Please make sure of your train number and destination.Please be seated according to the seat number on your ticket. Your belongings should be stowed safely on the specified racks or the luggage room on the far end of the coach.
Midway stops are very brief. Please remain onboard unless this is your station. Please observe the smoking ban.
Please exit from the front door in the direction of travel. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.
Ladies and gentlemen: The next station is Ji'nan West. If this is your station, please prepare in good time and make sure you have all your belongings with you.
Please be seated as shown on your ticket.
沪杭高铁高铁好像是这样的:欢迎您乘坐高铁CRH和谐号动车组列车,我代表全体工作人员向您问好!祝您旅途愉快。下一站:桐乡站 NEXT STOP IS TONGXIANG STATION动车:欢迎乘坐CRH和谐号动车组列车,本次列车是由上海虹桥开往蚌埠方向的D5410次列车。请送亲友的旅客抓紧时间下车,我们的列车马上就要开车了。
Welcome to take this time number D352 Harmony motor Train bound for North Chongqing from Shanghai Hongqiao,the train will arrive in Chongqing North Station terminal, please grab passenger baggage,thanks!