2011年度最具互联网成长力产品服务大奖、2012 第八届年度最佳商业模式中国峰会评“2012年度商业模式未来之星”第二名、2012 上海市高新技术企业认证、2012 第三届凤凰网全球最具影响力中文论坛100强评选“中文论坛50强”、2012 中国新媒体峰会“2012中国新媒体30强”体育类状元、2013年获新民晚报红双喜杯突出贡献奖。
The JRS BUSINESS CORPORATION was organized by its original incorporators and duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the 16th of June 1960 It was granted a franchise by the defunct Congress in 1961 under Republic Act #3260 to conduct a messenger and delivery express service for a period of fifty (50) years
In the same year of 1961, the company was acquired by the late Dr Jaime L Claparols who reorganized the company, infused fresh capital and technical Know-how Under the leadership of the late Dr Jaime L Claparols, who served as chairman and President from that time on until his untimely demise in December, 1975, the company grew steadily through the years By that time, the company had expanded its scope of operations to include 130 branches nationwide to meet the rising demands of its clientele In 1971,the JRS BUSINESS CORPORATION expanded its business operations to include air freight forwarding It was granted a letter of authority to engage in the business of domestic air freight forwarder by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) This makes the JRS BUSINESS CORPORATION as one of the few companies with dual authority With the promulgation of PD # 240 in 1973, JRS BUSINESS CORPORATION was granted an authority to operate Express and/ or Messenger Delivery Service by the Post master General In 1980, JRS BUSINESS CORPORATION adopted and registered the trade name "JRS Express" for its use in order to place emphasis and stress its capability of effecting next-day delivery of express mail matters Thereafter, in order to cope up with the requirements of its growing clientele, the JRS BUSINESS CORPORATION further expanded its service to the international market The Civil Aeronautical Board (CAB) granted it authority to operate International Air Freight Forwarder in 1982 To date, the JRS BUSINESS CORPORATION (JRS Express) from its humble beginning has risen, modesty aside, to an outstanding messengerial services company providing employment to about 1,000 employees and with over 200 branches nationwide
[虎扑黑话] 正式创刊了!从今天起,每天给 JRs 普及虎扑各大黑话到底是什么意思,应该怎样正确使用~
什么?你说你不知道 JRs 是什么意思?别急,待小编慢慢道来~
JRs 是虎扑最早的黑话之一,由于时间过于久远,出处已不可考,有可能当时小编还只是受精卵……
这么多年来,在很多流行词已逐渐销声匿迹的情况下,JRs 一直出现在虎扑体育各大评论中,已经是虎扑用户的身份特征。
好了,说了这么多,该跟大家普及下 JRs 的意思了。
首先, JRs 肯定不是封面图里的JR-史密斯,跟JR-史密斯没有一毛钱关系!
其次,JRs 有两个意思,其一是指“贱人们”,其二是指“家人们”。平常大家互相调侃, JRs 都是贱人们,但只要你有困难, JRs 都是家人们!
好了,以后大家都是有身份的人了!只要说出你是虎扑 JR ,千千万万的 JRs 都会站起来的!
这期的虎扑黑话就普及到这了, JRs 还有什么想知道的吗?