make out是什么意思

支撑的意思2023-02-01  36

make out的意思:(勉强)辨认出,看出,听出;弄清;理解;明白;力图说成;努力让人相信;力图证明;开具,填写;亲热;爱抚。

make out造句:

1、Will you make out the bill for me?请给我账单。

2、Several other items were added to make out a round number.加了几个别的项目以凑足一个整数。

3、Make out a list of the books you need.把你所需要的书开个单子。

4、I can never make out what he wants.我根本弄不懂他要什么。

5、I can not make out why he came home so late.我开不明白他为什这么晚才回家。

6、What do you make out of their statement?你对他们的声明有何看法。

make out的中文意思是辨认出;看出;听出;弄清;理解;明白;力图说成;努力让人相信;力图证明(…是最好的);开具;填写(支票、收据或订货单);亲热;爱抚。扩展资料


1.I can't make out what you are saying. 我听不清你在说啥呢!

make out = hear or see. 听不清或者看不清的含义。例如远处有一幅画儿,画上的图你却看不清,这时你可以表达为 I can't make it out。

2.I made the check out to the president. 我开了张支票给总裁。

make the check out to sb. 通常是这样的搭配,表示说make a check payable.

3.Don't make out like you know the anwser. 别装得好像你知道答案似的。

这里make out 有装的含义,可以与pretend替换。例如 Don't make out like you know what I am talking about. 别装的好像你懂我在说什么一样。

4.How is your son making out at school? 你儿子在学校如何呀?

这里make out 指的是询问状况,进展(to progress/do/perform),例如你历史考试如何呀? How did you make out on your final exam of History? 这比直接问别人考多少分要好不止一万倍。

5.I saw them making out at the party. 我看到他们在派对上激吻了。

这里的make out = kiss passionately. 这个用法非常普遍。你在美剧和电影当中也会经常听到。

6.I can't make out what it says at the bottom. 我看不清下面的文字说了什么。


7.We can't make him out. 我们说不出这人到底啥个性。

这种用法不是特别常见。表示说不知道那个人的个性。We can't understand his character.


1.Strawberries look nice, but a light pressure can make them out of shape.


2.She was a strange sort of personI couldn't make her out.


3.The poem is so complicated that I cannot make out its meaning.


4.With so many things mixed up, it's hard to make out what's what.


5.His writing is so diffuse and obscure that it is difficult to make out what it is he is trying to say.


6.You could certainly make out a case for this point of view


make out:理解;辨认出;说明;填写;设法应付


make lanterns out oranges 用橘子做出灯笼

original make-out 原书写内容

make sb out 看透

make hamburger out of 痛打某人 彻底摧毁

make e out 理解

Make her out 让她满意

make someone out 辨认出 听出 看出

make sth out 书写 填写 翻译

make stress out 得到强调出来 摆脱压力 得到



1、It is possible to make out something in those vaults, but not very much.


2、When we see how you make out, we'll talk about the possibility of more lasting employment.


3、It's even possible to make out structures within the cell, such as the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts.


4、Here you can even make out a vein on the hand of the twin in the foreground.


5、He was wearing a ragged black overcoat, but she could make out blood on his hands and face.


