





歌曲名为《Havana》,是卡米拉·卡贝洛与Young Thug共同演唱的一首拉丁流行歌曲,由卡米拉·卡贝洛、Young Thug、弗兰克·杜克斯、Starrah、Ali Tamposi、布赖恩·李、Watt、法瑞尔·威廉姆斯、路易斯·贝尔、Kaan Gunesberk共同作曲作词,发行于2017年9月8日,被收录在卡米拉·卡贝洛首张个人录音室专辑《Camila》中。







ky´b, Span k´bä, officially Republic of Cuba, republic (2005 est pop 11,347,000), 42,804 sq mi (110,860 sq km), consisting of the island of Cuba and numerous adjacent islands, in the Caribbean Sea Havana is the capital and largest city

Land and People

Cuba is the largest and westernmost of the islands of the West Indies and lies strategically at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, with the western section only 90 mi (145 km) S of Key West, Fla The south coast is washed by the Caribbean Sea, the north coast by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and in the east the Windward Passage separates Cuba from Haiti The shores are often marshy and are fringed by coral reefs and cays There are many fine seaports—Havana (the chief import point), Cienfuegos, Matanzas, Cárdenas, Nuevitas, Santiago de Cuba, and Guantánamo (a US naval base since 1903) Of the many rivers, only the Cauto is important The climate is semitropical and generally uniform, and like most other Caribbean nations Cuba is subject to hurricanes

Cuba has three mountain regions: the wild and rugged Sierra Maestra in the east, rising to 6,560 ft (2,000 m) in the Pico Turquino; a lower range, the scenic Sierra de los Órganos, in the west; and the Sierra de Trinidad, a picturesque mass of hills amid the plains and rolling country of central Cuba, a region of vast sugar plantations The rest of the island is level or rolling

The origins of the population include Spanish (over 35%), African (over 10%), and mixed Spanish-African (over 50%) Spanish is spoken and Roman Catholicism, the dominant religion, is tolerated by the Marxist government Santería, an African-derived faith, is also practiced, and there are a growing number of Protestant evangelical churches The principal institutions of higher learning are the Univ of Havana (founded 1728), in Havana; Universidad de Oriente, in Santiago de Cuba; and Central Universidad de las Villas, in Santa Clara


Cuba's topography and climate are suitable for various crops, but sugarcane has been dominant since the early 19th cent It remains the most prevalent crop, but in 2002 the government reduced the acreage devoted to sugarcane by 60%; prior to the cutbacks, it had been grown on about two thirds of all cropland The abandoned cane fields were converted mainly to vegetable farms or cattle ranches Nearly half the nation's sugar mills were also closed Sugar and its derivatives are, nonetheless, still the most important exports Other important exports include nickel, cigars, fish and shellfish, medical products, citrus fruits, and coffee An excellent tobacco is grown, especially in the Vuelta Abajo region of Pinar del Río, and citrus, coffee, rice, corn, sweet potatoes, and beans are important crops

Large-scale fishing operations have been encouraged in recent decades, and that industry is now one of the largest in Latin America; Cuban fishing fleets operate from Greenland to Argentina Livestock raising has also been highly developed

Manufacturing is centered chiefly in the processing of agricultural products Sugar-milling has long been the largest industry, and Cuba is also known for its tobacco products There is a oil-refining industry as well Some consumer goods are manufactured, as well as construction materials, steel, agricultural machinery, and pharmaceuticals

Although Cuba's nickel deposits are among the largest in the world, extraction is difficult because of the presence of other metals in the nickel ore Nonetheless nickel is the country's second most valuable export item (after sugar) Large amounts of copper, chromium, and cobalt are also mined, as well as lesser quantities of salt, lead, zinc, gold, silver, and petroleum There are immense iron reserves, but problems of extraction and purification are even greater than with nickel, and iron production is still slight

Cuba has upgraded its tourist facilities since 1990, and visitors from Canada, Europe, and elsewhere have revitalized the industry Tourism is now the most important source of foreign income for the country Canada, the Netherlands, China, and Spain are the country's largest trading partners

The Cuban economy has suffered severely from the collapse in 1990 of the Soviet bloc, upon whose trade Cuba was dependent; from the continuing effects of the US trade boycott; and from internal structural economic problems The economy has recovered somewhat since the mid-1990s, due to better economic planning, limited private enterprise, and an increase in productivity In addition, the Chávez government in Venezuela, which has developed close relations with the island, sells petroleum to Cuba at subsidized prices and provides other aid (Cuba has reciprocated by sending medical professionals and other personnel to Venezuela)


Cuba is a one-party Communist state; the Cuban Communist party (PCC) is the only legal political party The country is governed under the constitution of 1976 The government is led by Fidel Castro, who became prime minister in 1959 and president in 1976 The unicameral legislature, the national assembly, is elected directly by the people Cuba's legal system is based on Spanish and American law mingled with Communist legal theory Administratively, Cuba is divided into 14 provinces

英文歌曲里有“ 噢 那那那那那” 是:《Havana》。

《Havana》是由美国流行女歌手Camila Cabello和美国说唱歌手Young Thug合作演唱的一首流行歌曲,词曲由Camila Cabello、Brittany Hazzard、Ali Tamposi、Brian Lee、Andrew Watt、Pharrell Williams、Jeffery Lamar Williams、Adam Feeney、Louis Bell合作编写,后八位负责音乐制作。歌曲收录在Camila Cabello的首张个人专辑《Camila》中,于2017年8月3日通过索尼音乐公司发行

