹。1990年代中期,中华人民共和国全国花卉协会举行了一次国花评选,结论是牡丹为国花,兰、荷、菊、梅为四季花作为辅助。但这一结论只止于协会的公告,并未进入任何立法程序。所以,中华人民共和国至今仍没有法定的国花。 日本人因为牡丹开花在一年中人最困乏的时期,因此将牡丹刻画在为纪念著名逝去人物的神社中,以保证他们美好的睡眠。类似于中国人使用荷花图案的场合。日本作家三岛由纪夫曾经写过一篇短篇小说《牡丹》,讲述了一个在二战中屠杀中国人的日本老兵的心路历程,至今人们对这篇文章依然褒贬不一,见《牡丹》评论(日文)。 牡丹在欧洲人心目中代表豪华,目前培植牡丹越来越普及。 芍药一般可以成活数年,牡丹可以成活30-60年。河北省柏乡县北郝村有一个牡丹园,其中一棵高达数米的牡丹据说是汉朝的「汉牡丹」,可能是传说,但这棵牡丹起码已经成活了有百年以上的历史。

Peony有两种: 牡丹- 木本植物 - 英文名:Tree Peony 芍药- 草本植物 - 英文名:Herbaceous Peony 不知你所说的比利时牡丹花是草本还是木本,一般欧美人多数种植Herbaceous Peony即是芍药。而Tree Peony (牡丹)多数原产中国或日本。 Tree Peony (牡丹)在五月初开花,Herbaceous Peony (芍药)在五月尾开花。 这里有两种 Peony 的资料: demesneinfo/Garden-Help/Flowers/Peonies 2007-05-01 18:58:33 补充: 借位同下面网友讲: 紫罗兰有五片花瓣,不整齐,下面一瓣比其他瓣较大。是堇菜科(Violaceae) 植物,不是十字花科(Brassicaceae) 植物 [四片花瓣]。ct-botanical-society/galleries/violasoro

牡丹花 tree peony Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)and herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora),is a very beautiful plant originatingin ChinaThe choice of tree peony in 1994as the Chinese national flower was yet anotherhonor to be added to the accolades and honorifictitles bestowed on it over the centuriesFor example,Tree peony other name "Richesand honor flowers","Kilogramsgold",to tree peonies indicate thatthe flower is the symbol of happiness andgood luckThe tree peony symbolizes thecharacteristic temperament and cultural featuresof the Chinese nation,the prosperity ofthe country,and the diligence of the people Tree peony was not untilthe period between the Qin and Han Dynasties(221BC-220AD)thatMudan-tree peony was differentiated from220to 589AD,and has continued for morethan 1500yearsDuring this time,a gradualprocess of propagation and selection hasled to the wide range of tree peony cultivatesavailable now Nowadays Tree peony'scultivates have tremendously varied characteristicsresulting from the range of original speciesinvolved and from the range of original speciesinvolved and from the different ecologicalenvironmentsOur research work has determinedtree peony's four Cultivate Groups:the CentralPlains tree peony group,the Northwest treepeony group,the Southern tree peony groupand the Southwest tree peony groupOf these,the Central Plains Cultivate tree peony group(Luoyang tree peony is the Central Plainstree peony group)is the richest in numberof cultivates with varied flower forms,colorsand length of cultivation history Now,we already had "Luoyangpeony original habitat protection marking",has formulated "the Luoyang peony seedlingstandard"Luoyang peony's sown area1,200hectares,tee peony variety nearlythousandHas formed two big peonies industriesbelt in the

以上就是关于牡丹花的英文介绍全部的内容,包括:牡丹花的英文介绍、牡丹花是哪里的市花、牡丹花的详尽资料.......(10分)急(IN ENG)等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!

