例句:1、The turnover of our stores grew by 10% this year.今年我们门店的营业额增长了10%。
2、When you grow up, you will understand the difficulties of parents.你长大了就会明白父母的难处了。
3、The farmers are growing fruit in the hot sun.这些农夫们在烈日在种植水果。
4、Dogs grow so quickly.狗狗们长得很快。
5、I’m hoping that I’ll grow out of my seasonal allergies, but I’m not sure if it’s possible.我希望时间长了就不再出现季节性过敏了,但不是很确定会不会这样。
6、The company’s CEO wanted to expand and grow their funding.公司CEO想扩大、增加融资。
7、This is not the proper climate to grow bananas.这里的气候不适合种植香蕉。
8、The idea of working from home is really starting to grow on me.在家工作这个主意我倒是挺喜欢的。
grow的变形有以下这些:第三人称单数grows 现在分词growing 过去式grew 过去分词grown。其常用的短语有:grow up 成长,逐渐形成;grow in 增加;在……方面成长;grow old 变老。该单词可以这样使用:The economy continues to grow.经济持续增长。