:       《Havana》歌词及翻译

Havana, ooh na-na (ayy)

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (ayy, ayy)


He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na (uh huh)


Oh, but my heart is in Havana (ayy)


My heart is in Havana


Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐


(Young Thug专辑名)

Just graduated, fresh on campus, mmm

毕业 又是大学的新生

Fresh out East Atlanta with no manners, damn

新秀们冲入东亚特兰大 不要拘于礼节

Fresh out East Atlanta


Bump on her bumper like a traffic jam (jam)

交通堵塞 在她的车后保险杠上迎面一撞

Hey, I was quick to pay that girl like Uncle Sam (here you go, ayy)


Back it on me, shawty cravin' on me

回到我身边 那女孩开始渴望我

Get to diggin' on me (on me)


She waited on me (then what)


Shawty cakin' on me, got the bacon on me (wait up)

在我身上舔着蛋糕 鼓弄着培根

This is history in the makin' on me (on me)


Point blank, close range, that be

空白点 越来越近的关系

If it cost a million, that's me (that's me)

不惜为她花上百万钞票 那就是我

I was gettin' mula, man they feel me

富可敌国的我 她迟早会爱上我(mula在俚语中是money的意思)

Havana, ooh na-na (ayy, ayy)

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (oh, ayy, ayy)


He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na (oh no)


Oh, but my heart is in Havana (ayy)


My heart is in Havana (ayy)


Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Ooh na-na, oh na-na-na

Take me back, back, back like

带我回去 带我回去

Ooh na-na, oh na-na-na

Take me back, back, back like

带我回去 带我回去

Ooh na-na, oh na-na-na

Take me back, back, back like

带我回去 带我回去

Ooh na-na, oh na-na-na

Take me back, back, back

带我回去 带我回去

Yeah, ayy



Take me back to my Havana


Havana, ooh na-na (ayy, ayy)

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (oh, yeah)


He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na


Oh, but my heart is in Havana


My heart is in Havana (ayy)


Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Uh huh

Oh na-na-na

Oh na-na-na (hey)

Oh na-na-na

No, no, no, take me back

不不不 带我回去吧

Oh na-na-na

Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐


歌手:Camila Cabello / Young Thug


Havana, ooh na-na (ayy)

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (ayy, ayy)


He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na


All of my heart is in Havana (ayy)


There's somethin' 'bout his manners (uh huh)


Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

He didn't walk up with that "how you doin'"

他没有向我走来 没有一句最近安好的问候

(When he came in the room)


He said there’s a lot of girls I can do with

他说 他可以搞定的女孩太多

(But I can't without you)


I'm doin' forever in a minute


(That summer night in June)


And papa says he got malo in him

我父亲说那男孩体内有恶魔隐藏(malo在西班牙语中是evil的意思 )

He got me feelin' like


Oooh-oooh-ooh, I knew it when I met him

喔喔喔 在第一次邂逅时我便已知晓

I loved him when I left him


Got me feelin' like


Oooh-oooh-ooh, and then I had to tell him

喔喔喔 我却不得不告诉他

I had to go, oh na-na-na-na-na

我必须要走了 哦呐呐呐

Havana, ooh na-na (ayy,ayy)

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (ayy, ayy)


He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na (uh huh)


All of my heart is in Havana (ayy)


My heart is in Havana


Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Just graduated, fresh on campus, mmm

毕业 又是大学的新生

Fresh out East Atlanta with no manners, damn

新秀们冲入东亚特兰大 不要拘于礼节

Fresh out East Atlanta


Bump on her bumper like a traffic jam (jam)

交通堵塞 在她的车后保险杠上迎面一撞

Hey, I was quick to pay that girl like Uncle Sam (here you go, ayy)


Back it on me, shawty cravin' on me

回到我身边 那女孩开始渴望我

Get to diggin' on me (on me)


She waited on me (then what)


Shawty cakin' on me, got the bacon on me (wait up)


This is history in the makin' on me (on me)


Point blank, close range, that be

空白点 越来越近的关系

If it cost a million, that's me (that's me)

不惜为她花上百万钞票 那就是我

I was gettin' mula, man they feel me

富可敌国的我 她迟早会爱上我(mula在俚语中是money的意思)

Havana, ooh na-na (ayy, ayy)

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (oh, ayy, ayy)


He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na (oh no)


All of my heart is in Havana (ayy)


My heart is in Havana (ayy)


Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Ooh na-na, oh na-na-na

Take me back, back, back

带我回去 带我回去

Ooh na-na, oh na-na-na

Take me back, back, back

带我回去 带我回去

Ooh na-na, oh na-na-na

Take me back, back, back

带我回去 带我回去

Ooh na-na, oh na-na-na

Take me back, back, back

带我回去 带我回去

Yeah, ayy



Take me back to my Havana


Havana, ooh na-na (ayy, ayy)

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (yeah)


He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na


All of my heart is in Havana


My heart is in Havana (ayy)


Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐

Uh huh

Oh na-na-na

Oh na-na-na (hey)

Oh na-na-na

No, no, no, take me back

不不不 带我回去吧

Oh na-na-na

Havana, ooh na-na

哈瓦那 哦呐呐



原文地址: http://juke.outofmemory.cn/life/3743579.html

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