
部署工作2024-08-05  28


科隆的香水博物馆坐落在法里纳(Farina) 历史 故居里,其前身作为世界上最古老的香水公司的工厂和办公地点,已拥有300多年的 历史 。科隆香水博物馆记录了香水制造的起源和 历史 ,科隆香水也被译作古龙水,旗下有两个品牌,一个是最古老的法里纳(Farina)香水,另一个就是著名的4711古龙水。1709年开始,国王、诸侯和当时的名人都会使用科隆香水。

Fragrance Museum in Cologne is located at the historic residence of Farina. It was once home to the factory and office of the oldest perfume company in the world, which has a history of over 300 years. This Museum records the origin and history of perfume making. Cologne is also translated as Gulong in Chinese. It has two brands: the oldest Farina perfume and the famous 4711 Eau De Cologne. Since 1709, Cologne was worn by kings, lords, and celebrities.

