[英文问题]entrepreneurshipcreativityimagination 创业精神创造力想象力

急促的反义词2023-05-05  24

At the heart of entrepreneurship are imagination, creativity, novelty, and sensitivity It takes these qualities to develop a new product or service and bring it to market, to envision the possible impacts a new product may make and come up with novel and creative solutions to problems that may arise These qualities go to make up what could be called the spirit of entrepreneurship, a spirit that involves the ability to handle the experimental nature of entrepreunerial activity These same qualities are crucial for moral decision making, and an ethical approach which emphasizes imagination, creativity, and has an experimental thrust is much better adapted to the entrepreneurial activity and much more relevant to the unique situations that entrepreneurs face In this sense, the process approach to ethics developed in this article is a unifying framework that brings together the activity of entrepreneurship and moral decision making

Imagine that…

Albert Einstein said ‘Imagination is more important than Knowledge’ - but what about in business

When we use our imagination we free our mind from its ‘factory pre-settings’ to think more creatively and develop different and potentially better ways of doing business

After years of education where we’re often rewarded for following the rules and memorising information rather than exploring it, we look back at young children and wonder where all that fun and creativity went How can kids spend hours with fuzzy pipe cleaners, textas and coloured paper with sheer fascination

Imagination is a natural ability in each of us, to which our memories, experience, interests, thoughts, knowledge and freedom contribute So consider that imagination is always in you, sometimes it just needs encouragement

Imagination is left and right brain

In business, imagination is used to create a company but we often divide the workplace into creative and practical thinkers Practical thinkers concern themselves with concrete details and planning, while creative people are known as divergent thinkers, arty and emotive Rather than dividing us up, what if every one of us possessed both these qualities but just chose a different way of looking at the world

Take the classic pessimist/optimist battle - two outlooks on life we regularly all switch between depending on our mood and the moment Hearing your alarm clock go off at 5am hardly compares to winning a million dollars, right The pessimist looks at life and thinks ‘why oh, why’ just as the practical thinker tries to figure everything out Meanwhile, dreamers and optimists envision imaginative scenarios that haven’t happened or might happen, and open-mindedly ask ‘Why couldn’t that be possible’

George Bernard Shaw said, “You see things as they are and ask, ‘Why’ I dream things as they never were and ask, ‘Why not’”

So imagination is typically a right-brain function that needs to be supplemented with left-brain logic And you’ve got both

You can improve your creative thinking just by exercising it…

Ask Questions - What would you like to do that you’ve never done before Where would be the best place in the world to live What would be the best job

Ask questions that get you thinking outside the square you live in

Just Do It A Chinese proverb states, I hear: I forget - I see: I remember - I do: I understand

Jet Set - There’s no better way to broaden and refresh your outlook than travel Travel takes you out of a rut and exposes you to new people, customs, ideas and ways of living Every culture provides a unique way of looking at common situations and solving problems If the budget bites, arm-chair travel with television programs and books on the world around us, or spend the day in an unexplored part of your city

The Power of One - The more you apply your ability to think and use the talent around you, the better you’ll become at creating new ideas If you rely on ‘experts’ and consultants to solve your problems, your creative abilities can dry out

Hang out with Creatives - Think more creatively by mixing with creative people Talk to people who possess a different energy who will stimulate your thought processes


You have a strong imagination

You have an abundant imagination

You have a luxuriant imagination


What is necessary in life is courage and imagination, and a little money


The power and direction of future scientific and technological progress will e from the evolution of human spirituality and imagination


For any imaginative person, making decisions will be a mental torment


Without imagination, half the beauty of life is lost


The greatest advances in science are brought about by a new and bold imagination

6、 大都来自于幻觉。如果不借助想象力,爱情的魅力便会很小。

Passion es mostly from illusion Without imagination, love will have little charm


Enthusia without imagination can turn people into fanatics


Imagination, sensitivity and enthusia are children's natural instincts


Observation must be meticulous and imagination can be unlimited


Self-control, imagination and creativity


Intelligence and imagination can only be produced by the bination of mind and nature


Imagination is more important than knowledge


Compared with the truth, I am too unimaginative about the truth


Imagination is more important than knowledge Knowledge is limited, and imagination surrounds the whole world


My imagination is a monk temple I am a monk in the temple


In this world, the world is as vast as imagination


Not that I have no imagination, but that I dare not imagine


Of all the people, children have the richest imagination


Imagination without discrimination is the most terrible thing in the world


Great artists are those who impose their own imagination on all mankind


It is a gentleman who does not use his infinite imagination more than a woman


You said you wanted us together, and I laughed at your imagination


All the functions of will, prehension, imagination and feeling e from thinking


I thought I would be your special concern, but my imagination was too rich


It's a mistake to use your imagination to cause trouble


For individuals, if only imagination and no expression, it is disaster


The more detailed your imagination, the faster your results will be presented to you


My imagination is like an animal What I do is to make sure it lives well


Don't think too much Your imagination will create a problem that doesn't exist at first


Looking back at history and thinking about the future, we all need imagination


The tragedy of the world is that imaginative people lack experience, while experienced people lack imagination


Thought and feeling are o types of genius: one is the person with thought, the other is the person with imagination


The degree to which the poet's imagination dominates reality is, in the final ysis, an accurate measure of his value and dignity


How terrible is the lack of imagination in life Without imagination, there will be no creativity Every day without creativity is like serving


Imagination is rich, but reality is cruel


Imagination summarizes everything in the world, promotes progress, and is the source of knowledge evolution

问题一:充分发挥想象力用英文怎么翻译 use your imagination

问题二:用英语翻译发挥你的想象 use your imagination

play your imagination

问题三:英语怎么翻译?1这给予我很大发挥空间2这给予我很大想象空间3这能展现出我们真正的英语实力 1 This gives me big room to carry out

2 This gives me great imaginery room;3 This can show our real English strength

问题四:英语翻译 (表现出内在的能力) bring into play; give play to; give scope to; give free rein to: 发挥投资的效用 make the investment yield well; 发挥想象力 give the rein t功 one's imagination; 发挥集体智慧 give full play to collective wisdom; 发挥潜力 take advantage of the potential; 发挥优势 give play to strong points; exploit one's advantages to the full; 发挥 作用 give full scope to; 发挥余热 devote one's remaining years to the service of the people; 发挥专长 give full play to 's professional knowledge or skill; 发挥创造性 give full scope to creativity; 发挥了巨大作用 play a big role in; 这样他们就使群众的积极性、智慧和力量都充分发挥出来。 In this way they brought into full play the initiative, wisdom and power of the masses

2 (详尽论述) develop (an idea, a theme, etc); elaborate; express; air; amplify; expound: 借题发挥 seize on a minor incident to make an issue of it; seize a pretext to air one's opinion; 这一论点有待进一步发挥。 This point needs further elaboration

◇发挥投资效果 [经] realize (larger) returns on investment; 发挥优势原则 making full use of economic advantages; making full use of favourable factors

问题五:我们齐心协力发挥想象力和创造力。英语怎么说?急!! we will work together with all our imagination and creativity

以上就是关于[英文问题]entrepreneurship/creativity/imagination 创业精神/创造力/想象力全部的内容,包括:[英文问题]entrepreneurship/creativity/imagination 创业精神/创造力/想象力、你想象力真丰富!请帮忙翻译成英语,、关于想象力的英文格言等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!

