
松鼠的种类2023-01-30  27

惊蛰,古称 “启蛰” ,是中国传统二十四节气 (the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms) 中的第三个节气,标志着仲春时节的开始;太阳到达黄经345°。

汉朝第六代皇帝汉景帝的讳为 “启” ,为了避讳而将 “启” 改为了意思相近的 “惊” 字。该节气在历史上也曾被称为 “启蛰” 。《夏小正》曰: “正月启蛰” 。在现今的汉字文化圈中,日本仍然使用 “启蛰” 这个名称。

蛰,是指动物入冬蛰伏土中的冬眠状态。惊蛰,即天上的雷声惊醒了沉睡的万物,所以惊蛰的英文表达为 Awakening of Insects 。


震为雷,雷惊动,潜藏之物都惊恐而出。蛰是潜伏,所以陶渊明诗用 “众蛰各潜骇,草木纵横舒” 。惊蛰原名 “启蛰” ,改启为惊,突出了惊动。惊蛰最有气势的描写是: “春霆发响,惊蛰飞竞,潜龙浮景,幽泉高镜” ,如此生机勃发,方有春光烂漫。

As the third solar term in the lunar year, its name alludes to the fact that animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder and that the earth begins to come back to life. It is the key time for spring agricultural activities.


lunar year:农历年

allude to:暗指,提及,暗示

“惊蛰” 有哪些气候特征和习俗呢?一起来看看吧。

划过天空的春雷可以说是惊蛰节气最典型的表现了,民间南方有 “惊蛰始雷” 的说法。有道是 “微雨众卉新,一雷惊蛰始” (韦应物《观田家》),这里的 “惊蛰” 便是在指示: 是雷声震醒了冬眠中的动物 。

An old Chinese saying goes: "If the first spring thunder crashes before the Awakening of Insects solar term, there will be abnormal weather that year." The Awakening of Insects falls after the end of winter and before the beginning of spring. Wind during this period is an important factor in weather forecasting.

中国有句古话: “未过惊蛰先打雷,四十九天云不开。” 惊蛰往往介于冬末春初之间。惊蛰期间的风也是预测后期天气的一个重要依据。


惊蛰节气这个节气在农忙上有着相当重要的意义。把它视为春耕开始的日子。唐诗有云: “微雨众卉新,一雷惊蛰始。田家几日闲,耕种从此起。“ 农谚也说: “过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇"、"九尽杨花开,农活一齐来。“

During this period, most parts of China experience the quickest rise in temperatures, with the average level reaching above 10 degrees Celsius, and there is a marked increase in sunshine, which provides good natural conditions for farming. Old Chinese sayings such as "once the Awakening of Insects comes, spring ploughing never rests" reveal the importance of this term to farmers.

惊蛰期间,中国的大部分地区经历着最快速的升温,平均温度超过10摄氏度,日照明显增强,这为农耕创造了良好的自然条件。古语云: “过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇“ ,讲的就是惊蛰对农民的意义。 


When practicing this old custom, people draw the white tiger on paper, and then smear pig's blood and pork on its mouth. This means the tiger is fed so that it would not bite people, avoiding bad luck and conflict.



Fishing can provide mental and physical relaxation, especially for people living in the city. Driving to the suburbs, fishing in a lake, bathing in the sunlight, enjoying the singing birds, fragrant flowers and waving willows make for a perfect weekend in spring.


《黄帝内经》曰: “春三月,此谓发陈。天地俱生,万物以荣。夜卧早行,广步于庭,披发缓行,以便生志。” 其意是,春季万物复苏,应该晚睡早起,散步缓行,可以使精神愉悦、身体健康。这概括了惊蛰养生在起居方面的基点要点。

惊蛰节气前后,冷暖空气交替开始频繁。此时, “春捂” 不能忘,保持微微出汗,以帮助抵御渐退的寒气,有助于气血流通,顺应阳气的升发。惊蛰以后,气候仍然干燥,补充水分也是很必要的。


Eating pears around the Awakening of Insects is a widely-practiced custom in China. As the weather gets warmer and the air becomes dry, people tend to feel their mouths are parched and tongues dry, which can cause colds or coughs. A pear is sweet, juicy and cold, moistening the lungs to arrest a cough. 







二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:

立春 Spring begins.

雨水 The rains.

惊蛰 Insects awaken.

春分 Vernal Equinox

清明 Clear and bright.

谷雨 Grain rain.

立夏 Summer begins.

小满 Grain buds.

芒种 Grain in ear.

夏至 Summer solstice.

小暑 Slight heat.

大暑 Great heat.

立秋 Autumn begins.

处暑 Stopping the heat.

白露 White dews.

秋分 Autumn Equinox.

寒露 Cold dews.

霜降 Hoar-frost falls.

立冬 Winter begins.

小雪 Light snow.

大雪 Heavy snow.

冬至 Winter Solstice.

小寒 Slight cold.

大寒 Great cold。

中国传统二十四节气:the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms

惊蛰:Awakening of Insects

惊蛰,古城“启蛰”,是中国传统二十四节气中的第三个节气。蛰,是指动物入冬蛰伏土中的冬眠状态。惊蛰,即天上的雷声惊醒了沉睡的万物,所以惊蛰的英文表达为Awakening of Insects。

