

                                    NOW YOU SEE ME ----惊天魔盗团

绚丽的魔光,映射舞台上亮丽的灯火。各个身手不凡的four horsemen魔术师,在片头小露身手,即已塑造非凡形象。由聪慧快舌头Atlas,厚粉底老美女henley,稚气快手jack,心灵捕手兼大个子meritt,在一次被安排的偶然碰面,组成“the four horsemen”魔术团。凭借高超的魔术,及幕后老板Arthur Tressler支持,horsemen魔术团旋风式地风靡全美。第一次公开表演的主题竟是窃盗银行,果然成功了,但不求钱财的魔术四人组,把钞票从天而降散落到观众席中。第二次的公开演出,公然捅幕后老板Arthur Tressler背后一刀。漩涡似的疑问降顶:这四人到底为了什么?

Brilliant light magic, mapping stage bright lights All the extraordinary skill four horsemen magician,in the first small dew skill, which have shaped special image The intelligent Atlas quick tongue,thick foundation old beauty Henley, childish hands jack, good will hunting and big MERITT,occasionally meet once arranged, composed of "the four horsemen" magic With his magic, andbehind the scenes boss Arthur Tressler support, horsemen magic whirlwind swept the nation The first public performance of the theme was the theft of bank, as a success, the magic Quartet but without money, put the money to drop from the clouds scattered to the audience Second publicperformances, openly poke behind the scenes boss Tressler Arthur knife Whirlpool doubt droptop: the four for what Making


Compete with Bradley to expose famous magician magic, chasing after the magic Quartet go And the other side is detective Dylan and Alma chase thieves magic quartet Four crisis still persist in one's old ways, by torture does not fear the police The film so far, lead by the magic Quartet todetective Dylan and Alma, this is probably the biggest flop movies The little front behind themagic Quartet, as the attack, was suddenly the strength to send Dylan and super temperamentbeauty Alma, the leading role identity, obtrusive Although they and the magician Bradley lens,can be at the beginning of the movie to create momentum, because of the improper arrangementXifen be contusion directly If the film from start to finish to magic Quartet, perhaps the plot atmosphere coherence will be better Such arrangements may be directed to a surprise ending,but at the end of the film, leaving a pile of did not say clearly the question, what is the "eye"organization Why XX can be the head of eye And so on and so on Ending unfinished, enough to show the film cop-out Making


Treatment of lens is funny In particular, add the magic magic and mysterious, more be good to hear or see True or false, false is true, false ones, I think the true mingled with the false featurefilm When the third field of the public at the end of the show, the magician jumped down, detective Dylan directly pulled a gun shot, but the purpose is a magician magic group portrait of counterfeit money, falling down, like the perfect curtain call off Making


This time I don't know what is real, what is false It is really magic true, or is the computer special effects really Confusion has no answers, director seems to have a critical killer, and attempted to use the surprise a plot climax Unfortunately, defeated Making

**题目《now you see me》,传神地演绎魔术师诱导观众的那一句“now you see me”,也稍有韵味地传达:你看得,未必是真的,哪怕你现在正看着。

Movie title "now you see me", vivid interpretation of the magician induced the audience that the sentence "now you see me", also slightly has the flavor to convey: you see, is not necessarily true, even if you are looked at Making


The arrangement of the ending seems to put this one theme throughout Unfortunately, lack of areasonable explanation In detail, and hurried over, hiding in the running of the Trojan horsebehind, is that have a blurred vision A layer of regret Just as the fake magic really computer effects of humanization of counterfeit money, it seems that the closeout, director Zhang Kuangwang has been allowing no explanation for, like a child watching lie lie was punctured toexaggeration to hit off speech, intention in emotional atmosphere Making

谜底揭晓的大boss出现,把**降了一个档次。用两三分钟揭晓魔术四人组针对法国银行,老板Arthur Tressler以及最后盗窃的保险箱,缺乏条理的论述,浪费了这个惊喜。剧情里的五光十色,也阴暗了隐藏的主线,致使后来的剧情高潮没能达到相对的高度,这有点可惜

