蛋炒饭英语怎么说 蛋炒饭英语是什么

蛋炒饭英语怎么说 蛋炒饭英语是什么,第1张

1、蛋炒饭英语:fried rice with egg读音:英[fraɪd raɪs wɪð eɡ],美[fraɪd raɪs wɪð eɡ]。

2、例句]这是您的蛋炒饭,先生。Here is your fried rice with egg, sir


After school a few days ago, I went back home, feel a little bit hungry Just then, her mother came back I said to his mother: "Mom, I'm hungry, you gave me a bowl of Fried rice with egg fried, okay" Mother said: "the children, you have not been small, should learn to do some housework Fried rice with egg can also learn to fry a bowl But, I'm very busy today, or you learn to fry a bowl!" "Good!" I promised I think, way and process mother scrambled eggs fried rice

Then, I'll put the pot rinse, then the name of the gas stove, put the pot on top Wait for the hot pot, I put the oil into the pot Wait until the oil hot, I put it in Wait until the meal hot later, I took an egg to open in the pot on the edge, put the egg inside all put into the pot Then, I shovel stir fry a meal Then, I put the chopped sausage I mix again for a while Then, I put MSG, salt

Later, egg fried rice cooked When I saw the egg fried rice a golden color, there are red sausage, fragrant attracted me watering I put the egg fried rice Sheng into the bowl, too late to take the chopsticks in the bowl to eat a mouthful Oh, really delicious! Now, no matter who take what delicacies to switch with me, I'm not happy

I took a small bowl of a bowl, and then with a bowl cover This is for the mother to eat Then, I gobbled her up

egg 英[eg] 美[ɛɡ]

n 卵; 鸡蛋,蛋; <俚>家伙;

vt 煽动,怂恿; 用蛋烹调; <俚>向人扔鸡蛋;

[例句]Break the eggs into a shallow bowl and beat them lightly


[其他] 第三人称单数:eggs 复数:eggs 现在分词:egging 过去式:egged过去分词:egged

分类: 外语/出国




把英语说的很难 然后他又很会英语



Method of making fried rice with egg

First, you need to prepare two eggs, a bowl of rice, the lettuce and ham

before handlig the eggs, you need to put the oil in the pan when the temperature of oil is suitable, you should put the eggs into the boel and mix Then put the eggs into the pan After one miute, put the rice into the pan too, you need to mix the eggs and rice in the 3 miutes, put into the lettuce and ham

finalll, you finish the delicious fried rice

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原文地址: https://juke.outofmemory.cn/life/3729083.html

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