take up put up等一系列一词多意的词组

take up put up等一系列一词多意的词组,第1张

take up1 拿起,捡起,举起,拔起;拿走: 例句: She took up the receiver and began to dial the number

她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。 They took up arms and fought for their faith and liberty

他们拿起武器为信仰和自由而斗争。 2 吸收(水分);溶解(固体): 例句: She used a blotting paper to take up the ink

她用吸墨纸吸墨。 How much water is needed to take up the sugar

这糖需要多少水才能溶解 3 占用,占(地方): 例句: All available accommodation were taken up

房间都住满了。 4 占去(地方、时间、注意力等);费(时间);占据(注意力): 例句: I'm sorry I've already taken up so much of your valuable time

对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间。 The piano takes up too much space

这架钢琴占地方太多。 5 安(家),定(居);在…安置下来: 例句: He married a French woman and took up his residence in Paris

他和一个法国女人结了婚,并在巴黎定居。 to take up one's residence with someone

和某人居住在一起 6 让(乘客等)上车;(车等)接纳(乘客);(船)承载(货物): 例句: The school bus stopped to take up pupils

校车停下来让小学生们上车。 7 开始从事(一项事业、一种职业等),学习(某种知识、技能等);着手处理(某事);关注;对…发生兴趣;论及: 例句: He took up writing after graduation

毕业后他开始从事写作。 to take up swimming

开始学游泳 8 采纳(信仰、意见等),接受;采取(某种态度);承担: 例句: She took up my suggestion enthusiastically

她热情地采纳了我的建议。 He took up a compromising attitude towards the question

他对这个问题采取了妥协的态度。 9 接受(打赌、挑战、建议等),接受…的打赌(或挑战、建议等): 例句: No one dared take up the challenge

谁也不敢应战。 She took up my offer of a ride into town

她接受我的提议,乘车进城。 10 得到,获得: 例句: The animal took up the disease

那个动物染上了病。 11 (为表示异议等)打断…的话;打断并校正;指责,申斥: 例句: She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue

当学生出现口误时,她立刻打断他。 12 申请;对…提出要求: 例句: to take up one's social welfare

要求社会福利 13 接着讲,接下去说;继续(中断的话): 例句: The teacher took up the lesson where he left off last week

老师接着上星期停下来的地方把课文讲下去。 to take up one's story

继续讲故事 14 (把)(未完的事等)继续下去;从别人的手中接过来: 例句: Tom took up where his father left off

汤姆继承了父亲未尽的事业。 15 当…的保护人;收于(门下);关照;提携;赞助: 例句: The young man is so lucky that he is taken up by a famous novelist

这个年轻人很走运,他得到了一位著名小说家的指教。 16 逮捕,拘捕,捉住: 例句: He was taken up for drunkenness

他因酗酒而被拘留。 They took up a pickpocket

他们捉住一个扒手。 17 扎住(动脉等);收紧;调除: 例句: Take up these loose ropes

把这些松了的绳子拉紧。 to take up the slack in a rope

把绳索的松垂部分拉紧 18 收缩,改短(衣服);(编织时)钩起(漏针);绕紧;扎紧: 例句: She has taken up the legs of the trousers

她已经把裤腿改短。 It has been taken up an inch

已经将它收短了一英寸。 19 (把…)卷绕起来: 例句: This part of machine is for taking up the film

机器的这个部分是用来卷胶卷的。 20 付清(票据);(按抵押)垫款;承兑(汇票) ;认购(公债等);募(捐);收受(抵押品);全部买去,全部买下: 例句: We will take up a collection to help the needy

我们将募捐救济穷人。 All available tickets were taken up

所有的票都被买光了。 21 (漏洞等)自动闭合 22 翻修 23 (天气等)变晴朗;变好: 例句: The weather is going to take up at last

天气终于要放晴了。 Business is taking up

生意正在好起来。 24 (学校)开学;上课: 例句: The school takes up at nine

学校9点钟开始上课。 25 抓住(笑话、典故等的)要点: 例句: We didn't take up his joke

我们不知道他的笑话好笑在哪里。 Don't take me up wrongly

别误解我的意思。 26 [方言] 停住,克制自己,悬崖勒马 27 [古语] 解决(争吵等) put up1 把…陈列出来(出售或参加竞赛);把…拿出来(供考虑、决策或拍卖等): 例句: He put his possessions up for auction 他把他的财产拿出来拍卖。 2 参加竞选;提出…任某职,作为成员候选人;选出…任某职;推荐(会员等),提名(为候选人);自荐任某职;同意为议员候选人: 例句: She is putting herself up for election to the committee 她参加委员会的竞选。 3 把…加工贮藏起来,贮藏: 例句: The farmers put up five tons of hay for the winter 农工们为过冬贮藏了5吨草料。 4 把…打成包;把东西装成(包等),包袋: 例句: The medicine is put up in small bottles 这药装在小瓶里。 5 建造,盖起(房子),搭起(帐篷等);装置: 例句: Many blocks of flats were put up in the 1990's