The answer revealed high boss occurs, the film down a notch In two or three minutes the magic at French bank announced the foursome, safe boss Arthur Tressler and finally theft, lack ofcoherent discourse, wasted the surprise The plot of the resplendent with variegated coloration isdark, hidden line, resulting in the later plot climax can't achieve relatively high, this is a pity


超 载/Overload(北京):

面 孔/The Face(北京):

冥 界/Narakam(北京) :

霜冻前夜/Frosty Eve(北京):

恶 刺/Evilthorn(北京):

尸 厨/Corpse Cook(北京):

Dengel(北京) :




夜 叉/Yaksa(北京):

扭曲的机器/Twisted Machine(北京):

Raging Mob (北京):

Nihilist (北京):

AK-47 (北京):


零 壹/Voodoo Kungfu(北京):


核聚变G/Nuclear Featuring G(北京):

郁/Die From Sorrow(北京):


祭月奸尸/Raping Corpse to Sacrify the Moon(天津):


殇/Martyr (甘肃 - 兰州):


复 活/Resurrection(江苏 - 南京):


守夜者/Night Watcher(河南 - 郑州):

黑色祈祷/Black Invocation(河南 - 郑州):

猝 死/Sudden Death(河南 - 郑州):

畸形仇恨/Misshapen Hatred(河南 - 洛阳):


散 杀(陕西 - 西安):


手术台/Operating Table(江西 - 南昌):

爆 浆/Explosicum(江西 - 南昌):

Be Persecuted(江西 - 南昌):


炼 狱/Purgatory(云南 - 昆明):

Inexhaustible suffers,云南Black Metal乐队,吉他手来自肉噬性病毒乐队


Heartless(山东 - 泰安):


Burnmark(广东 - 广州):

暗 疮/Acne(广东 - 广州):




Rusty Cross (香港):

Irresistible Hearts (香港):


Never N (香港):


六翼天使/Seraphim(台湾 - 台北):

脑 刹/Neo-Shark(台湾 - 台北):

Horsemen(台湾 - 台北):

Almost Human(台湾 - 台北):

幻 日/Anthelion(台湾 - 台北):

Crusher(台湾 - 台北):

黑冥煞/Inferno Requie(台湾 - 台北):

国难当前/State of Emergency(台湾 - 台北):

Rampancy(台湾 - 桃园):



Spite of Hate(台湾):

狱无声/Silent Hell(台湾):

Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of a unified China, and his tomb in Xi'an Chengdong 30 kilometers Since then, the one buried underground for more than 2,000 years of military RUF was excavated and built the museum Emperor Qin terracotta warriors and horses pits of the陪葬坑by 1, 2, on the 3rd hole and soldiers yards figurines pit component The ceramic funerary display warrior figurines and horses Total 8000, arranged array, the momentum spectacular Figurines-General guardians, Kolchuga guardians, kneeling radio figurines, etc Pit also yields tens of thousands of pieces of combat weapons, the museum display emperor large painting铜车马 Known as "the world's eighth largest miracle" 'Qin terracotta warriors and horses displayed the ancient Chang'an past glories, Changan He also has been the starting point of the Silk Road will become a snapshot

You tourists, everyone, today you are going to visit the miracle is the world's eighth largest Qin terracotta warriors and horses I am one of your guides, called xxx, you can ask me xxx derivative We are now taking the car to the Lintong District of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province and reportedly fled, but also the location of the Qin terracotta warriors and horses During a visit to time, please do a civilized tourists, in addition to footprints, what they should not leave; addition to photographs, what they should not take away

Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses were divided into three graves, the largest one on the 1st hole, things of 230 meters, the North-South width 62 m, the total area of 14,260 square meters

Qin terracotta figures of modeling, applying a mold, plastic, pinch, dumplings, stickers, carved, painted, and other seven kinds of traditional clay sculpture techniques, the body, volume, shape, God, color, quality, and other basic elements of performance thoroughly Qin terracotta figures not only Body丰盈, vivid realism, and his possession of the site showed a different color, all the more vivid and lifelike Therefore, it is known as the Qin terracotta figures and art are "two-thirds sculpture, 307 painting"

Qin terracotta warriors and horses in the group of horses and countless divided into several:

RUF soldiers figurines, kneeling radio figurines, pottery horses, painting pottery figurine and tank guardians,牵马pottery figurine, painting cars trio figurines, the generals guardians, warrior figurines, and so on

