
贾静雯电视剧2023-05-04  32

Autogenous shrinkage of cement paste and concrete is defined as the macroscopic volume change occurring when there is no moisture exchange between the material and the exterior surrounding environment It is the result of chemical shrinkage produced by the hydration of cement particles [5, 28–30]


Autogenous shrinkage has only recently been documented and accurately measured [28,29] In the tests the concrete sample is sealed, there is no moisture transfer to the surrounding environment, and can be measured by volumetric or linear measurements Jensen and Hansen [31], developed a special, corrugated mould system, which combines the advantages of linear and volumetric measurement Before set, the corrugated mould system transforms the volumetric deformation into a linear deformation, and, after set, a normal, linear deformation is measured In this way, it is possible to commence linear measurements immediately after casting In this paper this technique was used to measure autogenous deformation; the description is presented in Section 4 In conventional concretes, autogenous deformation is generally negligible, whereas in HS/HPC it can be considerable [30–35]


3 Rice-husk ash

3 稻壳灰

The rice husk is a ligneous hard layer of the cereal with high silicate content When subjected to combustion, almost 20% of the husk becomes ash with a porous cellular structure (Fig 1), a high specific surface (50–100 m2/g) and high silica content RHA is a waste product The chemical composition of RHA depends on burning temperature and time of burning, but the variations in the elements are not significant

稻壳灰是具有高硅酸盐含量的谷类的一种木质的硬层。当遭受燃烧时,几乎20%的外壳变成带有多孔蜂窝状结构(图1),高比表面积(50-100 m2/g)和高二氧化硅含量的灰。RHA是一种废物产物。RHA的化学组分取决于燃烧温度和燃烧时间,但是元素的变化是不明显的。

The ash from open-field burning or from non-controlled combustion in industrial furnaces usually contains a higher proportion of non-reactive silica minerals such as cristobalite and tridymite, and it should be ground to very fine particles to develop pozzolanic activity In addition, highly pozzolanic ash can be produced by means of controlled combustion, when silica is kept in non-crystalline form and cellular structure Such silica can react when added to cement in the presence of water, with calcium hydroxide, resulting in cementitious compounds [8] Most researchers confirm the fact that the burning temperature is a critical point in the production of amorphous reactive ash [36]




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