
肥肠怎么做好吃2023-05-03  27


According to legend is in 30 time, near Chengdu little town, have Chao Hua of Guo of one man name, rather wife it is Ye in order to make film of lung of ox of carry out cold and dressed with sause together, their husband and wife two operate personally, take a market to string together alley, promote goal to peddle The film of lung of cold and dressed

with sause that is managed as a result of them is made careful, local color is distinctive, love by people To distinguish inn of booth of general lung film, people call them "of film of lung of" husband and wife After setting shop to manage, using on makings more exquisite, wait with beef, heart, tongue, abdomen, scalp replace original and onefold lung,

quality rises increasingly To carry the original special flavor of this dish, "The name of" of film of lung of husband and wife all the time continue to use up to now


Raw material:

Beef, niu Za (abdomen bridge, heart tongue, do an abdomen, scalp) , salt fries groundnut, bittern, soy, sesame seed pink, pink of Chinese prickly ash, gourmet powder, anise, chinese prickly ash, cinnamonic, plain salt, liquor chili is oily

Make a way:

Will fresh beef, Niu Za is abluent, beef is cut 500 grams are heavy piece;

Put beef, Niu Za boiling water clean blood water is boiled to scoop inside boiler, buy inside another boiler, add old bittern and spice (inside install Chinese prickly ash, cinnamonic, anise) , plain salt, liquor, add clear water again, after using boil of flourishing baked wheaten cake about 30 minutes, convert small fire boils 90 minutes, boil Niu Za

ripe and not, first ripe first fish out, air is cool stand-by; After using bittern boil of flourishing baked wheaten cake about 10 minutes, the attune in putting pink of oil of gourmet powder, chili, soy, Chinese prickly ash, bittern the bowl becomes juice;

Will ripe pignut is patted broken stand-by, wait for the beef with cool air, Niu Za again cut the chip with 3 centimeters 6 centimeters long, wide film contract to mix together, drench on flavour juice mixes divide evenly, divide Cheng Re to work dish, respectively pink of Sa Shangzhi hemp and groundnut end are become namely

起源自广东潮州点心老婆饼,外皮烤成诱人的金**,里头一层层的油酥薄如棉纸,酥松得不得了,一咬下去碎屑便掉了满地,每一口都尝得到蜜糖般的香甜滋味! 相传在广州,有一间创办于清朝末年的老字号茶楼,以各式点心及饼食驰名;某日,茶楼里一位来自潮州的点心师傅,带了店里各式各样的招牌茶点回家给老婆吃,想不到他老婆吃了之后,不但没称赞店里的点心好吃,甚至还嫌弃地说:“茶楼的点心竟是如此平淡无奇,没一样比得上我娘家的点心冬瓜角!” 这位师傅听了之后心里自然不服气,就叫他老婆作出“冬瓜角”给他尝尝!老婆就用冬瓜蓉、糖、面粉,作出了焦黄别致的“冬瓜角”;这位潮州师傅一吃,风味果然清甜可口,不禁称赞起老婆娘家的点心! 隔日,这位潮州师傅就将“冬瓜角”带回茶楼请大家品尝,结果茶楼老板吃完后更是赞不绝口,问起这是谁哪一间茶楼作的点心?师傅们说:“是潮州老婆作的!”于是老板就随口说这是“潮州老婆饼”,并且请这位潮州师傅将之改良后在茶楼贩卖,结果大受好评!“老婆饼”因而得名。



作者:生活动力 文章来源:中国店联 点击数:681 更新时间:2005-05-03


配料: 牛肉 2500克

牛杂(肚梁、心、舌、千层肚、头皮) 2500克

红油辣椒 175克

油酥花生米 175克

卤水 2500克

酱油 150克

芝麻面 100克

花椒面 35克

味精 10克

八角 8克

花椒 5克

桂皮 10克

精盐 125克

白酒 75克

制作方法: 1、将牛肉、牛杂洗干净,牛肉切成约500克重的块,放入锅内加水,用旺火烧开,见肉呈红色,打尽浮沫。




特色: 据传说,30年代末,成都市有郭姓夫妻俩,以烹售牛肺小吃为业。该菜别具风味而为食者所称道。因其为夫妻俩共同制作经营,遂以“夫妻肺片”相称。最初为沿街设摊叫卖,后乃建店经�%








