


1:sb use sth。某人使用什么

2:used to do 。过去常常做某事

3:be used to doing sth 。习惯于

4:make (full)use of sth 充分利用





used to / be used to

used to + do:"过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。

Mother used not to be so forgetful

Scarf used to take a walk (过去常常散步)

be used to + doing: 对……已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。

He is used to a vegetarian diet

Scarf is used to taking a walk(现在习惯于散步)


---- Your phone number again I ___ quite catch it

---- It's 69568442

A didn't B couldn't C don't D can't

答案A 本句虽没有明确的时间状语,但从语意上看 出,在听的时候没有听懂这个动作发生在过去,因此应用过去时。

一、作及物动词,发音为/ ju:z /。

1 译为“用,使用”。例如:

We can use the lift to go up and down

2. 译为“发挥,行使”。例如:

He promised to use his influence

3. 译为“消耗,用尽”。例如:

They have used money up

4. 译为“利用”。例如:

He was used by a stranger

5. 译为“对待,相当于treat”。例如:

He used his friends worse than ever

二、作名词,常与of 连用,发音为/ ju:s /。

1. 译为“用法,应用,使用,用途”。例如:

He makes good use of his time

2. 译为“使用权,使用能力”。例如:

He gave me the use of his bike

3. 译为“效用,益处,价值”。例如:

What’s the use of worrying

4. in use译为“使用之中,使用着”。例如:

The lab is in use


1. use (名词) → use (动词)

2. use (动词)→ used (形容词) used cars 二手车

3. use (动词) → useful(形容词) 有用的

4. useful (形容词) → usefulness (名词)有用,用处

5. use (名词) → useless (形容词)无用的

6. use (名词) → user (名词) 使用者,用户


1. used to do sth 过去常常做某事。(现在不做了)例如:

My father used to be a teacher

He used to have long hair

其否定形式常用didn’t use to 或 used not to。例如:

She didn’t use to / used not to wear a skirt

2. be used to sth / doing sth习惯于某事或者习惯做某事,其中to为介词,其后跟名词,代词或形容词。例如:

I am used to getting up early

I wasn’t used to city life, but now I have got used to living in this city

3. be used to do sth = be used for sth / doing sth 被用来做……,是被动语态,其中to 为不定式符号。例如:

A knife can be used to cut things

Seal’s fur can be used for coats

4. make use of sth 利用,使用某物。其中use也是名词,可用 good、full、more、little等形容词修饰。例如:

We must make good use of time to study

5. use one’s head 动脑筋,仔细考虑。例如:

Use your head and you’ll find a way

-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。



原文地址: http://juke.outofmemory.cn/life/3703430.html

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