
警犬卡尔2023-03-22  25

拱门国家公园(Arches National Park)它位于犹他州靠近摩押处,面积309平方公里,保存了包括世界知名的精致拱门在内的超过2000座天然岩石拱门。园内最高处象峰海拔1753米。最初于1929年4月12日成为国家历史遗迹,1971年11月12日成为国家公园。自1970年,已有42座拱门因侵蚀作用而倒塌。

在1929年,此地成立国家纪念地,但至1971年国家公园才诞生。这里是世界上最大的自然沙岩拱门集中地之一,光是编入目录的就超过二千个,其中最小的只有3尺宽,最大的Landscape Arch则长达306尺。所有的石头上更有着颜色对比非常强烈的纹理。石头的成因为三亿年前这里曾是一片汪洋,海水消失以后又经过了很多年,盐床和其它碎片挤压成岩石并且越来越厚。之后,盐床底部不敌上方的压力而破碎,复经地壳隆起变动,加上风化侵蚀,一个个拱形石头就形成了。直到今天,新的拱门仍持续制造中;反之,老拱门也在逐渐走向毁灭。

公园里来回48里的景观道路连结所有壮丽的风景及各主要的拱门,不过几乎都是远远的看,想近看就得走一段不算短的路。如果时间不充裕,在此列出几个笔者认为一定要看的。平衡石(Balanced Rock)就在路旁边,不走过去也看得很清楚,明信片里也找得到喔。幽雅拱门(Delicate Arch)应该是最有名的,犹他州标志上的图案就是它,而且还是少数只残留拱形的石头;不过想走到旁边可不简单,来回长达3里(4.8公里)。南窗和北窗这两个拱门是连成一线的,看起来好象一对眼睛,从停车场只能看见一个,走过去来回只有1.1公里。

Arches National Park which is located near Moab, Utah DepartmentAn area of 309 square kilometersPreservation, including the world-famous Delicate Arch, including over 2000 natural rock archesPark highest peak elevation of 1753 meters likeOriginally, in April 12, 1929 National MonumentNovember 12, 1971 a National ParkSince 1970Has 42 arches collapsed due to erosion.

Founded in 1929, National Monument hereBut until 1971, before the birth of the National ParkHere is the world's largest concentration of natural sandstone arches oneJust cataloged on more than two thousandThe youngest is only 3 feet wideLandscape Arch is the largest long as 306 feetBut also it has a very strong color contrast of textures on all the stones300 million years ago into a stone because there was a vast expanseThe sea water disappeared after many yearsuSalt bed and squeezed into the rocks and other debris getting thickerThen, the bottom of the salt bed lost pressure above the broken, complex changes in crustal uplift, with weathering, an arched stone formedEven today, new arches continued manufactureOn the other hand, are gradually destroyed the old arches.

48 back and forth in the park landscape road connecting all the magnificent scenery and major arches, But almost all far to seeWant to have to take a close look at some of the road is not too shortIf the time is not sufficient listed in this I believe that a few must seeBalanced Rock in the middle of the roadDo not go to see the past clearly, postcards also findDelicate Arch should be the most famousUtah logo design is that itAnd only a minority of residual arched stoneBut I would go next was not easyBack and forth up to 3 years (4.8 km)South window and two arches north window is a line ofLooks as if an eyeOne can only see from the parking lotOnly 1.1 km walk back and forth. 因拱门国家公园位于盐层上方,加上不同程度的侵蚀,而形成许多不同的拱门。


Due to Arches National Park is located above the salt layer, with varying degrees of erosion, and the formation of many different arches.

About 300 million years ago, this was a marine salt layer.After the disappearance of the sea millions of years, the salt layer is covered by water, air and garbage, and extruded into rocks and other debris.After uplift and natural weathering, to become today's arches. 公园里不只有拱门,还有为数众多的大小尖塔、基座和平衡石等奇特的地质特征;所有的石头上更有着颜色对比非常强烈的纹理。

Park not only geological characteristics peculiar arches, as well as the size of a large number of minarets, stone base and balance.But also it has a very strong color contrast of textures on all the stones. 拱门国家公园内最高处象峰,海拔1753米;最低处游客中心,海拔1245米。

Arches National Park, the highest point in the elephant peak1753 m above sea level. Lowest Visitor Center.1245 m above sea level. 拱门国家公园年均降雨量为250mm。

Arches National Park, with an average annual rainfall of 250mm. 拱门国家公园由美国国家公园管理局负责管理。

Arches National Park by the National Park Service is responsible for managing.







     拱门国家公园位于美国犹他州靠近摩押镇处,这里占地面积为309平方公里,这里的所有的岩石拱门都是天然形成的,而这些岩石拱门不下2000座,在公园内最高处的海拔高达1753米 ,而园内巨大拱门型岩石更是数不胜数,而他的“拱门国家公园”之名因此得来的,这里不仅是一个游览景区,更是汽车、摩托车越野比赛举办地,在游览高峰期时,这里的游客非常多。

它就是位于在密苏里州的Gateway Arch National Park公园,鉴于目前还没有官方中文名称,不过,根据它园内的独特景点,可以暂时给它定个洋气的中文名字:大拱门国家公园。当然了,不用说你也知道:这个拱门可不是你熟悉的砂岩拱门,而是几经波折才在密苏里州圣路易斯建成的巨型建筑。

除了画风清奇和最”新“(这里之所以需要打引号,是因为它在这之前一直是国家历史公园,而非真正新建或新造)之外,大拱门公园也是目前全美面积最小的国家公园,总面积不足 0.8 平方公里。小到只要你站在大拱门上面,不经意之间就可以看到公园的全景,真的可以说是小巧别致了,这可以说是这个公园最独特的特点之一。

那么肯定有人会问了:为什么这个大拱门面积这么小,却还能入选成为国家级别的公园呢?这主要是因为在成为国家公园之前,Gateway Arch National Park 被称作杰弗逊国家扩张纪念碑,它的目的就是为了纪念著名的西进运动与密西西比河以西的第一个民选政府。也就是说这个地方虽然小,但是它却拥有鲜明的历史纪念意义,对美国来说是个不一样的地方。