These horses all different demeanor, if you look at it carefully, we will find that so many horses, their demeanor and no two are alike

I call on everyone to enjoy slowly

Distinguished Students:

Today, we will visit the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum is located at the Municipal Unitary East 35 kilometers Department So that we can Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang and the history associated with a more detailed understanding The survey, on the 1st hole things long 330 meters north and south width 62 m, with an area 4,260 square meters Facing East samurai, each row seven, a total of 210 barrel They are the vanguard troops Striker force behind the main body for the troops, they were诽into 38 Road column, from the 11 tunnels Each brick tunnels are resurfacing, the two sides of the trenches every two meters alone a column These columns supporting the wooden roof, the roof is woven into a "people" shape the profile seats Gallery is the soil Throughout the surface 5 meters deep trenches On the 1st pit unearthed more than 1,000 pieces of pottery barrels On the 1st hole will be unearthed more than 6,000 soldiers toilet

Here is the November 1994 open on the 2nd hole It is from cars soldiers, cavalry and infantry constitute the colt shaped phalanx Soldiers expected to be unearthed in Tongxin more than 1,000 pieces, horsemen and the pommel horse over 500匹 On the 2nd hole occupies 6,000 square meters It highlighted the east part of a small phalanx, 6334 Bending soldiers barrels composition On the 2nd pit south of 64 by combat vehicles, forming satisfied that the matrix, each row with eight tanks, a total of 8诽; Central for 19 combat vehicles and attendant unarmed soldiers Chung; north is fighting vehicles and cavalry North by tanks 6 x, the pommel horse cavalry and the 124 component cavalry RUF

Now, we come on the 3rd hole, in the 2nd pit west of 25 meters Department This pit is 1976 found In its concave shape, covering 520 square meters In the 3rd pit, now only found a chariot and the 64 samurai barrel Their relative standing on February 2, pinch-hand-weapons Cayman On the 3rd hole is a whole array of military command Tao unearthed more than 8,000 pieces of 632 Most are more than 300 kg, the member of the Light also more than 100 kilograms, height from 17 m to 19 m range

The terracotta warriors and horses unearthed, bringing business opportunities to the villagers They built a plant reproduction Terracotta Army, interested friends to create your own horses But you want to take mud and carefully into pit

Just as Heracles was the chief hero of Peloponnesus,so Theseus was the most famous half god of Attlca.His father was king Aegeus of Athens and his mother a princess of Troezen.When he was still an infant his father left him in the care of his motherand went back to his own kingdom.Before he left,Aegeus buried his sword and sandals under a huge stone,and told his mother to direct him to Athens as soon as he was big enough to lift the rock and take the hidden gifts with him At the age of sixteen he became a strong young man,intelligent and with lots of nerve.Taking the sword from under the rock,he joyfully set out to look for his father.It was a journey of adventures.But he cleared the roads of various monsters he met and appeared harmless in his father's palace at Athens.Little did he suspect that here would be an attempt on his life there.

King Aegeus had recently married Medea,a bad woman.She was anxious to have the Athenian thronefor her own child She had persuaded the king to poison the newer at a feast.As the feast was in progress,King Aegeus saw Theseus' sword and recognized his son in the young man . Quickly pushing the poisoned cup aside,he took his son in his arms and declared him his successor.Thus troubled by her own evil designs,Mede fled in her dragon drawn carriage,never to return.for a time Theseus stayed with his father at Athens.When the Cretan bull escaped into the area of Marathon he set out alone to fight with the beast and offered it up as a sacrifice to the gods.