许多公寓式建筑群都是20世纪90年代建的。 6 接待,供给…(膳宿),得到(膳)宿,住旅馆: 例句: I'm afraid I can't put you up

恐怕我不能给你们提供膳宿。 7 [美国英语]提供或调拨(资金、经费);拿出(钱)来作为(奖金或赌注),下(赌注);悬(赏): 例句: He is willing to put up money on the loeal team

他乐意把钱赌在本地的球队上。 8 束起(头发),把(头发)梳上去(或盘在头上): 例句: She's put her hair up

她把头发挽在头上。 9 从事,进行(殴斗、抵抗、斗争等): 例句: Very little resistance was put up by the surrounded men

被围困者基本上没有进行反抗。 10 把(刀、剑)插入鞘内: 例句: Put up your sword

收起你的剑。 11 升起(旗帜、帆等),举起(手等): 例句: Put your hands up!You are arrested

举起手来!你被捕了。 12 显示出,表现出: 例句: The basketball team put up a splendid performance

这支篮球队表现极佳。 13 把…放在一边,把…搁置起来;放回原处;(把汽车等)开进车房: 例句: You can put up your car in our garage,as it's empty at the moment 你可以把汽车停在我们的车库里,它现在是空着的。 14 准备(食物等): 例句: It's late,but I think we can put you up a cold meal

天色已晚,但我想我们可以为你提供一份冷餐。 15 配制(药品);配方;腌制: 例句: Every summer, mother puts up a large quantity of vegetables for us to eat during the winter 每年夏天母亲都要腌大量咸菜到冬天食用。 16 (打猎时)惊起(禽兽);把(猎物)赶出巢穴;使(野兽等)离开躲藏处(或隐蔽处): 例句: The hunting dog put up some partridges 猎狗惊起了几只鹧鸪。 17 发起;提出(申请): 例句: Your suggestion is to be put up at the next meeting of the board

你的建议将在下次董事会上提出。 18 做(祷告): 例句: She put up a prayer for her son's safety

她为她儿子的安全祈祷。 19 请(某人)站起来讲话 20 张贴(布告等);公布(结婚预告等): 例句: The principal put up the exam result

校长公布了这次考试的结果。 21 上演(剧本) 22 雇佣…当赛马骑师 23 预谋(某事)(尤指为了给人以虚假印象);装出,装作: 例句: The residents believe that the appointment of their new mayor was put up 市民们都相信新市长的任命是安排好了的。 24 提高;增加;抬高(租金、价格等): 例句: My landlord was threatening to put the rent up by 10 dollars a week 我房东要挟说要把每周房租提高10美元。 25 提出(问题) 26 升级后在肩部等佩带高一级的识别标志 27 把…向上放: 例句: Put your hand up the cupboard and see if you can feel anything

把手伸到柜橱上面,看你能摸到什么。 28 指导;使(某人)熟悉

take up意思:拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)

take in意思:接受;理解;拘留;欺骗;让…进入;改短


take in:

He persuaded Jo to take him in


Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she's not taking it in  


They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid  


take up:

He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport  


Mr de Garis's MP, Max Madden, took up the case  


Angela used to be a model and has decided to take it up again  


take up的意思是:拿起;开始;从事;吸收;接纳;占去;继续做;做某事消遣。

英式读法是[teɪk ʌp];美式读法是[teɪk ʌp]。


take-up accumulator 收线储存器 ; 收线储线器

take-up package 卷取筒子 ; 成型筒子 ; 卷装量

take-up unit 收线架 ; 收线装置 ; 引取装置 ; 张紧装置


1、He insisted that we take up the matter at the meeting


2、Take up all your courage and do some thing your heart tells you to do , so that you may not regret not doing it later in life





英 [ʌndə'teɪk]  美 [,ʌndɚ'tek]

vt 承担,保证;从事;同意;试图


undertake investment 承担投资

undertake reluctantly 勉强地从事

undertake boldly 大胆地从事


英 [pə'sjuː]  美 [pə'sʊ]

vt 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠

vi 追赶;继续进行


pursue eudemonia 追寻幸福的脚步

Pursue Excellence 追求卓越

pursue perfection 追求完美

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原文地址: https://juke.outofmemory.cn/life/3657242.html

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