At this time the city of Athens was bothered by the respect it had promised to pay to King Minos of Crete . The Cretans had e to attack Athens,and the gods had ordered that the Athenians would have to meet the demand of the Cretan king that seven boys and seven girls be sent to Crete every year to feed the half man,half bull Minotaur.Determined to kill the Minotaur and save his people from further grief,Theseus decided to go as one of the fourteen chosen victims.Before he left he promised his father that if he succeeded in his work he would change the black sails of his ships to white ones.He went,and with the help of princess Ariadne of Crete,he killed the Minotaur and carried the Princess with him on his way back.At Naxos he left the girl in her own care.For when he neared Athens he fot to put up the promised white sails,and his anxious father,standing on a hill-top,saw the black sails,threw himself down into the sea in despair.So stricken with grief was Theseus that he never recovered from regret.He succeeded his father as king,and introduced many good measures to improve the life of his people.To rid his kingdom of the threat by the Amazons,he led an expedition into the woman country and took its queen prisoner.The queen,Antiope by name,ws in fact so passionately in love with him that she agreed to marry him.At a later date the Amazons came to lay attack on Athens on the excuse of recovering their queen.In the battle that followed,the queen was wounded by a chance arrow and died,leaving Theseus a sad widower.

Theseus' friendship with Pirithous,king of the Lapithae,grew from a dramatic beginning.Pirithous was invading Attica and Theseus was marching his men out to meet him. In the first personal encounter beeen the o heroes each was so filled with admiration for the other that they both laid down their weapons and became faithful friends.

At the wedding of Pirithous,to which Theseus and Heracleswere invited,a number of horsemen present were angry with the shining beauty of the bride,so that they attempted to take her by force.Both Theseus and Heracles were enraged at their wild behaviour .In what was known as the coldblooded fight beeen the horsemen and the Lapithae they beat the horsemen and saved the bride.But she did not have long to live.

Both Theseus and Pirithous were full of the ambition of marrying a lady of holy birth.At one time they got Helen by force,she was the beautiful daughter of Zeus,but as she was not yet of marriageable age,Theseus left her with his mother.Later she was rescued by her brothers,Castor and Pollux.So proud were the o friends that they were now planning to invade the lower world and carry Persephone up by force,for Pirithous was eager for her beauty.They went,but they found it impossible to get out again. One of them,Pirithous,was bound to a turning wheel while Theseus himself was chained to a rock.If it had not been for Heracles,who came in for Cerberus,Theseus would never have been able to return to the upper air again.

When he returned to Athens he was quite old and unhappy with life.As king he acted like a tyrantand went successfully away from his people. He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff. Nothing more was heard of him until the battle of Marathon centuries later.When the Athenians saw a mighty soldier leading them in their ruthless attack against the invading Persians,they recognized him as Theseus and after the war they devoted a grand temple to his memory and offered sacrifice at his altar.









卡拉赞(Karazhan) 猎手阿图门=Attunmen the Huntsman;

莫罗斯= Moroes

贞节圣女=Maiden of Virtue


狮子(Roar),稻草人(Strawman),巫婆(The Crone)

2、小红帽: 大灰狼(Big Bad Wolf)

3、罗密欧朱丽叶:Julianne Romulo

馆长=The Curator

埃兰之影=Shade of Aran

特雷斯坦·邪蹄=Terestian Illhoof


国际象棋=Chess Event


玛克扎尔王子=Prince Malchezaar

祖阿曼=Zul'Aman 纳罗拉克(熊)=Nalorakk





祖金 = Zul'jin

纳克萨玛斯(naxxramas) 蜘蛛区:阿努布雷坎=Anub'Rekhan

黑女巫法琳娜=Grand Widow Faerlina 





塔迪乌斯= Thaddius

死灵区:瘟疫使者诺斯=Noth The Plaguebringer 

肮脏的希尔盖=Heigan the Unclean


死骑区:教官拉苏维奥斯=Instructor Razuvious 

收割者哥司克=Gothik the Harvester

4骑士(The Four Horsemen)

大领主莫格莱尼= Highlord Mograine

  库尔塔兹领主=Thane Korthazz

女公爵布劳缪克丝=Lady Blameux

瑟里耶克爵士=Sir Zeliek

  冰龙巢穴: 萨菲隆=Sapphiron 



英文原文是:Cast a cold eye,on life,on death,horseman,pass by!




Under bare Ben Bulben's head

In Drumcliff churchyard Yeats is laid

An ancestor was rector there

Long years ago,a church stands near,

By the road an ancient cross

No marble,no conventional phrase;

On limestone quarried near the spot

By his command these words are cut:

Cast a cold eye

On life,on death

Horseman,pass by!























原文地址: https://juke.outofmemory.cn/life/3796280.html

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